Sam Wilson X Reader - No Tomorrow

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'No Tomorrow' by Orson. It's one of those songs from the 00's that I repeatedly forget about and then rediscover and listen to 100 times in a week. I hope you all enjoy it.

Falling in love with Sam had been easy for you. He was handsome, and sweet, and most importantly, he was the most fun person you had ever met. The two of you had started out as friends, spending most of your time just partying and enjoying each others company. And then, our of nowhere, feelings had gotten involved and you'd become a couple without much changing. You still went out together on the weekends, but now you had someone to go home with when the parties were over.

This night, you'd both gotten all dressed up in your bedroom, attempting to work around one another without getting distracted. There had been times in the past when you wouldn't even make it out of your apartment, so caught up in each other that you'd just change back into your  pyjamas and get into bed.

The walk to the bar was pretty short. Sam has sorted it all, planned every last detail, and as you went to join the queue he'd taken your hand in his and led you past all of the people shivering outside. The bouncer had given your boyfriend a smile, reaching out to shake his hand and stepping out of your way to let you out of the cold. You were a little startled. Sam had never told you of his connections to this place, and yet you didn't mind when it got you out of a 20 minute wait.

He steered you through the crowd with a hand on your waist, drawing you over to the bar and sending you a sweet smile. "He's an old Air Force buddy; joined up the same time I did," he answered your silent question, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. "I called in a little favour."

You nodded slightly, a smile spreading across your lips as you watched him. He radiated this confidence when he was going out-out. It was like he glowed with it. And, you could see the effect it had on the people around him. Like some sort of super power, it drew people to him, and it was rare for you to go home without having made a new friend.

"What're you drinking tonight?" he asked you, leaning in so that you would hear him over the music that pounded through the room. 

"I'll have whatever you're having," you called back, grinning when his hand shifted to rest on your hip. Sam had always been a pretty handsy guy, and you had never really cared, especially not when he was looking at you as though you were the only girl in the room. 

*Time Skip*

You'd already been at the club for 20 minutes before Sam had decided that you needed to dance with him. To be completely honest, you hated dancing. But, Sam had always loved it, and there was no way in hell you were going to leave him on the dance floor alone. So, you had allowed him to wrap you in his arms as you swayed to the music. 

"You look so damn beautiful," he murmured, leaning down to kiss you as gently as he could manage. You chuckled as he pulled away, shaking your head.

"I'm so sweaty," you started, grinning up at him as he brushed the hair out of your face, cupping your cheek and smirking.

For a moment, you thought he was going to kiss you again, and then he was pulling away from you, glancing around the crowded room. "That guy doesn't seem to mind," he told you, nodding in the direction of a man lingering at the bar, his eyes following your every move until he saw you watching him back. "And neither does he," he added, pushing your chin slightly so that you'd look in the direction of another man, who held your gaze for a moment before getting to his feet and walking away.

"Are you being jealous?" you asked, shifting to look at Sam properly, and forcing away the smirk that wanted to form on your lips. He wasn't usually a possessive guy, and you'd been wondering just how long it would take for his jealous side to show itself.

"Not at all," he uttered, leaning in to kiss you again. "I love it when they check you out," he continued, pulling you a little closer to him. "Because no matter how long they spend watching you, you always come home with me."

You snorted slightly as his hands ran up your spine, coming to the back of your head and drawing you into a long, passionate kiss. You weren't usually such blatant PDA people. A little peck here and there, and a few quick touches, but nothing as intimate as the kiss you were sharing now. And you found that you didn't mind at all.

"Besides," he murmured as he pulled away from you, leaving you gasping for air. "You love me, not those losers." You chuckled as he pulled you tight against his chest, swaying you to the music again as he glanced around the room. "You know, there are some really pretty girls watching you, too," he started, grinning to himself.

"You sure they aren't looking at you? You're pretty handsome," you uttered back, attempting to find the women he was talking about.

"Nah," he told you softly. "They're all looking at you, baby."

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin