Steve Rogers X Reader - Positions

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Positions' by Ariana Grande. It's kind of domestic and soft. I hope you all enjoy it.

Your apartment was always quiet when Steve went on a mission. It was one of the worst things about him being gone, and you would often have your speakers blaring music in an attempt to break the silence. Sometimes, when he was away over night you'd leave the tv on some random channel, just to feel like you weren't quite so alone, the voices lulling you to sleep. 

This time, Steve had already been gone for three days and you were growing restless. Ever since the pandemic you'd been moved to working from home full-time, and when he'd been around that had been totally fine, but now it was driving you stir-crazy. 

You had tried everything to break up the day. On your breaks you would walk around the block to get some fresh air. For a while you'd even attempted to take up yoga, but you'd soon discovered that you weren't nearly as flexible as you had first thought. And then, whilst you were scrolling through Instagram, and completely ignoring the zoom meeting you'd unnecessarily been forced into, you'd seen a recipe for a banana bread that looked absolutely divine. You'd been pretty into baking when you were younger, but when you'd gone to college, you'd gotten too busy for the hobby. And now, you had all the free time in the world. 

That evening, you'd gone about trying out the recipe, your music playing loudly. It was nice to fully step back from worrying about politics, and work, and everything else going on in the world, and go back to something you had always enjoyed. 

You were in the process of washing up when Steve had come home, almost silent as he moved through the apartment, following the sound of your music until he found you, swaying your hips and humming along. The small content sound he released caught your attention, and you span to face him with a wide smile, your hands covered in washing up suds as you hurried over to him. 

He had you wrapped up in his arms a moment later, dropping his duffel at his feet to lift you off of the ground and hold you even closer. "You're home," you murmured, pressing your lips to his in a chaste kiss, your wet hands holding his face in place. "I missed you," you added, kissing him again and grinning down at him. 

"Missed you too, Angel," he uttered, his words cut off by the sound of your alarm ringing out of your phone. 

"It's ready," you yelped, quickly scrambling out of Steve's grip and crossing the kitchen to bring the cake out of the oven. 

Steve followed close behind you, pressing a light kiss to your shoulder as he glanced down at your creation. "That smells incredible," he told you softly, watching a smile spread across your face. "I didn't know you could bake," he added as you turned the cake out onto a cooling rack.

"I don't," you murmured, glancing up at him over your shoulder. "I mean, I haven't since I was a teenager," you corrected. 

"Looks pretty damn good for a first attempt," he chuckled. "Doesn't seem fair that you're so perfect at everything you try," he teased, his hand resting on your hip as he leant a little closer, his eyes fixed on the cake. "Bet it tastes great too."

You turned in his grip, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him back slightly. "It needs to cool before we can eat it."

Steve let out a soft whine. "But-"

"No buts," you interrupted, leaning up on tip toes to kiss his lips. "I need to finish washing up," you added, attempting to move away from him, only for him to release another grumble. 

"Leave it," he started, his grip on you tightening slightly to keep you close to him. "I'll do it later, just come cuddle with me for a bit. Want to hear about your week." 

A small smile pulled at your lips as you hesitated, before giving a short nod. 

*Time Skip*

The living room was dark when you woke up, lifting your head off of Steve's chest and glancing around as your eyes adjusted. You glanced up, a small smile pulling at your lips as you saw his mouth hanging open, releasing little snores with each breath. The mission had completely drained him, and he was more than deserving of a long nap, and so you slipped out of his grip and padded away to the kitchen. 

You tried to be as quiet as possible as you began cleaning, wiping down the sides and running some fresh washing up water. You were almost finished when Steve's arms wrapped around your middle, his hands resting on your stomach and his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "Told you I'd do that," he uttered against your skin.

"You were sleeping," you answered softly, continuing with the last couple of bits as his hands ran over your bare skin, warming you with his touch. "And I'm clearly becoming a domestic goddess," you added, drawing a small chuckle out of him.

He pressed a kiss to your neck before pulling back slightly. "Not just domestic, Angel," he muttered. "Just a full on goddess." You hummed at his comment, drying your hands before placing them over his, where they rested against your stomach. "We should go to bed," he added, nuzzling even closer to you and smiling against your neck. 

You hummed again, nodding slightly. "Sounds like a good plan," you uttered, pulling away from him to lead him towards your bedroom, and leaving the cake completely forgotten on the kitchen counter.

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P.S. Below is the banana bread recipe that I mentioned in the chapter. It's genuinely incredible and one of my go-to bakes because it is so simple.


- 125 grams of unsalted butter.

- 250 grams of caster sugar.

- 2 eggs.

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

- 250 grams of plain flour.

- 2 teaspoons of baking powder.

- 4 bananas (mashed up as smooth as you can get it with a fork.)

- 175-200 grams of dark chocolate chopped up finely. (The amount is depending on how chocolatey you want it to be.)


- Preheat oven to 180℃/gas mark 4. Line a large loaf tin with baking paper.

- Cream the butter and sugar together. 

- Add the eggs and vanilla extract and stir well. 

- Sift in the baking powder and half of the flour, and mix.

- Add the mashed banana and chocolate and stir.

-Mix in the rest of the flour.

-Pour into a lined loaf tin and bake for 45-55 minutes, or until a skewer stabbed into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Let the cake cool fully before slicing and store in an airtight container.

Avengers Imagines (Part One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora