Steve Rogers X Reader - Promises

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Promises' by Sam Smith and Calvin Harris. I hope you all enjoy it.

What are you doing tonight? You had sent the message over an hour ago, hoping that Steve would rush to your apartment and take your mind off of the shit week you had just finished suffering through at work. It had become clear early on that you plan had not gone the way you had expected, and soon enough you were settled on the sofa with a bottle of wine, a face mask, and some trashy reality TV. Who would have thought you'd be home alone on a Friday night? It never happened. Or it rarely did, at least. And yet here you were. Alone. 

It's not that you didn't enjoy being alone. Hell, you loved the freedom of it, but sometimes, on these very rare occasions, you wished you didn't have to be.

Your phone chimed, and you found yourself fumbling it open as quickly as possible to see the notification. I'm out with some of the boys. You sighed, dropping the phone into your lap and taking a long gulp of your wine. Do you wanna come and join us? They'd love to meet you.

You unlocked your phone, sighing again as you read and reread the message. No, I think I'm going to have an early night. Long week. 

Okay. I'll see you tomorrow? You smiled slightly at his response, so blatantly Steve, so unsure of himself.

Sure. Have a good time.

Night. You locked your phone, dropping it back to the sofa and pulling your legs up onto the seat beside you. 

Sometimes, you felt bad for Steve. You would assume you weren't exactly the easiest woman to date. You were noncommittal, and far too focused on work, and sometimes you could be completely unpredictable. Like now, when all you wanted was for Steve to come to your place and spend the night with you. Not sex, just comfort. 

And, of course, Steve was one of the most righteous men you'd ever met. He was certain he loved you, and reminded you all the time, and yet you kept avoiding taking the next step. Making it official. Meeting his friends.  It all just seemed like it was too much too fast. 

You settled down into the sofa a little further, putting up the volume on the TV a little louder and watching as some skinny little blonde woman on the screen complained about her boyfriend, who she had met a week earlier. God. It just didn't make sense to you, how anyone could be so certain of love so quickly. It just didn't feel right. 

You were startled out of your chilled viewing a few minutes later by a knock on the door, and quickly rolled to your feet, making your way over to the door. You glanced through the peep hole to find Steve, smiling his sweet little lopsided smile at you. You opened the door, laughing when his face lit up upon finally seeing you. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you were out."

Steve nodded, his movements slightly jagged and weird. "You sounded sad," he mumbled out, "wanted to come and cheer you up."

"Jesus, Steve. How much have you had to drink?" You reached out, placing a steadying hand on his arm as he came inside, wrapping himself around you in a tight hug.

"Thor had this special drink. Even I can feel it." You chuckled at that, allowing yourself to sink into his grip. "I like your laugh," he murmured softly, pulling back slightly to look down at you. "And you are so beautiful."

You laughed again when Steve's hand came up to touch your cheek slightly. "You're easy to please."

"No," he told you, his voice suddenly very serious, his forehead crinkled in annoyance. "I'm not. You are just astronomically beautiful."

You wanted to laugh, but the look on his face told you that he meant every word, and so instead you bit your lip and nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he told you, bending down and pressing a kiss to your lips.  You could smell the liquor on his breath, could taste it on his lips as he pulled you closer. 

"You are so drunk, sweetheart. I think you need to go to bed." Steve pouted at you slightly, shaking his head. 

The noise that left him was closer to a whine than words, but you managed to decipher them into something along the lines of "I don't want to."

"You are going to be so hungover tomorrow," you murmured, shaking your head. "Come on, we'll watch some TV for a while, and then it's straight to bed." You shoved him towards the sofa, watching as he stumbled slightly before allowing himself to collapse onto the sofa, getting himself comfortable before opening his arms for you. "I'm going to get you some water, and something to eat to soak up whatever the hell Thor gave you. I'll be right back."

Soon enough, you were tucked up into Steve's arms, huddled close into his side. God, he really was nice and warm, and so comfortable. 

"Why were you sad?"

You hummed, lifting your head to look up at him properly. "I wasn't sad."

"You sounded sad." You shrugged slightly, and felt his hand poke at your side. "Come on, why were you sad?"

"I don't know," you murmured, pulling your eyes away from his and tucking yourself back against his side. "I think I missed you."

You could almost imagine the way he was smiling, didn't need to look at him to know that he would be. It was probably one of the most couple-y things you had ever said to him. "Hey, I miss you too, when I haven't seen you all week."


Steve nodded, his whole body shifting slightly as he did so. "Course I do. You're my girl." 

You chuckled slightly, shaking your head. "You are so cheesy when you're drunk." 

"Nah, I'm always cheesy."

You shifted back slightly, getting to your knees to face him, mouth agape in mock horror. "Oh my god. My boyfriend is a cheesy man," you paused for a moment, "who would've known?"

Steve smiled up at you. "That's the first time you've ever called me that," he told you, reaching up to run his hand over your arm lightly.

You opened your mouth, searching for words. "I-"

"You don't have to say anything else, baby. I get it." Steve pulled you back down to him, his arms wrapping around your middle as you lounged across his chest.

"Steve?" He hummed, waiting for your next words. "I love you." Steve shifted beneath you, pulling you up so that your face was level with his.

"Love you too, baby," he murmured, pressing his lips to yours. You were smiling when he pulled away. 

You both sat quietly for a moment after that.. You watched as Steve's brow furrowed in confusion, his eyes focused on the screen. "What's up?" you asked him softly, pulling his attention back to you.

"Why are you watching this crap?"

A loud laugh burst out of you, and you shook your head. "It isn't good but it's easy to watch, I like it," you started, shrugging, "we can watch something else."

"No," Steve quickly interrupted, catching your hand as you reached for the remote. "If you like it, we'll watch it."

"I'm halfway through the season. Want me to explain it?" Steve nodded, brow still furrowed as he watched the screen. For a moment, you paused, caught up in the loving feeling in your chest. You shook your head, and launched into your explanation.

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