Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader - No lie

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A/N- This imagine is based off of the song No Lie by Dua Lipa and Sean Paul. I hope you all enjoy it.

You were laughing as though you had never been happier, your hands raising to run through your hair as you moved to the music that pulsed throughout the packed dance floor. Every few moments you would make eyecontact with your friend, pulling stupid faces at one another, taking her hand to spin her around to the music, and continuing to dance as you ignored everyone else around you.

It had been a long time since you had last been clubbing, and though it was a rare occassion it was nice to be out with your friend, enjoying the music and pretending that each creep of a man that approached you didn't exist. Sometimes you thought it would be easier to have a sign on your forehead that simply read: Gay! Please Move Along, but your friend had reminded you that it would ruin your makeup and you had dropped your plan almost immediately.

As one song began to end another roared into existance and you paused your movements. You leant close to your friend, pressing your face against hers as you called over the music. "Drink?" She pulled back and nodded at you, taking your hand in hers and allowing you to lead her through the crowd and towards the bar. You made the journey quickly, pushing forward until you were resting your elbows on the surface of the bar, giving the pretty barmaid a quick smile.

"Oh my god," your friend yelped behind you, and you chuckled as you turned slightly to face her. She often found herself hypnotised by guys on your nights out, and though she rarely sort to follow up with any advances, it was fun to watch her drool over them.

"Which one?" you asked her, following her eyes to where the rested on a group of people, all huddled close together in one of the VIP booths on the balcony.

"That's the fucking Avengers," she hissed at you, finally tearing her eyes away to look at you.

You laughed again, "don't be stupid, why would the Avengers be in here? Tony Stark is a billionaire." She tutted slightly, her eyes refocusing on the group.

"I'm certain, that guy there looks just like Captain America," she told you, raising her hand to point only for you to grab it and pull it down.

"If it is them the least you could do is stop pointing," you teased, turning back to the barmaid who was now waiting for you to order. "Two Vodka Cokes please," you spoke loudly across the bar, flashing the girl a smile. She really was pretty, but she was working, and you had suffered through too many people hitting on you at work to do the same to the poor thing.

She slid the drinks across the bar to you and you passed one back to your friend before pressing the money into the girls hand and dropping a couple of dollars into the tip jar. "Seriously," your friend started, "I'm sure it's them."

You rolled your eyes slightly, releasing a deep sigh. "Lets go sit down," you told her, taking her elbow in your hand and pulling her towards a few of the plush seat in the back of the club.

You were sitting and chatting for a few minutes when a man came walking over to the two of you, giving you both a smile. You watched as your friend raised her head, her mouth falling open in surprise as she stared at the man. "Falcon," she mumbled in shock, causing you to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sam," the man started, holding his hand out for the two of you to shake. You bit back the last of your giggles, watching as she took his hand slightly giving it a quick shake. "I was wondering if I could get you would like to join us upstairs, a couple of our friends dropped out and we don't want the drinks going to waste."

You moved to tell him no, but your friend was just a little quicker than you, getting to her feet with a smile. "We'd love to," she told him before turning to look at you, "wouldn't we, Y/N."

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