Scott Lang X Reader - You Don't Know Me

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'You Don't Know Me' by Jax Jones and Raye. I hope you all enjoy it.

Ever since the Avengers had become a household name, you had hated walking through New York alone. The staring had stopped bothering you quite quickly, and when you were with friends or family, people seemed to keep their distance, but when you were alone it was like people couldn't help themselves. Selfies, and autographs, and begging for confirmation on rumours. It was all the worst parts of being a celebrity but without the pay rise. You didn't want to be famous. You couldn't stand the idea of having to be some kids role model. And yet, you no longer had a choice in the matter. 

When you could avoid it, you wouldn't leave the facility alone. You had put off errands for days at a time, waiting for the moment someone could go with you. But sometimes, timings didn't quite line up, and you were forced to venture out on your own. This afternoon, it was that you had completely forgot that Tony's birthday had rolled around, and you had yet to get him a gift. You had wandered the facility for ages, hoping that someone, anyone, would be free to venture into Manhattan with you, but alas, they all had tasks of their own to completely before that evening's party.

 You had been out of the car for all of a minute before the first "fan" had come hurrying over to you, a bright smile on her lips. And after that they'd just kept coming. One after the other, all hoping for just a moment of your time, and each extending the length of your trip. You should be grateful, you reminded yourself, these people adore you. But you were exhausted when you finally made it into the mall, your cap pulled low on your head to shield your face. 

You were just about to walk into one of the shops when a man came striding over to you, looking every part as uncomfortable as you felt. His hands were wedged deep into his pockets, his shoulders hunched as he offered you a small smile. "You're Y/N, right?"

"I'm really busy," you uttered, hovering in the doorway of the store and hoping he would take the hint to leave you alone. 

"Yeah, of course. I just wanted to say that I-"

You cleared your throat, shifting on the spot for a second. "Look, I don't mean to be a dick, but you're the twelfth person that's stopped me in the last fifteen minutes and I'm in a rush," you started, watching as the words seemed to stick in his throat, leaving him silent. "Sorry," you added, grabbing one of the baskets and hurrying into the safety of the store. 

*Time Skip*

The party was too loud, and far too busy for your liking, but it was exactly what Tony had wanted. Fun and carefree. Unfortunately for you, it had done little to lift your foul mood. You were tired from your adventure in the city, a trip that would have taken you no more than 20 minutes before having taken well over an hour. And you were still feeling a little guilty for being so short with the man in the store. 

But you had a drink in your hand and you were sitting at the bar watching as people swayed together to the music, and it was the most relaxed you had been all day. 

You were taking a sip when a familiar voice interrupted your train of thought. "I almost didn't recognise you without the hat hiding your face," it teased, drawing your attention over to the man beside you only to find the guy from the mall smiling awkwardly down at you. Your brow furrowed as you stared at him, your mouth opening and closing as you searched for something to say. "Hi, I'm Scott," he added, holding his hand out in your direction.

You shook his hand, shifting uncomfortably on the barstool. "So, you know Tony?" 

"Uh huh," he answered, lifting a beer bottle to his lips and taking a long swig. 


He snorted slightly. "We've worked together," he started. "In fact, you and I have worked together too." 

Your eyes widened slightly, your gaze fixed on him. "Excuse me?" 

"Yeah. Kinda forgot that you wouldn't recognise me without the mask and I sorta panicked this morning when you told me off-"

"I didn't tell you off," you corrected softly, pausing for a moment. "Shit. You're Antman, right?" 

He nodded, holding back the laughter that wanted to fall from his lips. "Yep."

"I'm so sorry, I was such a dick-"

Scott waved away your comment. "Don't worry about it," he uttered. "Pretty women tell me to get lost all the time," he added, sending you a cheeky grin as you snorted at his comment. 

"Somehow, I don't believe that." Your tongue darted out wetting your lips as your confidence grew. "A strong, handsome, funny superhero-type. You must be fighting off women with a stick."  

"You'd be surprised," he chuckled. "Apparently women don't find a criminal record attractive," he added, causing a bubble of laughter to escape you.

You shook your head in disbelief. "You are clearly hitting on the wrong type of women, then." 

You had stayed at the bar with Scott for the rest of the evening, teasing one another back and forth until you had both just stopped, smiling at one another. 

"I know this is sort of out of the blue, but can I take you to dinner some time?" he started, leaning in so that you could hear him over the music. The smell of his aftershave overwhelmed you for a moment, leaving you silent as you glanced up at him. 

Your mouth opened for a second, before you cleared your throat and nodded. "How about you come to mine and I'll cook us dinner, instead?" You paused for a second, your cheeks tinting red. "If we go out somewhere it'll end up in one of those gossipy magazines," you added, attempted a small smile for him.

"That sounds perfect," he told you, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I'll text you to set something up," he added, handing the phone over for you to put your number in. 

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora