Bucky Barnes X Reader - The Best

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'The Best' by Tina Turner. It's hugely inspired by Schitt's Creek, which is one of my favourite shows, and I highly suggest you go and give it a watch if you haven't already. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You had been pretty happy, perched on Bucky's knee all evening as you made pleasant conversation with your friends. It was rare these days, all of you being in one place for long enough to actually enjoy it, and you had revelled in the chance. The way his hand rested on your hip wasn't anything new, but it still left you flustered when his thumb drew circles into the fabric of your dress. 

"We should do this more often," Sam had started, a sweet comment from someone who so often wanted to play the clown. "I've missed you guys," he added, offering you a small smile as you leant further into Bucky, feeling his arm shift to wrap fully around your waist. 

You nodded slightly, your hand coming to rest over Bucky's forearm. "It's been a pretty hectic couple of months," you uttered, a smile of your own pulling at your lips. "But it's all starting to settle down now." 

God, it had been a hectic period recently. You'd gone from mission to mission with little break between, and any free time you did have had been spent keeping your relationship from falling apart. It turned out that neither of you had been fans of being together at a distance. You'd attempted to call and FaceTime and text, but it had all gotten a little confusing after a while, and you'd had to resort to spending the little time you could share completely alone. But now, you were off of the missions for a while, and you were more than happy to return to your more social lives, or so you had thought. 

"Had to keep this pretty boy all to myself when I got the chance," you murmured again, twisting slightly to grin down at your boyfriend. 

Bucky let out a soft chuckle, reaching up with his free hand to draw you down for a quick kiss. It was sweet really, how stuck on you he was. 

"You two are cute," Sam murmured, shaking his head. "Really, you are, but it makes me feel a little sick. It's kinda gross." 

The small glare you sent in his direction silenced him, and you shook your head. "You're a dick," you bit back, poking your tongue out at him as Bucky chuckled. 

"We can't help being the best looking couple in this joint," Bucky added, causing you to let out a snort of laughter. "It just comes naturally." 

Somehow, during your time apart, your love for him had grown stronger, and right now, watching as he teased his friend with this faux-cocky attitude, you couldn't help but feel your heart clench at just how in love you were. 

You had never met anyone who made you feel as comfortable as Bucky did, and he did it effortlessly. You'd gone from acquaintances, to friends, to dating so smoothly that you'd hardly noticed it happening. It had been utterly perfect. 

"You doing okay, Princess?" Bucky murmured, nudging at your arm with his nose slightly to catch your attention. You blinked back into reality, giving a quick nod. "You looked pretty deep in thought there," he added softly, brow furrowed slightly as he watched your face carefully. "What'cha' thinking 'bout?"

A small smirk pulled at your lips, and you risked a glance over at Sam, already finding him deep in conversation with some other agent you'd yet to introduce yourself to. "You," you told him softly, your fingers lifting to push some of his hair back behind his ear. "And how you're simply the best person I've ever met." 

The blush that rose up in his cheeks caught you off guard slightly, and your smile only grew as you watched him grow flustered from your comment. "That's real sweet-"

"It's the truth," you interrupted. "Sitting here like this with you," you paused for a moment, shaking your head as a light chuckle bubbled out of you. "There is not a single place on earth I would rather be."

"Not Hawaii?" You shook your head no, watching as Bucky put on a fake surprised expression, his eyes widening at your silent confession. "Not Paris?" You shook your head again, letting out another chuckle when he gasped. "Not even Disneyland?" 

"Not even Disneyland," you repeated, still shaking your head.

"Oh Princess, you're crazy 'bout me, aren't you?" You nodded as he reached up to touch your cheek lightly, hesitating there for a moment. "I'll tell you a secret. I'm pretty crazy 'bout you too."

You were kissing him a moment later, pressing your lips to his in a moment of sheer happiness, and only pulling away when the realisation that you were still in public hit you out of nowhere. "Love you," you finally uttered, shifting to get to your feet whilst his hand continued to linger on your hip. Bucky looked up at your with furrowed brows, watching you smirk down at him. "I was thinking we could grab some food? Head home? Watch something on TV? Fall asleep on the couch?" 

"God," he murmured, pushing himself up to stand and letting you lean into his body, so close together that it was almost unseemly. "You are so perfect." 

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