Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader

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You had been wandering the steets for what seemes like hours, knowing that when you finally made it back to your apartment you would quickly become single again. You had left the note to your boyfriend sitting on the kitchen counter, and it had almost torn your heart in two to do it. I know, it was all you really had to say, no specifics of his encounters with other women, no mention of his long weekend trips with work, no details on how you felt as though your entire life was crumbling through your fingertips. God did it hurt. You had spent most of your adult life with him, given up a promising career in the Air Force and left your friends and family behind to be with him, and he had thrown it back in your face with so little regard that it felt like a punch to the gut.

You slumped down onto a park bench, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your head on them slightly as you glanced across the dew covered grass in front of you. For mid-autumn in New York it had been uncharacteristically cold recently, and you could feel the bitterness of the wind bite into your skin as the light slowly died from the sky. You released a deep breath; you would have to go home soon.

"Y/N?" The voice made you jump, and you almost lost your balance as you shifted to look up at one of your old friends. 

"Sam," you muttered softly, finally getting to your feet and pulling him into a hug, "what are you doing here?"

He smiled, "I could ask the same of you," he started, "your going to freeze out here." 

"It's a long story," you told him, sitting yourself back down and wincing slightly at his blissfully unaware smile.

"I've got nowhere better to be." He sat down beside you, watching you so intensely that you felt like you might melt under his gaze. 

"(Boyfriends/Name) has been cheating on me," you told him, letting out a small bubble of laughter, "guess it wasn't as long a story as I was making it out to be," you added, swallowing around the lump in your throat.

Sam looked furious, he had been there for you when you had decided to leave your job, and during leave he would sometimes come with you to visit (B/N) and your family. "He seemed like such a good guy," he started quietly and you simply nodded.

"Yeah." You shrugged slightly, "I thought so too."

"We can't have you sleeping rough, either way," he rambled, getting to his feet and watching in confusion as you began to laugh. 

"I'm not homeless, Sam, my name is on the lease, the apartment is mine; I'm just waiting for him to move his stuff out."

You don't know how he did it, but soon enough Sam had convinced you to begin walking back towards your place, pausing every now and again when the idea of seeing (B/N) became too much for you to handle. "You've got this, Y/N, you're the most badass person I have ever met." 

He took your keys from your shaking hands, unlocking your front door and pushing it open to reveal (B/N) standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by a few items. He quickly span to look at you, his face etched with pain, and you felt your heart break all over again.

"Y/N," he started, taking a step towards you until Sam stepped forward, placing himself between the two of you. "Come on, lets just talk about this," he started again, leaning to look at you around Sam's shoulders, "it was a mistake. I love you."

"A mistake would have only happened once," you muttered back, moving across the living room and into the bedroom, "you fucked god knows how many women, god knows how many times." You gestured for Sam to follow you and he nodded, keeping his glaring eyes locked onto (B/N). Once you were both inside you pressed the door shut, gesturing wildly around the room. "The wardrobe on the left is his," you told him, "I'll find a box for his shit."

"Hey," Sam murmured quietly, "I've got this, just put some headphones in and pretend this isn't happening for a little while." You smiled before moving towards him, leaning against him until he wrapped his arms around you.

"Thanks," you muttered quietly, and you felt his arms squeeze a little tighter around you.

"What are friends for?" he asked quietly patting your back lightly before releasing you. 

*Time Skip*

By the time Sam had finished packing up the bedroom you had calmed yourself down, taking the box in your hands and pushing through the door into the living room, where (B/N) was still waiting.

"Y/N," he murmured as he got to his feet, his face pleading with you to change your mind. "Just think about everything this is going to throw away," he added.

You shook your head, "I'm not the one who threw it away." You both stood in silence for a moment, just looking at one another, and you shrugged sightly. "I deserved better," you finally told him, placing the box on top of the others that had gathered in the centre of the room. 

"Please just listen to me," he started again and you let out a bubble of laughter which caught you both off guard.

"This has been an entire relationship of me listening to whatever lies you told me and believing them. Go find someone else to listen to you 'cos I'm done." 

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