Steve Rogers (Kinda) x Reader - This Is Me

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A/N- This imagine was inspired by the song This Is Me from The Greatest Showman, which I finally got around to watching over the Christmas holidays. I thought its message would fit quite well with this narrative and decided it was worth giving it a go. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had been sitting on the sofa with Wanda when the news had flickered to life, causing you to glance back over your shoulder to where Tony was standing with the remote. He lifted his eyebrows at you, gesturing for you to watch the screen, and you quickly did as you were told. Scenes from your latest mission were running, pictures of Wanda with the magic flowing from her fingers, videos of the building as it erupted in flames. Beneath the footage, the headline ran on a loop, Super Heroes: Friends or Foes. The debate had been running for longer than you could remember, but never had it been so focused on a single event.

"They don't know what they're talking about," you muttered, getting to your feet and stalking towards the TV to turn it off at the wall.

Tony scoffed slightly, but your glare caused him to hesitate for a moment. "You did more damage to Lagos than we could ever have imagined possible," he started, his voice uncharacteristically soft, and his eyes locked on yours.

You cocked your head to the side slightly as you considered his words, "you can't honestly believe that we would ever purposefully cause harm." Tony began shaking his head. "These people have been looking for a reason to get rid of us since they first realized we were different. These stupid headlines are exactly the same ones they've been putting out since you first announced yourself to the world."

Wanda, who had been shifting uncomfortably on the sofa, finally moved, heading in the direction of her bedroom. You glared at Tony, keeping him quiet until you heard her door click shut. "She is dangerous," he stated simply, and a growl almost escaped your throat.

"Then give her better training," you spat back, "her powers are a part of her, she can't just turn them off. She can't just live a normal life like you can."

"Which is why Ross wants us all to register our powers," Tony pressed on, continuing as you scoffed at his words. "It is the safest way of continuing."

"We are not weapons," you paused for a moment, your glare unwavering, "we are people, and I for one am not going to be lining up to register myself like I'm some sort of war criminal."

Tony sighed, shaking his head. "I should've known you'd be with Steve on this," he started, causing you to let out a disgusted laugh.

"I'm sorry, but I am not going to be made to feel guilty for having these abilities." You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

"Just think about it," he told you more firmly, "we aren't signing for another couple days; I want you to be on the right side of history on this one."

*Time Skip*

You were standing beside Steve, taking a deep breath as you watched the others begin to gather themselves, ready for battle. You felt Steve's hand land on your shoulder as you stretched out your muscles, and quickly glanced up at him, forcing a smile onto your lips.

"You don't have to do this," he uttered softly, "you can still go home and forget that you were ever here."

A small snort escaped you, and you shook your head slightly, your smile fading. "I'm not going anywhere," you told him softly, reaching up and taking his hand in yours.

The hug he drew you into was bone crushing, and you felt any lingering fear of what was to come ebb away as your arms lifted to wrap around him. "Thank you," he murmured in your ear, and you simply nodded your understanding against his chest.

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