Sam Wilson X Famous!Reader - Still Learning

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Still Learning' by Halsey. The reader is a famous singer in this chapter, so have fun with that. I hope you all enjoy it.

Sam was almost certain he hadn't seen you smile in the week since he had been assigned as your personal body guard. You had been completely silent past the fleeting greeting first thing in the morning which you flung haphazardly in his direction before going back to whatever it was you were doing that day.

This morning you had made it clear that you didn't intend to leave the house, and since then you hadn't left the sofa, curled under a blanket staring blankly at the TV. He had struck around anyway, lounging in the armchair and scrolling on his phone. He had been researching you since he had been assigned to you, picking through the gossip and rumours in an attempt to find the real you underneath it.

At some point during your silence he had decided he would bring you out of your shell, and when he set his mind on something he really put the work in. "Do you write your own music?"

Your head lifted slightly, peaking over at him with furrowed brows. None of your guards had ever asked you about your music before and this had thrown you off balance somewhat. "I write the lyrics," you muttered, slumping back down the moment you were finished with your sentence.

"Some pretty dark stuff, huh?" You remained still, eyes fixed on the TV. "I always assumed that money made people happy," he added.

A small snort of laughter slipped out of you. "Did Tony Stark tell you that?" you grumbled, still avoiding his gaze.

"Hell no," Sam started, shifting to get a little more comfortable in his seat. "He's constantly going through shit-"

"So why do you assume he's different to anyone else?"

Sam shrugged when you finally sat up to look at him. "Dunno."

"Having money is nice, but it ruins a lot of stuff that should be easy," you told him, your knees tucking up underneath you. "Every guy I've met since I got famous can't stand the idea that I make so much money. It's destroyed more potential relationships than you can even imagine."

Sam's brow furrowed. "Sounds like you have bad taste in men to me," he uttered, watching as you let out a snort of laughter. "Come on, who wouldn't want to be a househusband? Sounds like the dream."

"You'd be surprised." You both sat quietly for a moment, and you returned to your TV, your lips pursed as you thought. "It strains family relationships too, you know?" Sam hummed slightly, waiting for you to continue. "When I was growing up we living pay check to pay check and it was tough, and now my parents expect money from me. I'm happy to give it to them, but it gets to a point where I feel more like a cash machine than their daughter. They only call when they want something."

"That must be tough-"

"It sucks." You paused for a moment, swallowing around the lump in your throat. "My friends are kind of the same, too. They're happy to be here when we're partying but they don't want to hear about this shit. They aren't here when I need them-" your words trailed off as you let your eyes meet Sam's. "Sorry, I shouldn't be dumping my shit on you-"

"You aren't," he uttered, shifting forward to look at you a little more closely. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know."

You nodded slightly, your arms wrapping and your torso as you calmed your frayed nerves. "I literally had a man break into my house to kill me and my parents didn't even ask if I was okay. My mum called and all she wanted to know was whether I could transfer her some money to put down a deposit on a new car."

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