Wanda Maximoff X Bi!Reader - Secret Love Song

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song Secret Love Song by Little Mix ft. Jason Derulo. I hope you all enjoy it.

You smiled when the knock finally came on your bedroom door, and you crossed the room in seconds, yanking it open only for your smile to falter slightly. "Hi," you started softly, watching as Tony glanced around himself.

"Were you expecting someone else?" he asked, and you forced your smile back to its full strength as he lent down to press a kiss to your lips softly.

You chuckled lightly, "Of course not, I was just surprised," you paused for a moment as he made his way into your flat. "I thought you were supposed to be working tonight," you added, fumbling your phone out of your pocket and quickly sending a 'Raincheck' text to Wanda.

"Well, I haven't seen you all week, I thought I would take the night off," he told you, patting the sofa behind him, and grinning when you came to sit beside him, his arm coming to rest over your shoulders. "What's the point of being your own boss if you don't even give yourself a little break here and there?"

You allowed a bubble of laughter to escape you, passing him the remote control and settling down for another evening of constant guilt. Since the moment you had begun dating Tony he had been completely and utterly devoted to you, but you couldn't say the same about yourself. In fact, you had started seeing Wanda on the side within three weeks of Tony asking you out. But she was unable to commit to you, and here he was, practically begging for you to accept his love, and offering you anything you could ever imagine.

"What you thinking about?" he asked you quietly, and you quickly realised that you were biting on your lip as he flipped through the movie options.

You hummed, turning to look at him, "nothing, just work stuff," you answered, "I was planning on getting some work done tonight," you added and you saw a small smile appear on his lips.

"They are working you far too hard," he told you, taking your hand in his and pressing a kiss to the back. "And you are far too willing to let them," he continued, getting to his feet and going into the Kitchen to collect some snacks from the cupboards.

"I don't think you are in any position to lecture me on working too hard," you chuckled, getting to your feet to follow him, only to find him standing and staring at the bottle of wine on the work surface, with two glasses sitting beside it. He glanced at you for a moment, and you forced yourself to chuckle slightly, "from last night, when you were supposed to be coming over," you told him, picking the bottle up in one hand and the glasses in the other, "can I offer you a glass?"

He shook his head, "I'm not allowed tonight," he told you softly, "there is a large chance that Bruce might call and I'll have to rush off," he added.

"What are you guys working on?" you pressed, hoping to steer the conversation away from your mistake. You had never intended for him to turn up tonight, but it was simply lucky that he had come early enough for you to intercept Wanda before she arrived.

"Some of the guys suits needed tweeking, it's nothing big, but he can get a bit nervous working alone." You nodded, pulling open one of the cupboards and pulling out a bag of popcorn before throwing it in his direction.

"Well we better get started with a movie before we get interupted then," you told him, taking his hand in yours and pulling him back to the sofa.

*Time Skip*

By the time Tony had left that night it was gone midnight, and you hadn't even glanced at your phone once. But when you saw that Wanda hadn't responded you had grown worried, hitting call on her number as soon as you were certain that you had heard Tony's car peel down the road.

The line remained silent when she picked up. "Hey," you started softly, "Tony dropped by. I thought he was supposed to be working. I'm sorry." You settled yourself on the arm of the sofa as you waited for her to answer.

"I know," she answered you, and another knock came on the door.

You stood back up, "can you give me a second?" you put the phone on silent, placing it down on the coffee table before crossing the room and pulling the door open, revealing Wanda waiting on the other side. "How'd you get here so fast?" you asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her inside.

"I was walking up the street and saw Tony parking the car," she told you, and you felt yourself frown, "I went to the café across the street until he left."

"I'm sorry," you murmured, "you shouldn't have to do that."

She shrugged slightly, "I do it by choice," she answered you softly, leaning forward and pressing her lips against yours, "because you are more than worth it."

"I just wish we could be open about this," you muttered as she pulled away, "it won't be long until he realises what's happening," you added.

"Then you should leave him," she answered simply, slumping down onto your sofa and gesturing for you to join her.

You sighed as you did as she had suggested, crossing your legs and turning your entire body to face her. "You make that sound far easier than it is," you started, "he will ask questions," you continued, "and I still enjoy his company."

"But you prefer mine?" she asked.

You allowed a smile to come to your lips, "yes I prefer your company, but that means nothing if you are unwilling to tell people about us." The room went silent, and you shrugged at her. "With Tony I don't have to hide."

"And yet here you are sneaking around behind his back."

"Thats not what I mean," you started, "I would love to be able to be with you, but I can't commit to just a relationship behind closed doors. I want to show people how much I love you."

"And as I've told you before, I can't give you that."

"Then perhaps we should stop kidding ourselves and stop whatever this is." Her eyes went wide as you spoke. "It isn't fair on us, and it definitely isn't fair on Tony."

"I should leave," she answered quietly, getting to her feet until you took her hand in yours.

"I do wish we could have made this work," you told her as she glanced down at you, "I really do care about you."

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