Steve Rogers X Reader - Some Nights.

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A/N-This imagine is based on the song Some Nights by Fun. I hope you all enjoy it.

You stretched as you made your way up the stairs of the motel, wishing that tonight your bed would be more comfortable than it had been the night before, though you highly doubted that anything would have changed. You sighed, pausing outside of the room for just a moment before raising your hand and tapping three times. 

The door swung open in an instant, causing you to jump as Steve stared at you, worry deep in his eyes. "You said you would be back by eleven," he told you, reaching out and drawing you into the room, pressing his lips lightly to your forehead.

"Sorry, I stopped for a drink," you answered him softly, feeling his hands running up and down your back as though checking you were really with him.

Life on the road had been anything but easy. Moving from pillar to post every other day with only the four of you for company had grown to drive you to madness at times. You wanted to sit down with your friends back home, to hug your mum, to pet your childhood dog, but instead it was just you, Steve, Nat, and Sam. On the rare occasion you would see Wanda, but she spent most of her time alone or with Vision, and you were simply glad to see her happy when you finally got to spend time with her. 

"You need to warn me when you're going to be late, I thought something bad had happened." You nodded, burying your face into his shirt and taking a deep breath. "Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice lower than before as he continued to hold you close to his body.

"I just wish we could go home," you answered him, your words muffled through the material of his clothes.

Steve let out a small sigh, "I know," he told you, giving you another squeeze before releasing you. 

You sniffled as you crossed the room, tugging on your shirt and dropping it onto the vanity, and then turning back to face Steve. "All we've ever done is try to help people," you grumbled, giving a small shrug and you shook your feet out of your shoes. "And they repay us by calling us traitors and letting us live like this."

"People are scared," he answered you, sitting on the end of the bed, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

"Tony isn't scared," you murmured softly, tearing your jeans down your legs and storming across the room in your underwear, attempting to loosen the sheets on the bed.

"No," he agreed, "but he's hurt, and that's just as bad." 

You groaned in frustration as the sheets continued to cling to the bed, and you finally allowed a few tears to fall as you kicked at the wooden frame. "Fuck," you hissed, jumping back and lifting your foot into your hand. Steve was on his feet in an instant, closing the distance between you and stopping you from stumbling around with no control. "Fuck," you yelped again, dropping your foot to the floor and letting Steve just hold you in his arms for a moment. You were silent for a moment, allowing choked sobs to escape your lips. "I just wish that there was even the slightest bit of doubt in my mind that this was the right thing to do." 

He let out a small chuckle at your words, "If I had a penny for every time I've had that thought I'd be as rich as Tony."

You let your arms wrap around his waist, your fingers gripping his shirt behind him. "The accords were never going to have a happy ending were they?"

"Not whilst Bucky is alive. I could never turn him in, and Tony won't rest until he see him dead." 

You nodded, though it was barely noticeable. "Well," you grumbled, "Tony's being a dick." Steve laughed again, his fingers lingering on your bare back before finally releasing you.

"You don't mean that," he told you softly, moving to tug the sheets out from under the mattress and gesturing for you to get into the bed.

"No," you answered, doing as he had suggested and climbing among the sheets, "but I wish I did, it woud make this so much easier for all of us." He gave you a small, sad smile and nodded.

"I know, Darling, now get some sleep," you closed your eyes, pouting your lips at him silently until he pressed a kiss to them lightly, causing you to let out a small chuckle as you pulled the sheets closer to your body.

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora