Chapter 80

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Written: December 6, 2020

I wrote so much versions of this chapter. This is probably the fourth version already--- 👁️‍🗨️👅👁️‍🗨️




-3rd Person-

As the people of Konoha rests in their own homes, the bright glowing moon glors, lighting up the peaceful village in this late of an evening.

As the village fall into a slumber, three figures stands in front of the gates of Konoha. A thick black cloak covering their bodies and identities as they look up at the tall walls of Konoha.

Just infront of the three mysterious people, a certain mentor stand infront of them, along with two familiar gate guards as they give them a welcoming greeting.

"How was you trip?" A certain white haired mentor asks with a smile as he waves at the hooded figures. The person in the middle couldn't help but sigh in exhaustion before reaching the hood of the cloak and brings it back to their neck.

Revealing a middle aged woman with short orange hair and emerald green eyes. A beauty mark just on the side of her left eye as she waves back at Kakashi with a very exhausted sigh.

"Very stressful. We ran into some dumbasses earlier and it took us almost two hours to get rid of them since they keep running away" The woman groans out while scratching the back of neck, as the two figures beside her couldn't help but chuckle a little at her complaint.

"They were good at it though" One of them says with a chuckle as the man and the other person pulls their hood off with a smile. Revealing a man with slick black hair and blue eyes that looks to be the same age as the mysterious woman.

"It felt like I was catching some chicken..." The othe person mumbles depressingly  with a gloom aura, his long orange hair tied into a man bun as his emerald green eyes bore into the ground with a slump shoulder. The man seemed to be a decade younger than the woman and also somewhat related since they both have the same genetic features

"It was very annoying...." The woman groans out, causing Kakashi to laugh at the team that he used to play with when he was younger.

"Alex-sama, We've already prepared your room for the night, a longbow with your Secretary and younger brother" Kakashi says with a smile, earning a smile back from the small foreign group.

"Ah, thank God! That stupid Blonde Bimbo won't even accommodate us when she's the one who invited us all the way from the Cloud village! I swear, that drunkard has the nastiest attitude!" Alex whines childishly while stomping at the ground with a glare.

"You must be really tire---"

"WE ARE!" The three of them exclaims quietly with a groan, earning a laugh from Kakashi before motioning them to follow him, along with Kotetsu and Izumo.

"Now now, let's go to you rooms so you guys can finally rest. And I also want to discuss some matters with you as well, if that's okay with you?" He asks with a smile as they walk through the empty and silent streets of Konoha, making their way to a well known hotel Inn.

" As long as it's doable, then I have no problem in helping you. You've done so much for us a decade ago, I think it's best if we can repay you know" Alex says with a heartily laugh, slapping the back of Kakashi, which made him cough out a little since it was rather a strong hit.

"Well then, I'll take this chance as well" Kakashi says with a pained chuckle.

"'s been so long since we've been here..." The man with orange hair and emerald green eyes hums depressingly while looking around the empty streets.

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