Tony Stark X Sister!Reader - I Got Time

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'I Got Time' by Bebe Rexha. This chapter includes mentions of drug use and alcohol abuse, if this is likely to have a negative effect on you, please do not read. 

The foyer of Stark Tower seemed to spin around you as you stumbled through the doors. In all honesty, you probably shouldn't have been able to make it home in your state, but by now, it was like muscle memory, leading you back to your bed. 

You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as you glanced around you. Almost everyone had already gone home, as they should have. 3am wasn't a normal working time, and even Tony wasn't such a hard task master to keep people here this late. The only other person in the foyer was the night guard. He was more than used to seeing you come home inebriated by now, and simply nodded in your direction as you lurched towards the elevator.

Once you were safely inside the elevator you released a sigh, slouching against the wall and allowing your eyes to drift closed. Maybe you were getting too old for this shit now. The alcohol hadn't really had this effect on you a couple of years ago, but now it was kicking your butt. You could already tell that tomorrow would be a complete right off. 

"Miss Stark?" The voice caused you to jump, your eyes flying open and causing you to flinch at the bright lights. 


You squinted, rubbing at your eyes as they adjusted to the lights and smudging your eyeliner across your face. "Did you have an intended level you wished to reach?" the AI asked, and suddenly a burst of laughter escaped you. If you were being truthful, you weren't sure what was so funny, and your mind began to spin, wondering whether it was the tequila or the weed that had made you so giggly tonight.

You reached out and clicked the button for your level, a queasy smile on your lips. "Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y," you murmured, turning to glance at your reflection in one of the mirrors that lined the inside of the elevator. You looked a mess, there was no denying it. Bloodshot eyes and grubby makeup that spread over your skin. Not even your long-lasting lipstick had survived the evening, with the colour bleeding off of your lips. You looked as though someone had dragged you through every bar in Manhattan, and to be honest, it wasn't far off of what had actually happened; although, you were usually the one dragging people along for the ride. 

If it weren't for Tony clearing his throat behind you, you doubted you would have noticed that the doors had opened. You glanced up from your own face, looking at him in the reflection and mustering a small, awkward smile for him.

"Thought you were done with waiting up for me," you murmured, turning to look at him as the door began to slide shut. Tony moved so quickly that you hardly saw his body shift, but the next thing you knew he was holding the door, stopping it from closing you inside. 

He gestured for you to hurry, only moving again once you were in the hallway with him. "You're later than usual," he started, and you wanted to role your eyes. Sometimes it seemed like Tony forgot that he was your brother and not your dad. 

"I was having fun, thought I'd keep the night going," you told him, giving a quick shrug as you started walking towards your bedroom.

"How much did you have to drink?" 

You let out a short bark of laughter as he followed you, pausing to fish your key out of your bag. "Enough," you murmured, grinning when you found the key.

Tony's brow furrowed as he hovered beside you, leaning in and sniffing at your jacket for a moment. "Have you been smoking?"

God, you wanted to roll your eyes so bad. "Don't start acting all high and mighty, Tony. It's a little bit of weed."

"It's a little bit of weed when you take a couple of puffs at the end of the day to take the edge off. Drinking this much with it is dangerous." 

This time you allowed a scoff to escape you as you glanced over at him. "Are you trying to tell me you never drank and smoked in the same night?"

"Of course I did, which is why I know better," he uttered, and this time your eyes actually rolled. 

"You are such a hypocrite," you huffed, watching as his jaw tightened slightly.

There was a moment of silence as Tony composed himself. "I just want you to be safe. Don't make the same shitty mistakes I did." 

"I'm fine," you bit out, finally managing to unlock your door and pushing it open, causing you to stumble forward slightly, only for Tony to catch you by the elbow, keeping you on your feet. You quickly pulled your arm out of his grip, practically snarling in his direction. "I'm fine," you repeated.

"I think you have a problem, Y/N."

"I am so tired of these stupid lectures. I'm not you, and I don't need a sponsor. I don't have a problem," you rushed out, shoving him backwards slightly as you hurried into your room.

He followed before you could shut the door on him, hovering awkwardly in the doorway as you glared at him. "I didn't think I did either," he murmured, so softly that it caught you off guard for a moment. "But Pepper helped me get my life back on track, and now I can't imagine living my life like that again."

"I don't need your help," you started again, attempting to keep yourself from growing too agitated. "I like going out and getting drunk a couple of times a week. And sometimes, I smoke a some weed with my friends. But I'll let you in on a little secret: everyone my age is doing it."

"But you aren't everyone. You're my baby sister," he responded. The look he was giving you was so concerned that it made your stomach turn as you watched him.

You shook your head slightly, tearing your eyes away from him as you took a deep breath. "I'm tired, Tony. Just let me go to bed."

"Can we talk about it in the morning?"

"Yeah," you started softly, watching as he nodded. "More likely to be the afternoon though," you added, watching as he attempted to hold back a snort of laughter at your comment.

"Night," he uttered, watching as you managed a smile for him. "I love you kid."

"Yeah. I love you too, Tony."

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora