Stephen Strange X Reader - Say You Won't Let Go

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A/N- This imagine is based on the lyrics of 'Say You Won't Let Go' by James Arthur. It's mushy and cute, because apparently that's what i'm enjoying writing at the moment. I hope you all enjoy it.

New York City, 2001

You weren't quite sure how much you had drunk. You'd had almost a full bottle of wine at Jessie's apartment before you'd even come out. And then there were those three shots at the bar. And then Claire had been buying rounds. God, if it weren't for your friends rich, guilt-ridden parents, you'd never be able to have a good night out. 

In all honesty, you should have known better than to drink so much. You were training to be a doctor, you knew the effect alcohol could have on people, had seen some of the worse cases in your lectures. And yet, here you were, stumbling around the dance floor in search of your friends. You weren't certain whether they had gone missing, or if you had just wandered into the crowd of your own accord, but now, they were nowhere to be found. 

You paused slightly, craning your neck in an attempt to look over the heads of the crowd, searching intently until someone bumped into you. 

"Hey," you grumbled softly, stumbling backwards as you attempted to stay on your feet. "Watch where you're going," you added, straightening out your skirt slightly and shifting back onto your tiptoes to continue your surveillance of the crowd.

"Sorry," the man answered back, his hand resting on your arm for a moment. "Are you okay?" he paused for a moment when you didn't answer, "you look kinda lost."

You finally looked at the man, smiling when you recognised him from one of your classes. At least you were sober enough to remember faces. "Stephen, right?" 

"Yeah." Stephen looked confused for a moment, his brow furrowing as he watched you intently.

"We take biochemistry together," you explained before taking another sip of your drink. "Dr. Sanderson's class." Stephen still looked confused. "I sit at the front left of the lecture hall, like, literally as close to the door as you can get," you added, suddenly very aware that he had no clue who you were. 

"Right," Stephen suddenly announced, "course you do."

"You have no clue who I am, do you?"

Stephen opened his mouth as if to speak, but you didn't hear his words, too caught up in the sensation of your stomach turning over. You quickly lifted your hand to your mouth, and turned on your heel, headed for the exit. 

As you stepped outside, the cold air slapped you in the face, knocking the air out of your lungs and leaving you breathless for a moment. You stumbled over to the side of the road and slumped down onto the curb, pulling your knees up and taking deep shaking breaths as you attempted to push down the sick feeling rising in your throat.

"Are you okay?" Fuck, of course he had followed you outside, and now he was going to see you throw up the entirety of your stomach at the side of the road. You heaved slightly, unable to look up at Stephen as you pressed your eyes tightly shut. And thats when it came up, the last few hours worth of alcohol spilling itself onto the tarmac. You felt Stephen kneel beside you, one of his hands pulling your hair back out of your face, the other rubbing over your back lightly.  "It's okay, get it all out," he muttered softly, and you simply nodded, shaking against the cold breeze flowing around you.

A few minutes later, you turned to him, glancing back at his face and offering him a sorry smile. "Hi," you uttered softly, lifting a hand to wipe away the wetness gathered in your eyes and smudging your makeup onto your cheeks.

"Hey," he answered, chuckling slightly as he finally slumped down beside you on the pavement. "How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine," you answered quickly.

"Too much to drink?"

You snorted out a bout of laughter, nodding. "God, you will be a good doctor."

Stephen laughed, shaking his head slightly as you tilted your head back to look up at the sky. "You know," he started softly, leaning forwards a little to rest his elbows on his knees, "I've been wracking my brain for ages and I cannot for the life of me remember your name." You glanced back at him again, smiling properly this time. "I would've thought I'd remember you."

"And why's that?"

"Well, look at you," he started, gesturing wildly in your direction, "you're so hot."

You snort laughed again, shaking your head as you turned to face him properly. "You just watched me vomit at the side of the road and your first thought was that I'm hot?"

"You say that like it's the first time I've seen someone puke." Stephen raised his eyes brows at you, watching as you laughed again. "Are you ever going to tell me your name?"

You stuck out your hand to him, shaking it quickly. "Y/N."

"Well, Y/N, it's lovely to meet you." You watched as Stephen got to his feet, holding his hand out for you. "I doubt the bouncers will let you back in now," he told you softly, "but I'd be happy to walk you home."

*Time Skip*

New York City, 2016

You stirred in your sleep to the sound of light chatter floating through your doorway and into your bedroom. God, how you loved waking up like this every morning. Getting to rest whilst your husband got the kids ready for their days. Stephen loved being a father. You had never really expected him to take to it so smoothly, but he had surpassed your expectations as he always did. 

As if on cue, your bedroom door was pushed open a little further and Stephen stepped into the room, carrying a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." His lips pressed gently against your forehead as he placed the cup down on your bedside table, and you stretched out, pulling him down for a proper kiss. 

"Morning," you muttered softly, voice thick with sleep. 

"You've got to get up, Sweetness, or you'll be late for work."

You groaned slightly, "five more minutes," you murmured, chuckling when you felt his hand come down to touch your cheek ever so lightly. 

"Come on, you've got house calls."

You sighed softly, sitting up and smiling at him. "Fine," you uttered, "but for the record, I'm not happy about it."

Stephen chuckled slightly, leaning in a kissing you on the forehead again. "I've got to get going or the kids'll be late."

You nodded with a smile. "I love you," you told him, watching as his face lit up with the words. 

"I love you too, beautiful."

With that he was headed for the door with you hot on his heels.

"Morning, my little cherubs," you started, smiling at your three kids, all waiting by the front door, ready to get their days started. You hugged them each in turn, pausing for a moment to press a kiss to the tops of each of their heads. "Have a good day today," you told them, smiling when they all nodded their agreement.

Your little family really were perfect, and to think how happy you had been to find Stephen the way you had. You paused for a moment once they were all out of the house, standing in your hallway and looking around at the home you had built together. You really were lucky.

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