Tony Stark X Reader - The Power of Love: Requested

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A/N - This chapter was requested by user: Spn_Kyria. It is based on the song 'The Power of Love' by Céline Dion. I hope you all enjoy it.

All your mind could focus on was the cold. The whole world seemed like it had just about iced over and you were almost ready to give in and let the cold take you. The battle was over, your enemies had turned to dust, and Thanos had been defeated. You could rest in the first time in a very long time, in any place your body could find comfort.

You gave in, letting your knees sink into the wet mud as you released a shaking sigh. Your powers had always taken a lot of energy from you, and this time you had been giving it your all. Your arms and legs felt about ready to drop off of your body and you were happy to let them.

"Y/N?" The voice was so soft that you barely recognised your own name, but the hand on your shoulder drew your attention to the speaker. "Are you hurt?" Steve had always been very good to you and you had felt bad when you'd turned your back on him after the incident at the airport, but now he was back and you could put all of that behind you. 

"No. I'm good," you murmured, before realising just how untrue that answer was. Your entire body was on fire, and now that you were on the ground you weren't certain you would ever be able to get back up.

"Tony needs your help."

Almost instantly, the pain was gone and you were on your feet. "Where is he?" You were turning your head, searching for him amongst the crowds of people. Steve took your elbow in his hand, guiding you through the people to where Tony would be waiting for you. 

You couldn't have guessed how badly Tony would be hurt. Jesus, you'd seen him with scratches and bruises before and he would whine like a little bitch, but now he was almost silent, leant up against some half-destroyed structure and looking like a soft breeze could kill him. 

"Fuck," you murmured, pulling out of Steve's grip and making your way over to him as calmly as you could manage. "Hey Tony," you started, moving to kneel beside him. "How you doing?"

He turned his head, looking up at you with a soft smile. "Never better." God, even the words looked as though they were hurting him. 

"I'm going to help you, okay?" You paused for a moment. "It's going to take a while, but we'll have you as good as new."

You reached up, placing a hand on his cheek and closing your eyes. The energy rushed from you, making the ache return to your body as quickly as it had disappeared. When you reopened your eyes, you found Tony staring back at you, face concerned as it watched you carefully. "Don't hurt yourself."

A small smile found itself on your face. "It'll only hurt me if you keep resisting it," you uttered, settling more comfortably on the ground and keeping your hand in contact with his face. "Now, hold still and let me work."

He stilled completely, giving a short nod and closing his eyes. A few minutes later, he was asleep, and you were still attempting to heal his broken body. 

"We need to move you inside," Steve started, coming to kneel beside you. "We've got a stretcher ready. You good to walk?"

You nodded, not taking your eyes or your hand off of Tony as they started to move him. "Be careful," you murmured, pressing yourself close to him as they began to take him inside. "If we break contact he could die," you added.

That night, you fell asleep with your hand pressed to his clammy cheek, attempting to keep the contact as constant as you could. And when you woke the next morning, your body was screaming in pain. There were tears in your eyes as you attempted to stay quiet, managing to hold back all but a few whimpers, until Steve came for another visit.

"It's killing you," he started, more of a statement than a question. The way his brows were furrowed told you that he knew more than he was letting on, but you kept up the facade.

"I can handle it," you uttered, gritting your teeth as you burrowed closer to Tony. "He needs me."

"The team needs you," he corrected. "He wouldn't want you to die for him."

You pressed your eyes closed and released a deep breath. "I don't want to do it without him," you finally murmured. "I can't."

"How long have you been in love with him?" 

The words caught you off guard. Of course, you knew that you loved Tony, but you had never said the words out loud before. "Since the first day I met him."

Steve nodded, only just in your vision on the other side of Tony. "If it comes down to you or him, you need to let go."

"We both know that I won't," you uttered, mustering up a small smile for him. "He's getting close. He'll be sore for a while, but he'll be alive."

*Time Skip*

You were asleep when Tony finally woke, groggy but alive. He glanced around at his surroundings, seeing the metal walls of the medic bay and relaxing slightly. It was only then that he noticed you curled against him, your warm hand pressed to his chest. He nudged you slightly, feeling his arms crying out in pain as he shifted to touch you. 

Your eyes shot open, finding him looking back at you. "You're awake."

"So are you." His voice was thick with sleep, and what you could only assume was biting pain. 

You glanced down, seeing your hand pressed to his naked chest, and your whole body tensed as you pulled away. "Sorry," you uttered, shifting to get off of the medical bed, only for him to catch your wrist and place your hand back there. 

"You're warm," he murmured, pulling you closer to him and smiling. 

"I'll get you a blanket," you started again, going to move away, only for him to pull you in again.

"Please don't leave." Your body began to relax again, allowing itself to sink into him. "I thought I was going to die," he added, his hand coming up to touch your cheek ever so lightly. 

"I couldn't let you die. Who else would bother me with every little bruise?"

Tony released a small chuckle. "You know, I only bother you with those things because I like it when you touch me."

"You're gross," you chuckled, pressing your forehead to his shoulder. 

"But you're still touching me," he uttered, taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his lips. "So, you don't mind too much, huh?"

"I don't mind at all," you told him, brushing your fingers over his lips as he released your hand. "But we really outta let a doctor take a look at you. Make sure you aren't about to just drop dead."

"Nah, it can wait," he murmured, pulling your hand away from his mouth and leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. 

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora