Bruce Banner X Reader - Woman Like Me

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song Woman Like Me by Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj. I hope you all enjoy it.

Anyone who had ever met you would have told you not to date Bruce. You had been deemed the classic wild child for longer than you could remember, and it was fair to say that you lived up to those expectations. You had spent much of your teenage years drunk, or high, and could hardly remember how you came away in your twenties with a college degree. In the past, men you had dated had been awkward when it came to how many people you had slept with. It had been a roadblock in many relationships, and to say that you were growing tired of the judgement was an understatement. 

But Bruce had never treated you differently because of your track record; he had treated you like a princess from the moment he had met you, and he had never even thought to ask about your past partners. It wasn't like you were lying to him; just omitting a few little things in order to keep from scaring him off. He was the first nice guy you had ever dated, and you were far too nervous about his possible reactions to chance telling him the truth.

Introducing Bruce to your friends was easy; they knew better than to mention ex's or embarrassing stories, and they adored him as soon as they saw him. They had been growing tired of watching you have your heart broken, again and again, but it was clear that Bruce wasn't the type to cheat or hurt you.

"It's lovely to meet you," Bruce uttered to one of your friends, accepting her kiss on his cheek and keeping his hand in yours so that you couldn't wander off and abandon him. It had been part of the agreement. He would come to the party, but only if you stayed with him for the evening and didn't leave him making awkward conversation on his own with people he had never met before.

You smiled as he nudged closer to you, his hand leaving yours to rest on your back lightly. "Y/N was telling me that you're a scientist." You knew you could trust BFF/N to make him feel more comfortable; she was one of the sweetest girls you had ever met, if somewhat opinionated, and you were almost certain that Bruce would think she was a blast.

"A physicist," Bruce corrected, "but I dabble in a little bit of everything."  He paused for a moment, falling silent and shifting on the spot. "I usually work with Tony Stark," he added, and you watched as Bff/N's eyes widened slightly before she regained her composure.

"So you're the Bruce Banner," she stated her smile a little more forced than it had been moments ago. "I didn't know you did parties."

You bit your lip for a moment, holding back the annoyance that danced into your brain. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

She released a deep sigh, her smile now gone completely. "I just assumed that, what with the Hulk, he wouldn't like crowded spaces."

"He's not a child," you spat at her before catching your tone. "The Hulk isn't going to be making any surprise appearances; you don't have to worry." Bruce's hand shifted slightly, returning to take your hand in his as BFF/N held up her hands in surrender and made her way over to another group of friends.

"It doesn't matter," he told you softly, squeezing your fingers lightly. 

Your eyes met his in surprise, and your frown only deepened. "Yes it does," you told him, glancing back to where BFF/N was standing, "it isn't fair for her to treat you like you're different to any other guy I've introduced her to." 

Bruce's free hand lifted to run his fingers over your jaw lightly, "I promise you," he started softly, "that wasn't a bad response; people are bound to be nervous if they don't understand."

Your frown remained on your lips, but you leant forward to press your forehead against his lips. "Can we just go home?" you asked him softly, feeling him nod as he ran his hands over your bare arms.

"If you want," he uttered when you finally shifted back again, and you nodded your answer.

You were halfway home when you spoke again; twisting your body to face his in the back seat of the taxi. "I'm disappointed in them." Bruce raised his head to look at you, his brow furrowing. "I have known those girls since I was thirteen, and they've seen the parade of shitty boyfriends I've had. And yet you're the only one they've ever had the nerve to say anything about." 

"Baby," he started softly, reaching out and putting his hand on your knee, but you quickly cut him off.

"Shit," you announced, "I've had boyfriends that would go out and sleep with a new woman every night, and we all knew, but they never said a word about it." For a moment it was like the air had left the tiny space that was the back seat of the taxi, and you simply took deep, shaking breaths as tears began to run down your cheeks. "I used to turn up to her apartment covered in bruises where guys had hit me, or thrown something at me, or fucking choked me, and she would say nothing," you paused for a moment, wiping away a few loose tears from your face with the palm of your hand. "But I finally bring a nice guy to meet them, someone who is kind, and caring, and who treats me right, and they can't see past this tiny, insignificant thing; something that has never been an issue for me." You scrubbed at your eyes, smudging your mascara across your cheeks. "It's ridiculous."

Bruce stayed quiet for a moment, his hand still firmly planted on your knee. "You never told me about those guys," he told you softly, and you glanced up at him with a small shrug.

"There is never a good time to tell your partner that you've only ever dated assholes." You sniffled, pushing a few strands of hair behind your ear. "It doesn't give a girl a good image."

"I couldn't give a shit about your image," he told you softly, "you are a sweet, passionate, smart woman, and if you think a couple of shit boyfriends are going to change that for me, a man who literally changes into a big green monster when he gets mad, you are very wrong."

You released a choked laugh, shifting closer to him and pressing the side of your head onto his shoulder, feeling his arm snake around you to hold you closer. "I'm sorry for getting so upset."

"Don't ever apologise for how you feel," he demanded softly, his rough palm rubbing your arm lightly.  "We all have baggage, and I am more than willing to help you with yours; even if it is just by listening to you get upset every now and again."

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