Bruce Banner x Reader - Shotgun

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A/N- This imagine was written as I was listening to Shotgun by George Ezra. It's pretty catchy and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

You eyes fluttered, ever so slowly, open, revealing the moving road to you once more and bringing a smile to your lips. The glass of the car window was cool against your warm skin, soothing away the slight sunburn ache that you had gained the day before. 

In all honestly, when you had suggested a road trip, you had expected Bruce to laugh at you. He liked his rigourously planned routines, and rarely travelled where he could avoid it. But here he was, sailing down the road in a car which rattled when you hit a bump slightly too fast, as though it was going to crumble away at any moment. Being by the coast had been rather relaxing, save for a few bad drivers who had almost been met by the other guy, until you had found a way to calm the situation. You had found that Hulk was less likely to force his way forward where you were involved, and Bruce had theorised one evening that it was because his true self was enjoying your company so much.

You stretched out your arms as you shuffled to sit up straight, glancing over at Bruce for a moment and feeling your smile grow even larger. "I could get used to living like this," you uttered softly, letting your hand land on his shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

Your boyfriend let out a light chuckle, taking a quick look in your direction before returning his eyes to the road. "It has pretty nice seeing you so happy."

"What if we never went back?" you asked him, dragging your legs up to tuck them under you, and continuing to smile at him. "We could just live on the roads like some weird hippy couple and be all worry free."

"It is a shame that we have to go back to New York."

"We don't have to go back though, do we?" Bruce's brow furrowed as he considered your comment. "We never set a date of return, and there is nothing keeping us from going back to visit now and then."

Bruce remained silent for a moment, before pulling over to the side of the road and looking at you properly. "We can't just run away like a pair of loved up teenagers," he told you softly, holding his hand out for you to take.

"Why not? It's been good for both of us to be away from the Avenger's facility, and it's not like the entire organisation will fall apart if we aren't there."

"I can't just abandon Tony like that," he answered softly, and you gave him a small nod. "I don't want you to be mad at me Y/N, but it's not as easy as your making it all sound."

"I'm not mad," you started, reaching out and finally taking his hand, giving it a tight squeeze, "It was just a nice idea."

You both sat in silence for a moment, staring out at the ocean and thinking quietly to yourselves. In all honesty, Bruce would have loved to have disappeared with you, to drop off of the face of the earth and live your best life together. But it wasn't feasible. "Maybe in a few years," he hummed softly, drawinf your eyes back to him, "we could take some time off work, go wherever we want for a year or so, just the two of us." 

You felt a small smile come to your lips. "That would be nice." You paused for a moment, biting down on your bottom lip as you thought through your next words carefully. "Although I doubt we would be alone."

Bruce drew his eyebrows together as you shifted, turning sideways in your seat to look at him. "What do you mean?"

You pulled his hands into your lap, running your thumbs over the skin on the back of his hands. "I don't want you to panic," you started softly, "I mean I'm not even certain yet," you paused for a moment, staring into his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I missed my last period," you breathed out, watching as he raised an eyebrow at you.

"Are you pregnant?"

Your mind ran in circles as you thought of how to answer him. "Maybe," you hummed softly, "I can't be sure until I do a test, but I've not had a chance." Bruce remained silent as he turned the car engine on, and pulled back out onto the road. You quickly shifted back into your seat, pulling your seatbelt across yourself and fastening it. You attempted to calm your breathing, glancing over at Bruce every now and then. He was unreadable, his face set in consentration as he continued to drive. "Where are we going?"

Bruce's hands loosened their grip on the steering wheel slightly, and he looked at you out of the corner of his eyes. "To a drug store." He reached over with his free hand and gave your knee a light squeeze. "I wanna know if I'm gunna be a dad," he added softly, and you let out a small surprised laugh.

"I thought you would be worried," you told him quietly, reaching down and linking your fingers through his. 

"We've saved the world, multiple times," he murmured to you, "I think we can handle parenting."

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