Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - Alive

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Alive' by Krewella. I hope you all enjoy it.

In 2012, you had only just moved to Manhattan. You had been pretty happy about your decision too, work was going great and your apartment was in the most incredible spot, overlooking one of the entrances to Grand Central Station. You were beyond excited to be doing it on your own too, taking a step out into the big bad world with an independence you had never felt before. And then, the Chitauri had attacked New York.

You'd been so unaware of what was happening, huddled at the window of your apartment as staring out as these metal creatures rampaged, held off only by a few people. It was terrifying, but you felt yourself unable to pull away, needing to see what happened.

In the chaos, one of the flying attackers was thrown into the window, narrowly avoiding you as it came crashing into the apartment, destroying everything in its path. The creature was standing in moments, ready to get back into the action, until it spotted you. A second of hesitation and then it was headed in your direction, ready to kill. 

You closed your eyes, tucking yourself up small as you huddled into a corner, unable to put up any sort of fight. How long, you wondered, would it take for your parents to find out about your death? And god, what would they be told? 'I'm sorry, but your daughter was murdered by an alien creature, unfortunately that sort of thing just happens more often in New York.' 

But death never came, and a grunt caused you to open your eyes, seeing a woman standing in front of you, battling with the creature. She slid her weapon into its middle, causing it to stumble back a little before collapsing to the ground, dead. 

The woman glanced back at you for a moment, and then gave you a short nod before taking a running jump out of your twelfth floor window. You were on your feet in an instant, hurrying back to the window to see her land on another of the flying machines, kicking the creature off and speeding away. 

You had continued watching the battle with a renewed sense of fear. Every now and then, you would see the flicker of red hair, moving through the streets, and you knew that your saviour was alive. 

When the battle ended, it was as if the entirety of New York had suddenly gone silent, a sound you weren't so used to hearing anymore. Utter silence for just a moment or two, and then uproar. People flooding the streets, beginning to look for any survivors they could find. 

You'd been so caught up in watching that you had noticed the presence behind you until they cleared their throat, causing you to jump and flinch away from them. The red-haired woman gave you a small smile, attempting to hold back a laugh at your reaction.

"Are you okay?" she asked you, shifting awkwardly a few feet away from you.

You managed to nod, not really certain whether you were telling the truth or not. "Are you?"

She nodded too. "I'm fine," she paused for a moment, glancing around her at the destruction in your apartment. "Where are you going to stay?"

In all honesty, you hadn't really thought about it. You'd only been in New York for a couple of weeks, and now you were practically homeless until you got all of the damages fixed. Fuck, how would you even afford to have all of the work done? You could barely afford to pay the rent as it was.  "I don't know," you sounded so scared and lost when you finally managed to answer that Nat felt her heart tighten. 

"You can stay at Stark tower, if you need to."

Your brow furrowed as you watched her. "You don't know me, I can't let you put me up-"

"We destroyed your place," she told you more firmly, "let Stark get this place sorted and just stay with us in the meantime."

*Time Skip*

Stark Tower was easily one of the nicest buildings you had ever been in. The whole place was beautiful, from the architectural layout down to the light fixings. Your bedroom, described as one of the smallest, but still twice the size of your one at home, was simple and elegant and it had suited you just fine. 

Nat had introduced you to the rest of the team, all of them dog tired and about ready to collapse. 

"Y/N's apartment was hit by one of the Chitauri," she had told them, gesturing for you to come and sit beside her on the sofa, "I told her she could stay here and that we would deal with the damages."

"We?" Tony Stark was everything you had expected; charming and handsome, and a little full of himself. 

"Well," Nat started, giving him a small smile, "you." 

Tony let out a short laugh, shaking his head. "Fine, whatever." You managed a quick smile at that, watching as he stalked over to the bar and made himself a drink. 

*Time Skip*

You'd grown close to Nat in the time that you'd lived at Stark Tower, but soon enough you were back in your apartment. It didn't feel right, now, being on your own in your home, and you often found yourself texting her at night in the hopes that she would come over. Most nights she would, appearing at your door with wine or takeout, and on the rare occasion, flowers.

It wasn't until you had visited the Tower next, and Clint had made some smart-ass comment, that you realised that you were in love with Nat. You'd always known you'd liked girls, and she had been pretty open about her sexuality too, but somehow you'd just not noticed that she was practically your girlfriend already.

That night, Nat had walked you home, wanting to make sure you'd make it back safely, and as you reached the door to your building, you'd paused. "Coming up?" 

"Yeah," she answered softly, giving you the sweetest smile as your cheeks heated up slightly. You had only just opened your door, when you felt Nat touch your arm lightly, turning to find her giving you an awkward smile. "Actually, I think I need to head home," she uttered, watching as your mouth hung open slightly, searching for words.

"Oh," you murmured, nodding, "have you got somewhere else to be?" 

There was a moment of silence, followed by the rattling of your keys in your hand. "No," she answered softly, "but I don't think it's a good idea for me to stay."

Your brow furrowed, confusion clear on your face. "Why not?"

"Because," Nat stopped for a second, clearing her throat uncomfortably, "because if I do I will be torturing myself all night."

Anger bloomed in your chest as you stared at her in disbelief. "How fucking dare you?" you spat at her, face contorted with pure pain as you shook your head. "I thought we were friends," you added, voice cracking slightly as he face scrunched in confusion.

"No," she rushed out, shaking her head as she reached out to grab your hand, stilling you slightly. "I didn't mean it like that."

You pulled away, allowing her hand to drop back down to her side. "Then how the hell did you mean it?"

Nat opened her mouth to speak and then hesitated for a moment, eyes roaming over your face as she thought. "I don't think I can sit there in your apartment with you for another evening, thinking about how bad I want to kiss you, and not end up doing it."

"Oh," you uttered, voice shrinking as she stared down at the ground, scared for your reaction. You'd never seen Nat look scared before, and suddenly, you realised you never wanted to see her look that way ever again. "I didn't know that you-"

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," she interrupted, finally looking up as she shook her head. "And I want you to know that I won't ever act on any of these feelings if you don't want me to."

Nat looked as though she wanted to continue, but you got there before she could. "I want you to." Her brow furrowed in confusion as she glanced up at you. "I want you to act on those feelings because I have them too."

The smile that spread across Nat's face left you breathless for a moment, and then she was kissing you, sweet and gentle. It was perfect.

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