Bucky Barnes X Reader - Hot Stuff

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Hot Stuff' by Donna Summers. I hope you all enjoy it.

You giggled as you heard the phone dial Bucky's number, biting down on your lip in an attempt to stifle the sound from escaping you. You couldn't let him work out that it was you calling, that would ruin the joke, and he would know it was you the second he heard your laugh. 

After a moment of waiting, the phone clicked. Bucky had picked up. "Hey baby, is everything okay?" Well fuck. He'd figured it out, some way or another.

"You ruined the joke," you groaned down the phone, pouting even though he couldn't see you.

It was quite rare that you got a chance to go out and properly cut loose with your friends, but tonight had been one of those rare occasions. You probably should have stopped drinking long ago, but you'd been having so much fun that you couldn't seem to listen to the logical part of your brain.


You huffed, still pouting. "I was trying to prank call you, and you ruined it," you stated simply, listening as Bucky let out a breathy laugh.

"My phone has this magical thing called caller-ID. Your face popped up on the screen before I picked up," he chuckled.

"Shit. How'd I forget that?"

There was another moment of laughter on the other end of the line, whilst you attempted to figure out how on earth you could forget something as significant to a prank call as caller-ID. "You having a good time, Angel?"

You nodded, before realising your mistake. "Yeah," you stated quite simply. "But I miss you, Hot Stuff." You could hear Bucky stifling his laughter on the other end of the line, and pouted slightly. "Don't laugh. I could'a called anyone and I chose you," you exclaimed, hearing a short snort escape him.

"I should hope so. I'm your boyfriend."

"Could'a called Sam. I'm sure he would'a been real eager to come pick me up," you continued, listening as Bucky stopped laughing. A smile pulled at your lips as you attempted to imagine his face in this moment. He was probably all frowny and annoyed, that pouty, peeved face that you had always found so adorable. "Are you going to come and get me?" you added softly, hearing Bucky let out a sigh.

"Yes, I'm coming to get you. I'll be there in ten minutes."

The grin that you were wearing really was quite extreme. The type of smile that makes your cheeks ache, and your eyes squish up. A real, proper smile. "I'm looking forward to it," you told him softly, hearing him chuckle to himself as he attempted to get back into that days clothes with one hand.

"I'm gunna have to hang up to drive, Babe," he murmured, followed by a quiet 'fuck' under his breath as he stubbed his toe on his chest of drawers.

"Okay," you announced into the phone, still smiling. "See you in ten."

*Time Skip*

Ten minutes later, you were waiting at the curb when Bucky's car pulled up. You quickly leant down, giving him a toothy grin through the window. "Hey," you called through the glass, waving at him as he let out a short laugh. After a moment of waiting for you, Bucky climbed from the car, coming round and pressing a kiss against the side of your head as he opened the door for you. You stumbled as you leant into him, still smiling.

"Are you doing okay, Sweetheart?"

You nodded eagerly, handing him your bag before climbing into the passenger seat of his car, giggling when he placed the bag into your lap. Once he was settled beside you, you turned to him with a sweet smile. "You look really hot," you murmured, eyes running over his jaw.

Bucky wanted to laugh, he really did, but you looked so serious that he didn't dare let the sound escape him. "Thank you, Angel," he answered softly, reaching over to pat your knee lightly. "You look real good too."

He glanced at you out of the side of his eye, watching as you bit down on your bottom lip, still absolutely fixated on him. "Can we fuck tonight?" Bucky almost gasped as the words left your mouth. Now, don't get me wrong. You weren't a prude, neither of you were, but even for you that was a little blunt.

"I don't know, Sweetheart. You're real drunk right now." He glanced at you again, looking at the way you were pouting at him. "Tell you what, lets make a deal."

"What deal?" you asked, eyes narrowing at him as he continued to drive, his eyes fixed on the road.

"If you're real good tonight, we can stay in bed all day tomorrow. You can do whatever you want with me. But you have to behave. Take off your makeup, get into your PJ's, and go to bed. No funny business. Deal?"

You ran your tongue over your teeth for a moment, focused entirely on the deal being set out for you. "Deal," you uttered. "But you're mine all day, alright? No running off to the gym."

"Of course. All day," he uttered, pulling the car into the drive way of your shared home.

The smile you gave him as you climbed out of the car was enough to drive him crazy. Not to mention the way you looked in your dress. He would have no issue spending the entire day in bed with you.

By the time Bucky reached the door, you were already fumbling with your keys, attempting to get them into the lock and failing miserably. He reached around you, pressing his own keys into the door effortlessly, and letting you into the house. You turned to him, kissing him quickly before remembering your deal and pulling away to hurry to the bathroom. 

A few minutes later, you walked into your bedroom, makeup free and dressed in your comfiest PJ's. Bucky glanced up from his phone, smiling as you slouched over to the bed and climbed under the duvet.

"How'd you look so handsome?" you murmured, kissing his shoulder lightly as you shuffled into a more comfortable position. "It's not fair that you look so good right now," you added, listening to him chuckle as you closed your eyes.

"Go to sleep, Angel. You're going to need a lot of energy for tomorrow," he murmured, leaning in and kissing your forehead before turning off the bedside lamp and shuffling under the covers.

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