Scott Lang x Reader - Beth

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song 'Beth'by Kiss. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

You had been staring at the phone for an hour before it finally rang, and your hand quickly slapped down on it, dragging it up to your ear as you hit answer.

"Scott?" you asked softly, and you heard a deep sigh on the other end. Your worry only built when he didn't answer. "Scotty is that you?"

"I never should have come here," he told you softly, and your heart broke at his monotone voice.

You felt your eyes well-up as the line fell silent, "what happened?" 

He didn't answer for a long moment, leaving you in your bubble of worry. "I broke the law, Y/N, I don't know what to do," he answered quietly and you muffled your sniffle before plastering a false smile on your lips, attempting to calm yourself.

"It'll be okay," you told him, "I'll call Hank and he'll sort this," you continued, only to pause when you heard him mutter your name.

"Hank can't help me anymore, I took the suit without telling him and they think he's involved. He'll already be on the road by now." Your false smile dropped from your lips, allowing a shaking breath to escape your lips.

"Well," you started quietly, "what are your options?"

He remained silent for a moment, "either, I keep running, or, I turn myself in and hope they let me off lightly."

"What are you going to do?" you asked him softly, running your hand over your face as you let out another shaky sigh.

"I don't know," he told you, and you could already hear the tears in his voice, "if I keep running I might never see you or Cassie again," he added and you finally allowed the tears to flow, furiously wiping them from your cheeks.

"And if you turn yourself in?"

"I may be in prison for the rest of my life," he answered, leaving you both in silence.

"Maybe if you got a good lawyer," you started, "I could start looking for someone to represent you and you could be home before we even know it."

You heard him sigh, "I can't afford any lawyer, let alone a good one, Baby."

"I could speak to my dad," you started again, pausing when he let out a soft chuckle.

"Your dad has always hated me, Y/N, what makes you think anything will have changed now?"

You sniffled again, clearing your throat, "he doesn't hate you," you muttered quietly, "he's just protective, and he knows how much I love you." The line was silent for a moment, "just let me try before you do anything rash, okay?"

"Okay," he answered you softly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Scott. I promise you that we can work this out."

*Time Skip*

You were sitting opposite your father on one of his plush sofas, the windows allowing cool air to filter throughout the room, but you were still struggling to catch your breath, unable to tell him what you had come to speak about.

"I was surprised that Scott wasn't with you," he told you with a small smile, "what's he up to these days?" he added, watching glanced up at him. His brows were raised and he had on his usual 'I Told You So' smile.

"You saw the news then?" He nodded, giving you a small shrug.

"He's on the front of every paper that went to print this morning," he told you, "I can't say I was surprised, though I was somewhat shocked that you didn't come sooner."

"I'm not in the mood for a lecture," you started softly, your frown etched onto your lips so deeply that you saw your father's cheerful exterior falter for a moment. "He was doing what he thought was right, isn't that a good thing?"

"Usually the right thing doesn't include an ex-con breaking the law," he muttered, watching as you picked at the last of the varnish that clung to your nails. "Where is he?"

"I don't know," you answered softly, "he was worried that someone could have access to my phone."

Your father let out a small laugh, "he's smarter than he looks," he told you and you nodded.

"He needs help," you pressed, ignoring his comment, "surely there is some sort of deal he can strike if he turns himself in."

Your father sat for a moment, his brow furrowed, "only if he had himself good representation."

"Please," you muttered softly, "just don't think of it as Scott, think of it as me, and Cassie." You knew you had caught his attention as soon as the words had left your lips. He had only met Scott's daughter a couple of times, but her sweetness had caught him off guard immediatley and he had been like putty in her little hands.

"Fine," he told you softly, "give me a few days to work some stuff out, and give him my number, tell him to give me a call and we'll see what we can do."

You felt the tears in your eyes and you flung yourself forward, wrapping your arms around your father as you cried. "Thank you," yoou mumbled against him, giving him another tight squeeze before getting to your feet and heading for the door. 

*Time Skip*

You were restless as you waited for the sound of a knock on your door. You had already cleaned the entire house from top to bottom, and you had flicked through almost every channel on the tv with little interest in anything that had appeared on the screen. You had even run yourself a bath to pass some time, but within a few moments you had thought you had heard something downstairs and had followed the sound as quickly as possible, only to find the post on the door mat. 

When the knock finally came you had rolled from the sofa and onto your feet, crossing the room in a matter of seconds and pulling the door open to reveal Scott, tired and dishevelled, but finally home. You felt tears in your eyes and you quickly pulled him into a hug, wrapping your arms around his middle. 

"He's got to go inside so they can put the ankle bracelet on him," your father spoke, moving forward to press you both into the house and giving you a small smile. "Two years house arrest was the best I could manage," he added softly, " but it's better than a lifetime in prison."

"Thank you," you told him quietly, reaching out and giving his hand a small squeeze as the police officer put the ankle bracelet on Scott, who was still smiling like an idiot with his eyes fixed on you. "I spoke to Maggie earlier," you muttered, moving to stand beside the sofa, "she's bringing Cassie around this weekend."

He reached up his hand, linking his fingers through yours and smiling softly up at you. "I have never known anyone as good on their promises as you." 

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