Stephen Strange X Reader - Valentine's Day Special

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A/N - Happy Valentine's Day to all of my wonderful readers. This chapter is based on the song 'Lucky' by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. I hope you all enjoy it.

You couldn't help the smile that came to your lips when you woke to the feeling of Stephen wrapping his arms around you. It had become a rarity that you got to wake up together these days, but he had made sure that you had him to yourself for just a little while. As much as you both made fun of the traditions that lingered around Valentine's Day, it was still nice to spoil one another. 

When you had first met Stephen, he'd been so focused on his career that the idea of spending a morning in bed would have been unthinkable. If he wasn't on shift at the hospital or in classes, he was studying, and it wasn't until he met you that he realised that he wasn't exactly living. You had persuaded him to forget his job for more than five minutes and spend time with you, and he had never been happier to let himself be misled. 

"You know," he murmured, his lips pressed softly to your shoulder, his words breathing out across your skin. "I think I'm the luckiest man alive," he added, and you could feel the way his lips curled into a smile as you chuckled at him. "I get to wake up to the most beautiful woman in the world, and I get to call her my wife," he pressed on, only stopping when you shifted in his grip, twisting to face him. 

You hummed slightly, nodding at his comments. "You are lucky," you agreed softly, letting out a squeal of laughter when he launched himself at you, pressing quick kisses to your face as you wriggled in his grip. 

In all honesty, you were certain that you had both gotten pretty lucky when you had found each other. A complete coincidence that you had ever been in the same place at the same time. And even luckier that he had been the one to catch you when your heel had snapped as you ran to catch the Metro, saving you from falling down a full story of steps. 

"You should be happy that I love you, or I might take offence to your sarcasm," he told you, chuckling as you breathed heavily beneath him, tired from fighting off his faux-attack. 

You reached up to take his chin in your hand, dragging him down to your lips and connecting with him in a sweet kiss. In fact, you would have been happy to have stayed like that all day, curled up together in bed and just enjoying one another's company. Your grin grew as he deepened the kiss, his hands running up your hip and his thumbs running circled on the skin under your pyjama top. 

"Ewwww!" The horrified squeal had knocked you out of the moment immediately, sitting up quite suddenly and shoving Stephen over to his own side of the bed. At the foot of your bed, stood the grumpiest looking four year old you had ever seen, her hair all tousled from sleep, and clutching her favourite teddy under one of her arms. 

"Morning Princess," Stephen uttered, patting the bed between you for her to come and join you. "You coming up?" Your daughter nodded, clambering up onto the mattress and planting herself firmly between the two of you. 

"It's Valentine's Day," she told you, a rather firm tone in her voice as she glanced up at you for a moment. "Who's your Valentine, Mummy?" 

You couldn't help the smile that came to your lips as she placed the teddy down on the covers, smoothing out his ears as she waited for your reply. "Daddy's my Valentine," you started softly. "He's taking me to the movies tonight," you added, reaching out to fix her messy hair to the best of your ability. 

Before you could touch her, she had fixed you with a stern look, shaking her head. "No. Daddy's my Valentine," she corrected, her brow furrowed and help lips pursed as she grew frustrated. 

When you looked over to your husband, he was grinning from ear to ear, looking pleased as punch at the conversation the two of you were having. 

"Well, how about we share him?" you started again. "Daddy can take you out to do whatever you want this morning and-"

Her eyes went very wide suddenly, and she got to her feet in her excitement. "Can we go to the princess store?" 

"I'm sure Daddy would love to take you to the princess store, baby," you laughed, watching the excitement grow on her pretty little face. 

"And can I get a stuffy?"

You glanced over at Stephen for a moment. "I don't see why not," you uttered, hearing another loud squeal burst out of her as she through herself at you, wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug. "And then this evening, Daddy can be my date, okay?" She nodded, still tight in your grip. "Have we got a deal, baby?" 

She pulled away, still nodding, and you took her hand in yours giving it a firm shake. 

"I've gotta get my princess ready for our date," Stephen started, leaning in and scooping your daughter up into his arms, causing another bright squeal to burst out of her. He swooped her around the room, doing a quick lap around the open space before flying her out of the bedroom and into the rest of the house, her voice fading the further they got from you. 

You really were lucky to have this perfect world, with the love of your life and the most wonderful daughter. And God, you were going to enjoy it to the fullest.

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