Tony Stark X Reader - Trouble

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song Trouble by P!nk. It is honestly one of my favourite songs of all time and I absolutely adore her. I feel like this is already pretty long, but that it could be continued, so please tell me if you want more. I hope you all enjoy it.

The first time you had met Tony Stark you were in handcuffs. In years to come you would both find the memory funny, but at the moment you were rather peeved by the restraints. You had scowled at him as he walked towards you, with all of his swagger, a smirk plastered onto his lips. 

"You must be Y/N," he started, crouching to look you in the eyes. 

The snarl that escaped your throat startled him slightly, his smirk fading for just a moment as you continued to glare at him. 

He regained his composure, his face softening as he moved to sit on the floor, his back against the wall opposite you. "My names Tony, and according to a friend of mine, we have something in common."

You stared at him for a moment, your head tilting to the side, like a puppy, as you considered his words. "What?" Your voice was rough as it scratched its way out of your dry throat, but your face remained serious. 

"I'm a superhero," he uttered, causing your eyebrows to raise. "I work with other people to protect Earth from bad guys."

You released a small chuckle at the childish wording, shifting slightly to get a better look at the reactor. "Am I one of the bad guys?" 

"No," he told you softly, "not yet." 

"But you think I will be."

"Not if you have the right guidance. A friend of mine, Wanda, she has similar powers to yours, and she's learning to control them." You nodded. "We would like you to come and train with us, too."

You wrinkled your nose as you thought, slumping back to sit on your haunches. "And what would that mean exactly? Do I have to be all buddy-buddy, happy-go-lucky, superhero of the people?" 

Tony stifled a laugh, biting down on his lip. "No. You'd just be staying at the Avengers Facility with us. And, there's no need for friendship, but you will be working in a team." He paused for a moment, and you waited silently for his next words. "I can't promise that there won't be functions that they'll want you to attend."

"And what's my other option?" Tony looked rather shocked at your question, and you smiled slightly. "I mean, other than joining your little gang, what else is there?"

"Prison." The smile dropped from your lips, and you nodded. "You probably already know that it won't be a good experience for someone with your abilities, given your treatment here."

You had returned that evening, with Tony, to the Avengers Facility, and had been lucky enough that he hadn't forced an awkward introduction straight away. He led you to your room, explaining how the facility worked as he walked the halls. You passed a few people on the way but he seemingly ignored them as he continued to speak with you. 

"This one is yours," he told you, pressing a key card into your hand. "I'm sure you would have seen the security on the way in. This key doesn't work on that, given your circumstances. But it'll keep your room free of nosey neighbours."

"Thank you," you paused for a moment, wondering what else to say before he gave you a quick nod.

"I'll see you in the kitchen in the morning. 08:00 sharp." And just like that, he was heading back the way he had come, leaving you standing in the hallway as you watched him go. 

*Time Skip*

You were in the kitchen before anyone else, the next morning. You had thought that by 07:30 some of the others would have been in there, but alas, you found yourself alone as you attempted to figure out the coffee machine. As you grew more and more frustrated the machine seemed to become more and more confusing, and you simply huffed as you settled on a glass of water until someone else appeared. 

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