Chapter 53

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Just to let you guys know, I'm surrently writing this at 5am cuz I can't sleep and anxiety attacks 😌

-3rd Person -

With  Kakashi leading the group higher into the mountains, Mizuki couldn't help but shiver even more from the cold, height and the fact that they are surrounded by the ocean.

As much as she hates to admit it, all she just wanted to do was go back to Konoha and eat barbecue with Shikamaru and the gang. It's just that bad.

Her anxiety peaks through the roof as she tries to not look down at the very bottom of the ground, with Naruto trying to distract her as much as he can, knowing that she might just faint from fear.

Sasuke had the idea of literally just blindfolding her, which made Mizuki even more scared and literally hid behind Naruto in fear of the Uchiha trying to cover her eyes while up in this dangerous mountains.

It's been two hours since the team's started to move again, and nothing much really happened, to say at least. All they did was continuing their way up to the mountain in a peaceful manner, not really wanting to interact while they are out in the cold.  And maybe because they wouldn't heard each other because of the harsh winds.

"D-do you need another heating pad?" Naruto asked with a small stutter, his nose turning a little red from the cold, but nevertheless, he's not sick. Unlike his freezing sister.

"I-I-I-I can h-handle" She replies with a bad stutter and a shiver as she continues to walk beside her big brother, limbs shaking from the cold.

"T-the higher we go, the colder it gets. Don't be scared to ask for heating pads okay? I bought a lot of them just for you" He says, his voice almost muffled because of the loud and harsh winds of the enormous mountain.

"And I also don't want your fever to go even higher" He worridly says, grabbing her gloved hand tight to make sure she wouldn't lag behind the rest of the team.

The feeling that he felt earlier? That anxious dread that swirls around his chest? Yeah that. The higher they got, the worse the feeling it got as well. It's almost like, nature is trying to tell him that something is going to happen.

As much as he hates the feeling, he needs to ignore it as well for the sake of his mental being. He couldn't let that feeling drown him, because once it did, then Mizuki will probably notice it sooner or later and will also affect her.

"I-I promise to ask y-y-you if I need more" Mizuki suddenly says in a reassuring voice, giving his hand a small squeeze as she looks up at him with a small smile. Her nose and cheeks looks likes it's painted over by a red paint due to the blood rushing up to her face. The light crimson color slowly gets darker as time passes by.

"Promise?" He asks her with a smile as well, loving the part of her where she always reassures him when things  goes bad. It's just one of those traits that'll make you love her even more, you know? She's just so thoughtful and caring to her surroundings.

" P-p-promise! Now let's go!" She cheers with a small jump before pulling him towards where Sasuke is, who's walking a bit further away from the two, with Sakura just following beside Kakashi, who was peacefully reading his book, despite the small blizzard that is currently happening.

"How the heck is it snowing so much, when summer just ended!?" Naruto loudly complains  as both of him and his sister catches up with the silent Uchiha.

"I don't know, ask the Author. Not me" Sasuke simply replies before going silent again, causing Naruto to give the Uchiha a very confused look.

""He asked, giving his rival a very weirded out look as Sasuke continues to ignore him and walk.

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