Bruce Banner X Reader - Driving Home For Christmas

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A/N - Me and my family have finally started getting into the festive spirit this week, and have begun the decorating process! So, I thought I would do a little christmassy chapter. This imagine is inspired by the song 'Driving Home For Christmas' by Chris Rhea. I hope you all enjoy it.

Bruce had never met your family before. You'd suggested it a ton of times, excited to introduce the man that had you head over heels in love to your loved ones. But, he had always deflected. I can't that weekend. Tony needs me in the lab. I feel like I might be getting ill. The excuses had just kept coming, thick and fast, and eventually you had given up asking, too tired of being shot down again and again. 

"Hey babe?" Bruce had uttered one evening, glancing over at you where you were sitting on the sofa in your pyjamas. You looked up at him for a moment, smiling and nodding for him to continue. "What are you doing for christmas this year?"

You shrugged slightly, thinking. "I'll probably be at Mum and Dad's. We do the same thing every year," you murmured, looking back down at your phone. "Why?"

"Can I come?" The words had almost left you spluttering over your own breath. Two years of dating, and badgering him to meet your family, and here he was suddenly making all of your wishes come true.

"Yeah," you started, attempting to keep a calm head as you smiled over at him. "I'll let Mum know you're coming."

Now, a few weeks later, you were still just as excited for Christmas as you had been when he had told you he would be coming. Almost shaking with nervous energy as you packed your weekend bag.

"What time are we leaving?" Bruce asked you softly, laying back on your bed and watching you as you folded an ugly, Christmas-themed sweater. "I don't need one of those do I?" He suddenly looked very uncomfortable, staring at the item of clothing in your hands.

"We are leaving in, like, twenty minutes, and you don't need to worry. Mum buys one for everyone every year. I gave her your sizing and everything," you told him, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "They are going to love you," you continued, your thumb running over his chin slightly, "just be yourself."

*Time Skip*

You were in the car soon after, the radio playing softly in the background. You had been pretty relaxed until you had hit a bunch of traffic, your whole body tensing as you released a sigh. "We're going to be late," you uttered, shaking your head, "I should've known everybody would be trying to get out of New York today."

"It's just a little traffic," Bruce told you softly, his hand reaching over to squeeze your knee lightly. "We'll make up the time once we're on the freeway."

You sighed again, nodding slightly. "Could you text my mum and let her know? My phone's in my bag," you grumbled, watching as he nodded slightly, grabbing your phone and sending off a quick text. 

A few seconds later, the radio cut out, replaced by a couple of seconds of static, and then, a christmas song started playing loudly out of the speakers. 

"Baby? It is a crime for you to be so grumpy on Christmas Eve-Eve," he called over the music, causing you to let out a surprised chuckle. "Come on, sing with me," he added, making up the words to the song. 

"That's not how it goes," you told him, attempting to hold back the peels of laughter that wanted to escape. "You know those aren't the words," you exclaimed as he continued to sing.

Bruce paused for a moment, smiling over at you. "So, tell me the real words," he demanded, causing you to chuckle again as you began to sing along.

You sang loudly and off-key to the songs Bruce played for you, dancing as you sat in the traffic. The other drivers seemed to find the display rather funny, laughing as they watched you both belt out the words, in your own little world. 

In fact, you didn't stop singing along until you were almost home, your throat sore as you pulled off of the road, parking in front of your childhood home. You glanced over at Bruce for a moment, smiling as he turned the music down.

"You ready to go inside?" he asked softly, taking your hand in his.

"In a minute," you murmured, watching him for a moment. "Can we make this a tradition?" you asked suddenly, "just the two of us, driving somewhere with the music turned all the way up?"

You watched as a smile bloomed on Bruce's lips, and he nodded slightly. "I'd like that," he uttered, leaning forward and pulling you into a sweet kiss. As he pulled away, he chuckled, watching as your brows pulled together in confusion. "I think your mum is watching us," he told you, shifting back in his seat and nodding towards the house, where your mum was looking out of the kitchen window. 

A peel of laughter escaped you, and you quickly waved at your mum, grinning as she disappeared from the window. "She is way too nosey for her own good," you chuckled, shaking your head. "You're going to love her."

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