Steve Rogers X Wife!Reader - Sophia Carter

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A/N- This imagine was requested by iamKhrfan123. This is probably just the start of a longer piece. I hope you like it.

"Have you even met this kid before?" You were sitting on the sofa, watching as Steve pottered around the living room of your house, moving items around on the shelves and looking at anything but you. He had always wanted to do what was right, it was one of the reasons you had fallen in love with him, but sometimes his conscience could be a real pain in the arse. You had grown to understand his love for Peggy, and you knew it would never fade, even when you had gotten married, but you had never expected it to become such a problem in your home life.

Steve shrugged slightly, moving one of the books from its place and flipping it open. "In passing," he answered softly, and you tutted at him as you finally got to your feet, crossing the room and taking the book from his hands.

"How do you even know they'll let us take her in?" you asked him, nestling the book back on the shelf. "We aren't relatives, we aren't Godparents. I didn't even know she existed until today." Steve shook his head, unable to lift his eyes from the ground. "Just," you started, releasing a small sigh and leaning forward to wrap your arms around his middle, "Don't get your hopes up."

He nodded, shifting his arms to pull you closer into his chest. "She's scared," he told you softly, and you nodded against him, "and she has nowhere else she can go."

*Time Skip*

A week later you were sitting in a lawyer's office, picking at your nails and glancing at Steve every few moments. Waiting to meet a child that you may end up raising seemed less frightening than you had expected, though you were still somewhat nervous as the lawyer came and sat across from you. "We have a few things we feel we must tell you before you meet Sophia," she told you softly, her eyes lingering on your for a moment, until you nodded your understanding. "She was born with Alalia," she started again, pausing as your brows furrowed, "It's a form of speech delay, and it seemed that she was developing quite well until her parents accident. We are hoping that in the right home she will be able to find her voice again and develop fully, though a little late, but until then, she is for all intents and purposes, completely mute."

"How does she communicate?" You heard the words leave your lips before you realised you were speaking, your interest escaping you with little control.

"Sophia is a bright girl, and she is very good at spelling. Often she will use a computer or a tablet of some kind to convey messages." You nodded slightly, taking a deep breath and glancing at Steve.

He too was nodding, as though none of what this woman had told you had scared him, as though it was nothing. "Do you think we are ready for this?" you asked him softly, and his eyes landed on you in a second.

His hand came to rest on your knee and his body turned to face you. "We've talked about starting a family before, and I think if anyone is capable of helping her learn it's you." You bit down on the inside of your lip, glancing up at the ceiling for a moment, before releasing a deep breath.

"Then we ought to bring her in, no point keeping her waiting." Steve smiled, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your forehead, his grip on your knee tightening slightly.

Your shoulders stayed rounded, waiting for the child to join you, and as the door shifted open, you pulled in a shaking, deep breath. "Sophia, this is Steve, he was a friend of your Nanna Peggy, and this is his wife, Y/N." The girl barely lifted her eyes, keeping them fixed on the bland carpet, and avoiding any contact as she stayed on the other side of the desk, close to her parent's lawyer. You felt a tug at your heart, and for a moment you thought you would start crying. From the stories Steve had told you about Peggy she had been a bad-ass, a strong woman through and through, and without your help, it was unlikely that Sophia would ever hear those stories herself.

"Hi," you uttered softly, shifting forward in your seat to smile at the child, "it's nice to finally meet you, Steve tells me that your grandmother used to talk about you a lot." You watched as her head tilted up slightly, glancing at you for a moment before her eyes flitted back down to the floor. You had never been able to meet Peggy in person, but even now you could see how this little girl reflected the pictures you had seen. The same beautiful eyes, and soft jaw line, and there was something beyond her fear hidden in her, something that inspired a curiosity in you. "We'd like for you to come and stay with us."

Steve fingers linked with yours as the little girl looked up at you again, her brows furrowed as she stared at you. "You'd have your own room, and a tutor." Steve's words drew her attention from you, letting her eyes focus on him as she started to nod.

"And of course, I would be coming for weekly visits," the lawyer interrupted, and you nodded your agreement with a smile.

*Time Skip*

"Welcome," you spoke as softly as you could, "do you want me to take your bags?" You felt Steve's hand land on your back, running softly over the curve of your spine as he smiled down at Sophia. "Or the big guy could take them?" you added softly, gesturing your head at your husband, and biting back a giggle when the girl glanced up at him, her eyes widening. It was incredible, the words she could say without a voice, just her expressions were enough to bring you to laughter.

Steve reached out, taking the suitcase from her hands and carrying them inside. "Come on in," he told her, the lawyer ushering her through the door and into the living room. 

"You've got a lovely home, here." You smiled at the woman, gesturing for her to take a seat. 

"Thank you," you started softly, "can I get you anything to drink?"

The lawyer shook her head, "No, i've got to get going," she told you, headed back for the door already, "here's the number for the tutor she's been using, and don't forget to call me if you need anything."

You felt your chest tighten as she crossed the threshold and started back towards her car. You ran your nails over the back of your hand, attempting to ground yourself as you pressed the door shut and moved back into the living room. 

"So, Sophia," you started softly, sitting on the arm of one of the sofas and watching her shuffle slightly in an armchair. "What do you like doing?"

The girl shrugged, pulling out her tablet and typing for a moment before holding it up to you. I like to read. The words made you smile, and you quickly shifted your weight to slide down onto the sofa, sitting more comfortably.

"What do you read?"

Books. The response caused you to chuckle and you quickly shook your head.

"I mean, what kind of books?" 

You watched her face screw up slightly as she thought. I like Roald Dahl. She typed quickly, glancing up at you as you read.

You smiled softly, getting to your feet and moving to the shelves in the corner. "I've still got all of my old books from when I was little," you told her, "I planned to keep them for when Steve and I have kids, but you can read them if you like." She was at your side in a second, running her fingers over the spines of the books. "Have you read 'A Series of Unfortunate Events?" She shook her head, glancing up at you again with a smile. "You'll love it," you told her, grabbing the first from the shelf and placing it in her hands.

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