Sam Wilson X Reader - When a Woman

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'When a Woman' by Gabrielle. I hope you all enjoy it.

You were barely awake when your phone vibrated on your bedside table, lighting up the room as the shrill sound of your ringtone echoed against the walls. Fucking Nat. Considering the amount she's had to drink the night before it was a miracle she was even awake yet. Your Wine and Whine nights had become a monthly tradition when you were barely even old enough to drink, and they had continued long into adulthood, with both of you releasing the stress of the month in marginal comfort.

"What?" you mumbled as you answered the phone, your voice still thick with sleep and your mouth dry and scratchy, like it had been filled with cotton wool. 

Nat chuckled at the brash opening line, a snort causing your frustration to fade slightly. "Good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty," she teased as another sigh slipped out of you.

"What do you want? It's 8am," you groaned, shifting to sit up in your bed. 

"I'm outside." 

With another groan you slipped out of bed, throwing on an old hoodie as you made your way to the front door of your apartment. "You're a pain in the ass," you murmured, hitting the buzzer to open the main door to the building and unlocking your apartment door. "It's unlocked. Let yourself in."

You were crumpled up on the sofa when she opened the door, another snort of laughter bursting out of her as she surveyed your rather hungover state. "Feeling fresh, huh?" she uttered, coming to slump down on the sofa beside you. 

"Never better," you grumbled, shoving her with you foot and causing her to let out another peel of laughter. "What are you doing here?"

Nat shrugged slightly, a very knowing look spreading across her face. "Well, I just thought you might like to know that Tony's throwing a party tonight," she started, a smirk pulling at her lips. "And Sam's going to be there." 

"God, I told you that in confidence." 

"And I haven't told anyone, but I'm not going to sit around and watch you pine after him when you could make a very successful move on him," she exclaimed, turning sideways and crossing her legs as she watched you carefully. "Come on, he's a man with eyes and you are one of the most stunning people I have ever had the pleasure of setting my own eyes on. Why wouldn't he want you?"

You sighed slightly. "Well-"

"No, that was a rhetorical question, idiot," she cried out, leaning forward to grab your hands and pull you up into a sitting position. "Just come to the party and maybe do a little bit of flirting. He'll go for it, trust me." You sat silently for a moment, raising an eyebrow at her. "And if he doesn't we'll come back here for ice cream and ballads about heartbreak, then on our next mission my aim might just slip a little, and he may end up with a tiny bullet wound."

"Wow," you murmured, a soft chuckle slipping out of your lips. "That's extreme."

Nat frowned slightly. "Don't avoid the subject. Are you coming to the party or not?" 

"Do I actually have a choice in the matter?" 

She chuckled, giving you a small shrug. "Not really. So, I'm thinking you could wear that black dress that makes your boobs look good, and-"

"I can pick out my own clothes," you murmured, shaking your head as you stood up, only to notice Nat biting back a chuckle as she gave you a once over. "What?"

"I'm just questioning the truth in that statement, you know, given the hole-riddled leggings, dirty hoodie combo you're pulling off right now," she teased. "I mean, it's chic, but like, i'm not sure it's really this season." 

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