Tony Stark X Reader - Speak to me

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song 'Speak To Me' by Amy Lee. Warning! It will have Infinity War spoilers so beware if you haven't seen it yet. This may be continued at a later date, but I am, so far, unsure of my intentions.

You watched as Peter fell into Tony's arms, mumbling through his pain as his skin began to melt away. Your heart ached as you pushed yourself to move closer to the two of them, your hand landing on Tony's arm just as the boy disappeared from his grip, his ashes drifting away on the soft wind as you watched on in horror. Peter was gone. Steven was gone. Starlord, and Mantis, and Drax, and presumably all of the others you had once known so well, were all gone. Thanos had won.

You felt Tony's hand land on your wrist, pulling you closer to him as a sob escaped his chest. "We lost," he mumbled softly, causing your arms to tighten around him, holding him as close to you as you could.

"We can fix this," you told him, wincing when you felt an ache begin to spread through your fingertips. "Tony," you started, and he glanced up at you, his eyes widening slightly as he heard the panic in your voice.

"No," he yelped as you held your hand up, glancing at it in confusion as your fingers began to give way, leaving behind a trail of dust that flowed the same way Peter had. "Not you, I can't do this without you."

"Darling, you're going to have to," you uttered, using what was left of your hands to pull his face to yours, pressing your lips together. "Just pretend like I'm still there, you will find the answers," you murmured as you pulled away from him.

"Please," he whimpered, attempting to take your arm in his hand, only for it to crumble away.

"Find Steve, promise me you will not let your pride get the better of you." Tony pressed his eyes closed for a moment and you cleared your throat, attempting to sound more authorative than you had before. "Promise me, Tony."

"I promise," he told you softly, and you felt a small smile come to your lips.

"I love you, Darling," you uttered, and as if on cue, the last of your face began to crack, drifting away on the wind as Tony collpsed to the ground, sobs escaping his chest as he clung to the last of the ashes you had left behind.

*Time Skip*

It took Tony a long time to make it back to Earth, and with each day that passed he considered the promise he had made to you. You would not know if he broke it, would never know if he avoided Cap like he had the plague. But there would also be no chance of getting you back without the others. Upon reaching New York he was in such a daze that he hardly noticed the empty streets, full of abandoned cars, bags, prams. It would have broken your heart to have seen your beautiful city in such disarray, and it hurt his to imagine the pain on your face as you would have looked around. 

He continued out of Mahattan, hi-jacking one of the empty cars and going as fast as he could to the Avenger's facility. If they were anywhere it would be there, they all knew the plan. He halted the car as he got close to the door, sitting in silence for a moment as he imagined what, or who, would be waiting for him. 

"He'll hate me, Y/N," he murmured into the empty car, "they'll all hate me." He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, and feeling the air around him chill slightly. With a start he opened his eyes, finding himself in exactly the same place as he had been moments before, alone and putting off the inevitable. "Thank you, darling," he whispered softly, feeling a smile come to his lips as he imagined you pushing him to leave the car. 

Little had changed in the Avenger's facility, but it was quiet, and seemed almost empty until Tony heard a sound coming from the top of the stairs. He crept forward slightly, attempting to move up the stairs unnoticed, but sure enough Cap appeared at the top of the steps before he could take more than a couple of steps. "Stark," Steve muttered, giving him a short nod before moving out of the way for him to continue up into the room.

"Captain," Tony started standing completely still as he looked up at the man before him. He continued to stare until he felt the air go fridgid around him again, causing him to smile and take a few steps forward, bringing the others into his view. They all looked wrecked, but he was sure that if he had taken a single moment to look at himself in the mirror he would have though the same about himself. "Is this all of us?" he asked them quietly, recieving a few nods around the room.

"The only ones we know of," Nat started, only to be cut off by Steve's words.

"Y/N and the kid?" he asked quietly, watching as Tony's shoulders went ridgid. 

"Turned to dust," he mumbled softly, pressing his eyes shut for a moment.

"I'm sorry," Steve started, watching as Tony shook his head.

"She made me promise to find you guys and fix this shit, so quit apologising and lets get to work."

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