Bucky Barnes X Reader - No Sleep Till Brooklyn

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'No Sleep Till Brooklyn' by the Beastie Boys. If I'm honest, it's mostly based on the title, but either way. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had been honoured when Steve had asked you to join him on his next mission. Apparently, your ability to 'mess with people's minds', as he put it, in any and all situations would be useful for him, and though he had never approved of the removal of free will which was necessary in your work, he had practically begged you to join them. You had been reluctant at first. Being the only woman in a group of men would be torture. Especially when many were notorious flirts, as you had experienced first hand. Bucky was always the worst. He'd taken a liking to you the first time Steve had introduced you to him, and now, whenever he saw you he would be attached to your hip, making little comments that left your blushing. It's not like you minded. He was a handsome guy, and the attention was lovely, but in front of the other guys it made you a little uncomfortable. There was no way to get yourself taken seriously when all they could think about was whether you were fucking one of their friends or not.

Eventually, Steve had worn you down. A mixture of begging and bribery coming in handy on his part. And you had given in, with the understanding that you would walk away the moment the other boys made a stupid comment. You both knew that you would only put up with so much, and Steve had promised to keep them all in check, even though you knew he had always struggled to do just that. Either way, you had joined his group and begun prepping to head to Europe.

The moment you had stepped into the bar, where Steve was planning on briefing the crew, Bucky was at your side, grinning at you with that perfect smile of his.

"Didn't know you were coming, Doll," he started, pulling you into a tight hug as you let out a chuckle.

"As if I was going to miss this," you uttered, glancing over at where Steve was sitting with a couple of the other guys. "Actually," you started again, your smile faltering for a moment. "Could I have a word before we sit down?" Bucky's smile faded slightly, and he nodded, following you back out of the bar. It was icy cold outside, and you couldn't help but shiver as the air ran over your skin. "I don't want to upset you, Buck, but do you mind stopping flirting with me?"

His mouth opened, as though his throat had closed up and his words refused to be released. "I'm sorry," he murmured, and your brows pulled together in confusion. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he added, and you quickly shook your head, reaching out to take his hand in yours.

"No," you started softly, allowing your smile to return to your lips as your squeezed his hand slightly. "It's not that. It's just that the other guys already find it hard to listen to a woman giving opinions; it doesn't help my case to see me as some flirty dame rather than someone worth listening to." There was a moment of silence, and then you released a small chuckle. "Truth be told, I quite like it when you flirt," you added, watching as he snorted out a bout of laughter.


You nodded slightly. "Yeah," you uttered, your cheeks tinting a light pink as you attempted to tone down your smile. "What girl wouldn't want to be flirted with by a handsome soldier?"

"God, Doll," he grumbled, hand coming to rest on your waist. "You're making it a lot harder to stop flirting."

You shrugged slightly. "Maybe we could just put it on pause," you murmured. "When we get back you can go back to telling me how pretty I am."

Bucky nodded, tensing slightly as you tapped him on the chest and stepped out of his grip. "Can't wait," he uttered, and you chuckled as you made your way over to the door, stepping back into the warmth of the bar.

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