Sam Wilson X Reader - Moving to New York

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Moving to New York' by the Wombats. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

You weren't quite sure what it was about the Metro that was so intimidating. It could have been the crowds of people hanging about on the platforms, or the fact that if you hesitated for even a second you would miss your stop, or maybe it was just that you had never set foot on a train before coming to New York. Whatever it was, it had you practically shaking as you perched on the corner of the seat, your eyes fixed on the map on the wall opposite you. 

"Hey," a voice interrupted your thoughts, drawing your attention over to a man standing near the doors. Your brow furrowed as you glanced at him. If the rumours were to be believed, normal people didn't make small talk in the city, and something about the small smile offered you left you off balance. "You look lost," he continued, moving to sit in the seat across from you. "You need a hand?" 

Your mouth opened to practically beg him for his assistance, and then a thought came to your head. You had no idea who this man was, and there was a chance that he could be a murderer, lurking on trains waiting for some clueless victim. Shit, were you the clueless victim. Your eyes widened slightly, and you quickly shook your head, returning your gaze to the poster. 

"Okay," he murmured, leaning back in his seat and pulling his phone from his pocket, scrolling through it. 

You took the distraction as a chance to look at him properly. He didn't look like a murderer. He was handsome and his lips were turned up in a little half-smile that made him seem kind. But then again, women had thought the same about Ted Bundy, and look how that had worked out for them. Note to self: Stop watching murder documentaries before bed. You finally cleared your throat, his eyes lifting to look at you with a proper smile. "I'm supposed to be going to Calbrini Boulevard, it's in Hudson Heights, but I have no idea what train I should be on -" you paused for a second, shifting in your seat uncomfortably "- do you mind explaining it to me?" 

The man sat up a little straighter, shoving his phone into his pocket and glancing over at the map for a second. "I don't want you to panic, but you're going the completely wrong direction for Hudson Heights," he uttered, watching as you winced at his comment. "You can change over at the next stop and it should be a non-stop journey, though, so we can fix this."

You attempted to force a smile onto your lips, but it wobbled slightly. "New York is so much harder than I thought it would be," you confessed, releasing a soft sigh, and running your hands over your face in frustration. 

"Tell you what, I'll hop off with you, make sure you get on the right train back up."

You nodded, your hands bunched in your lap as you glanced around the train carriage. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome." He went quiet for a moment, just watching as you took in your surroundings. "So, what brought you to New York?" 

You shrugged slightly, pausing for just a second before giving in to his curiosity. "My life was stagnating and I decided I needed to shake it up, so I started applying for jobs out of state-" you paused for a second, shaking your head, "-Imagine my surprise when I actually got offered the perfect job in Manhattan." The man chuckled at your comment, and you licked your bottom lip. "After the blip I got super stressed about how I could die tomorrow and I wouldn't have done anything with my life. Wanted to start taking risks."

"That's pretty cool," he uttered, his elbows leaning on his knees as he watched you.

You shook your head, chuckling. "Why am I even telling you this? I don't even know your name."

He held out his hand for you to shake, and you quickly took it. "I'm Sam." 


"New York isn't as hard as it seems, you know?" Sam uttered, releasing your hand and sitting back more comfortably. "Once you figure out the trains you've pretty much nailed everything." 

You released a soft chuckle, shaking your head at his comment. "Now, I know that's not true. Making friends here is terrifying." 

"New Yorkers are some of the most friendly people you'll ever meet," he corrected. "They seem a little brash at first, but you get used to it." He paused for a second. "Besides, you've made friends with me and nothing bad happened."

You only just managed to hold back the eye roll that came so naturally at his comment. "Only because I decided you were too cute to be a serial killer." 

"Yeah?" A smirk pulled at his lips as he ran his hand over his jaw. "I'll take that as a compliment." 

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