Bruce Banner X Reader - Fucked Up

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Fucked Up' by Young Rising Sons. I hope you all enjoy it.

Tony's parties were supposed to be fun. All drinking your fill, and laughing together, what was there to not enjoy? In all honesty, you had been pretty miserable that night. Your boyfriend of three years had broken things off a couple of days before, and you'd spent most of the last 72 hours in constant tears. But you had always been pretty good at compartmentalising. You'd forced the shitty feelings to the back of your brain and gotten ready to head over to the party anyway. It had been a mistake.

You had been knocking back beers like they weren't alcoholic, bottle after bottle going down pretty smoothly until you had gotten up to use the restroom and nearly fallen flat on your face. In fact, if it hadn't been for Bruce catching you by your shoulders, you probably would have had a pretty nasty bruise. 

"You good?" You nodded, blinking slowly at him with a queasy little smile to match. It was so clear that you were drunk that you were surprised he hadn't forced water down you immediately. "How much have you had?"

You shrugged slightly as he helped you back to your seat. "Just a couple," you murmured, reaching to pick your bottle back up. He was quicker than you were in your inebriated state, taking the bottle out of your range before you could get to it. 

"Come on, tell me," he started again, his hands on his hips like he was some underpaid, over worked school teacher considering whether to bother lecturing you for misbehaving. You lifted your hand, counting your fingers for a moment, until a snort of laughter caught you off guard. 

You glanced up at him in confusion, brows furrowed so perfectly that it only brought about another reel of laughter from him. "What?" you bit out, a little frustrated at his reaction.

"If you have to count them on your fingers, you've had too much to drink." Your cheeks tinted red with embarrassment, the heat spreading down your neck. Bruce reached out a hand to you, waiting for you to take it. "I'll give you a lift home," he started again, flexing his hand to encourage you to get up. 

"I'll get a cab."

Bruce raised an eyebrow at you, before shaking his head. "Not on your own, you won't."

You released a frustrated huff, taking his hand and allowing him to pull you to your feet, your head spinning as you attempted to keep your balance. "Fine," you muttered, allowing him to lead you towards the exit. 

You'd fallen asleep almost as soon as Bruce had pulled the car out of the parking lot, releasing soft snores as you curled yourself up in the passenger seat. He had never seen you look so relaxed before, almost perfectly at peace. 

It was then that he realised he had never had to drive to your place before. For a second, he considered nudging you awake and asking for the address. It would only take a minute or so, and then you could go straight back to sleep. But when he glanced over at you again, he decided that maybe he could just kill some time until you woke up on your own. 

About twenty minutes later, as Bruce was wondering if maybe he had made a mistake in leaving you to sleep, your eyes had fluttered open, and you'd given him the sweetest smile he had ever seen. Hell, it practically took his breath away. 

"Hey," you uttered, sitting up a little straighter and glancing out of the window. "Where are we?"

"Still in Manhattan. I didn't have the address and you were sleeping-"

"Oh." You reached out, pressing the buttons on the car's middle console until you had entered the address properly. "There we go," you added, leaning back in your seat a closing your eyes again. "Sorry if I'm a bit of a mess; I don't handle beer well." You fell quiet for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I've been a real fuck up recently."

Bruce's brow furrowed, his eyes leaving the road for just a moment to look over at you. "You aren't a fuck up," he uttered. "You're the most put together of all of us."

You sat up straighter in your seat, turning to face him. "That isn't true," you bit out, shaking your head. "I am teetering on the edge of a full on break down, like 24/7," you added. 


"Absolutely. This time last year I had the perfect little life. New house. Perfect boyfriend. Great job. Now, not so much." You paused for a moment, hoping that Bruce would fill the silence, but he didn't say a word. "(Ex's name) broke things off the other day. Apparently he met someone else."

Bruce let out a soft sigh, reaching over to pat your leg lightly. "I'm really sorry."

You pulled your legs up onto your seat, curling up again. "Don't be. It's probably for the best, anyway. We'd been arguing a bunch and we both needed a break from each other." You shrugged. "Just sucks, you know?"

He nodded as he pulled onto your driveway, turning off the car. You stayed still, staring up at the house with a small frown. "You know, you could always move back in at the compound. We've missed you." You sniffled slightly, attempting to fight back the tears that wanted to flow. "Or you could just stay with us for a little while, until you're back on your feet." 

You swallowed, reaching over and undoing your seat belt. "I'll just grab some stuff. You don't mind waiting, right?" Bruce shook his head, offering you a soft, comforting smile. "I'll be right back. I owe you one."

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