Bucky Barnes X Reader - Easy Please Me

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Easy Please Me' by Katy B. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Perhaps," Olivia started, pointing her finger in your face as you took a long sip of your drink. A sly smile came to her lips as she leant a little closer to you. "The reason you can't find a man is that you set your standards too high."

A snort of laughter escaped you as you lowered your glass back to the bar, feeling her eyes following your movement as she waited for your answer. It was clear that she thought this was the most insightful thought that had ever entered anyones mind, and you weren't quite ready to burst her bubble just yet. You paused for another moment, allowing your eyes to finally find her as your lips turned up slightly. "I happen to think my standards are quite attainable," you murmured, your finger dancing around the rim of your glass as you considered your next words very carefully. "It's just that all of the men you think are absolute catches don't fit the very small list of criteria that I hold so dear." A chuckle escaped her, her eyes rolling as you allowed yourself to smile properly. 

"I've introduced you to some lovely men," she attempted to counteract, causing a proper laugh to leave your lips.

"No, you've introduced me to a lot of men that you would date. We have very different tastes." You took another sip of your drink. "I mean come on. The first was a banker who talked at me for twenty minutes about the importance of a stable economy, as if I was a child who had never heard the word before. The second called me seven times in one day because he was desperate for attention. The third-"

"Okay, I get the point," she interrupted, grabbing your hand. "But it's not like you're doing amazingly picking up men on your own."

You let out a faux gasp, pressing your free hand to your chest. "I am utterly offended," you cried out in mock horror, watching as she scowled at you. You finally shrugged, offering her a small smile. "I don't need a man in my life to be happy, you know? I'm doing perfectly fine on my own, and I'm done with dating for a while, okay?." Olivia released a soft sigh, nodding her agreement. "Fantastic, then we can stop talking about it." 

"Excuse me," a voice uttered, drawing your attention over to a man standing on the other side of your friend. Actually, man may not have been an accurate description. This was a god, and adonis, a creature sculpted into a perfect reality, and for a moment you found yourself floundering, unable to think of a single word to say. "My friend and I were wondering whether we could buy you ladies a drink," he added, gesturing towards and man sitting at one of the booths.

You forced a smile onto your lips, swallowing down the anxious feeling that had risen from the pit of your stomach. "We were actually just catching up-"

"Of course you can," Olivia interrupted, giving him her sweetest smile. "I'll have a rum and coke, and Y/N here will take a glass of white wine." 

The man smiled, giving a short nod as his eyes shifted back to you for a moment. "Perfect. I'm Bucky." He paused for a moment, his tongue running over his teeth. "You wouldn't mind joining us for a while would you? I swear I've heard all of his stupid stories before and he needs a new audience," he uttered, watching as you shot Olivia a warning look. Unfortunately for you, she was already getting off of her bar stool.

"We'd love to-"


"What's your friends name?"

"Olivia." She finally glanced back at you for a moment, raising her eyebrows as she waited for your next comment. "I thought we were having a girls night." 

Her eyes practically rolled out of her head at your comment. "Well, you just took the main topic of our girls night off of the table," she started softly. "And Bucky here needs rescuing from his friend's bad stories." 

You remained silent for a moment, a small frown etched onto your lips. "Fine. But one drink and then I'm going home." You got to your feet, following them over to the table and settling yourself into one of the booth seats. God, you were practically pouting as Olivia introduced you to the second man, smiling away as though this hadn't completely interrupted your evening. 

"Y/N was just telling me why she's sworn herself to a life of lonely singledom, rather than allowing herself to settle," your friend started, ignoring the look of sheer horror you sent in her direction.

"I'm not lonely," you spat at her, voice sterner than it had ever been with her before. "And I'm not just going to settle for the first man who comes along if he doesn't fit into my life properly." You swallowed, turning your attention to the table in front of you as if you were a child sitting in front of their head teacher, just waiting for a telling off. 

The table remained quiet for a moment, an awkward air hanging around the four of you from your outburst. And then he'd come to the rescue, leaning an elbow on the surface of the table and nodding. "I agree. No point forcing something that's just going to end up falling apart somewhere down the line," Bucky murmured, offering you a small smile when you glanced up at him. 

"Exactly," you uttered, your frown finally making a full disappearance. "You should see some of the boys she thinks I should 'settle' for," you added, causing a small snort to fall from Bucky as you leant forward, drawing him further into your conversation. "Like some of these guys were egomaniacs. I barely lasted an evening with them, let alone the rest of my life. It was ridiculous."

When you finally leaned back, looking as though a weight had been lifted from your shoulders at finding someone who understood where you were coming from, Bucky was smirking at you.

"So what is it someone needs to be offering for you to be interested?" 

You glanced away for a moment, as if you were savouring the question, taking your time to find the perfect answer. "Confidence is pretty important, but the moment it slips over into arrogance I'm out," you started, your eyes locking with his for just a moment before you cleared your throat, lifting your drink to your lips to buy yourself a couple of seconds of thinking time. "I can't deal with clingy. I like privacy, I like being on my own." You shrugged slightly, a small smile pulling at your lips. "And of course, we all love a bad boy, don't we?" you murmured, your finger dancing around the rim of the glass. "Like, not prison bad, but you know-" you paused for a second. "Nothing wrong with a little bit of fight, is there?" 

Bucky was still smirking as he watched you. "I don't think you'll ever find a boy that fits that description, sweetheart."

Your smile dropped from your lips quite suddenly, sending him a sharp glare. "Excuse me?" 

"You need a man, not a boy." 

You could feel your cheeks heating up the moment the words had registered, and your mouth dropped open as you attempted to find something to say that would hide your flustered expression. "I don't-" 

"You've been dating guys that can't handle you being independent," he added, his hand wrapping tightly around his beer bottle as he watched you carefully. "You need someone who thinks your iron will is attractive." 

You finally managed to force yourself out of your stupor, rolling your eyes at his comment. "And where would I find someone like that?" you drawled, watching as his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. 

"Perhaps he's already found you," he uttered, and suddenly you couldn't fight the smile that wanted to paint itself onto your lips. 

You glanced over at Olivia for a moment, finding her deep in conversation with Bucky's friend. "I'll tell you what," you started softly, returning your attention to the man opposite you. "I'll give you one night to prove to me that you're worthy of my time," you added, fishing around in your purse for a pen and paper. You placed it between you and scrawled your number. "Don't let me down," you added softly, sliding the paper over to him and watching as he sent you a sweet grin. 

"You won't be disappointed," he uttered, watching as you forced the pen back into your bag.

"I better not be." You finally reached out, tapping Olivia's arm lightly. "I'm going to head home. I've got to be up early in the morning," you told her, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Text me when you get home." 

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