Bruce Banner x Reader - Miss Independent

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A/N- this imagine is based on the song "Miss Independent" by Kelly Clarkson. It is arguably one of her best songs and I can't help but sing along to it whenever it finds its way to the top of my playlist.

You groaned, your frustration finally escaping you as you slammed your hand down onto the desk in front of you, causing the electrical parts you had just been playing with to jump an inch or so off of the table. You raised your hand, rubbing your fingers into your temple as you attempted to get your brain working again. There had been a block on your thinking for what felt like hours, though in truth it had only been a few minutes, and Bruce had been watching you from a distance as you dissolved into complete and utter distress.

"Hey," he uttered softly, causing you to glance up at him, your glare still fixed onto your usually rather sweet face. "I think it's about time you took a break," he added, giving you a small smile. Your glare fizzled out, replaced with a small frown as you shook your head.

"I can't," you told him, taking a deep breath, "I'm already behind schedule on this, if Tony knew I had run off for a nap he would kill me," you continued, watching as he shrugged slightly.

He smiled as he got to his feet, "If you need a second brain I'm always happy to take a look," he started and you quirked an eyebrow at him as he advanced on you.

"I don't need help," you grunted, and the look you fixed him with stopped him mid-step. 

He frowned as you went back to your notebook, flicking back a few pages and fixing the paper with a glare. "Well," he muttered quietly, "I'm right here if you change your mind."

You nodded, but at this point he had no chance of getting an answer, you were once more engrossed in your work, your nose buried in the book and your fingers turning the bits and pieces over, again and again.

Bruce was startled when he heard you let out a light chuckle a few minutes later, and his eyes found you in an instant. You were grinning from ear to ear, and if the little shimmy you did was any indication, you had fixed your little issue from before. "What was it?" he asked you, and you turned your smile to him.

"You'll think I'm a complete idiot," you laughed, shifting on your wheely chair so that you could face him properly, "one of the wires was loose on the transformer."

The chuckle he released caught you off guard, "we've all been there, so sure that it's a big problem that forget to check the little things." You were still smiling, but the room had gone quiet, "Tony was going to have some of the Avenger lot over for drinks later, you should join us, celebrate your new revelation."

Your smile faded slightly, "that's a lovely offer but I've already got plans with a friend," you started softly, and Bruce nodded his understand.

"Of course you do, it's a Friday night," he told you, forcing out a small laugh before turning back to his work.

"Maybe next time," you added, and he nodded, barely glancing up from his notes.

Soon enough five o'clock had rolled around and you were gathering up your coat and bag, and you were frowning down at your phone when Bruce glanced up at you. "What's up?" he asked you softly and you shrugged slightly.

"My friend got sick and has begged me for a raincheck on our night of pizza and movies," you told him and your frown suddenly disappeared. "I'd love to come for drinks if the offer still stands."

His eyes widened suddenly as he realised what you had asked, "of course," he told you, a small, nervous smile gracing his lips. 

"Great," you answered him, your smile only growing as you pushed your arms into your coat, "I'm going to go and get changed and I will be back in like an hour."

"Perfect," he murmured softly, watching as you gave a small wave and hurried out of the lab. Once you were gone, Bruce released a deep breath and leant back in his chair, staring at where you had just been standing. 

A chuckle caught him off guard, and he quickly remembered that Tony had come waltzing into the lab only a short while before. "You are so whipped," he laughed lightly, as Bruce turned to face him. 

"Who can blame me?" Bruce asked him softly, "she's incredible."

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