Tony Stark x Wife!Reader - End of the World

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A/N- I wrote this whilst listening to Two Worlds by Phil Collins, from the Tarzan soundtrack, though it seems to have had very little effect on the actual story. Tony isn't really in this imagine, but the reader is his wife, and he is mentioned alot. This may develop into a longer series, but I'm not sure yet. Hope you all enjoy it.

"It's us against the world," you murmured softly, standing close by Nat's side as you watched the creatures fling themselves at the force field. If you had any sense you would have left as soon as you saw the aliens get anywhere close, but you had proven many times before that your lack of common sense would likely be the thing that killed you. Tony called it being an idiot, but you prefered to call yourself brave, though you felt anything but as you continued to stare on in horror.

Nat released a small chuckle, though it held little humour. "It always has been," she answered softly, reaching out and giving your hand a light squeeze before allowing it to drop back to your side. You shot her a small smile, only able to tear your eyes away from the carnage for a moment. 

"I wish Tony was here," you muttered to her, quietly enough that you hoped Steve wouldn't be able to hear you from where he stood with T'challa. "Something must be wrong, or he would be here by now."

You watched as Steve glanced at you over his shoulder. You knew that he felt guilty for the rift between you and Tony, felt responsible for the slight split in your marriage, but there was little you could say to calm his worries. You gave him a soft smile and a short nod, but it only made him frown as he came closer to you through the lines, pausing at your side. "You doing okay?" It was a simple question, truly it was, but you seemed lost for an answer, giving him a small shrug instead. 

"I want to believe that he's fine," you uttered to him, "but you know Tony as well as I do, he wouldn't miss this unless something was stopping him."

Steve nodded his understanding, his hand landing on your shoulder in a silent comfort. "Keep yourself safe," he finally spoke, releasing your shoulder and moving back to the front line.

*Time Skip*

You grunted as you leapt forward, plunging your knife up through the mouth of the beast flinging itself in your direction, and watching as the tip of the blade protruded through it's skull. It's teeth dragged their way up your arm, tearing through the material of your suit and bringing blood rushing to the surface. "Fuck," you spat softly, releasing the blade and wrenching your arm away, watching as the creature crumbled to the floor. 

You didn't get long to assess the wound before another of the aliens threw itself in your direction, knocking you to the floor, but quickly being thrown off as Nat shoulder checked it with all of her might. You were breathing heavily as you got to your feet, seeing her bring the baton down on it's head repeatedly, until it stopped squirming. "You hit?"

"I'm fine," you grunted, swiping some of the blood away with your other sleeve and groaning at the feeling of the wound weeping at your touch. "I'll be fine," you repeated, glancing up and nodding over to where you saw Proxima running at Wanda. "Help her," you spat, and Nat nodded, taking off in the direction you had indicated as you leant down and pulled your blade out of the beast that had wounded you. 

When you looked up again you saw Okoye following Nat's lead, the two of them holding off Proxima with little effort. You kept glancing around, wiping out a few more alien creatures as you made your way around the battlefield, and hoping with all your might that Tony would suddenly appear and save the day. When lightening struck the ground you had almost burst into tears of happiness, and when you noticed that Thor's companions didn't include your husband, the tears had truly begun to flow, though it was for a different reason. "You got to keep moving, Y/N," you felt Steve's hand land on your arm, his grip causing pain to shoot up your wounded body part, but within seconds you were running at his side, with no idea where you were headed. "We need eyes on vision, and I need back up," he added, finally releasing your arm and glancing back to make sure you were still with him. You both came to a stop when you reached Vision, and Steve glanced down at his hand in shock. "You're wounded," he hissed, turning to look at you as you rushed to keep Vis on his feet, "why didn't you tell me?"

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