Scott Lang X Reader - Mess Is Mine

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Mess Is Mine' by Vance Joy. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had met Scott when you were both far too long to know what love felt like. You'd been best friends from the first day of school. You'd suffered through your first heartbreaks together. You'd helped one another through the torture of your school exams. You'd been the one cheering him on from the crowd when he graduated. You'd been his 'best person' at his wedding. You'd been the Godmother of his daughter. You'd been the one he had cried to when Maggie had filed for divorce. You'd been the one who'd gone to every single court date, and who'd gone to visit him in prison whenever you could.

There was a loyalty between the two of you that no one else had ever given either of you. Through thick and thin you were best friends, even if you had been lying to him since you were both in high school. It would have been fine if it was some little white lie. Something harmless and silly. But this was a life changing lie. A spectacular, blow up in your face if the wrong person found out, kind of lie. 

To put it simply: you'd been in love with Scott for years. You had forced yourself to date all of these ridiculous, stuck up men in the hopes of finding someone that even came close to your best friend. But it had never worked. Every single date fell flat. They had a terrible sense of humour. Or they took themselves way too seriously. And sometimes, they just weren't him. 

Every time he asked about one of the dates, you'd laughed it off. "He wasn't my type." "He was rude to the waitress." "He gave me a bit of a weird vibe." The excuses were endless and each was worse than the last. But if Scott had noticed that something was off he didn't bother to question you about it.

You'd been caught off guard when Scott had turned up at your apartment one evening, breathless and a little shifty. He'd only been out of prison for a couple of weeks, and he's promised he's stay on the straight and narrow, but by the looks of it his plan had gone a little off book. 

"Can I come in?" he uttered, glancing behind him for a moment before you stepped out of his way. "I didn't know where else to go."

"What's going on?" you murmured, brow furrowing as you watched him hurry over to your window, staring out into the street. 

"You won't believe me."

"Scott," you exclaimed softly, kneeing on the sofa to watch as he continued to peer down the street. "Come on, I promise I'll believe you."

He glanced at you over his shoulder then, and you felt your heart jump into your throat. The smile he sent in your direction was pure sweetness. It was smile he had always reserved for you. "It's easier to show you," he started, pulling at the buttons on his shirt. 

You tore your eyes from him as quickly as you could manage, shaking your head. "Jesus, Scott. What are you doing?" you cried out, hearing a chuckle behind you.

"Look at me," he uttered, and you took a deep breath before turning to find him.

 A snort escaped you as you focused on his clothes. "Is that a onesie?" you started, watching as he rolled his eyes.

"No, it's not a onesie," he grumbled, rolling his shoulders as he readied himself for God knows what. "Just watch this."

A second later he was gone. Poof and then there was nothing. Your mouth was hanging open as you continued to stare at the spot he had been occupying a second later. "Scott?" you called into the seemingly empty apartment, your voice breaking as you began to panic. "Where are you?" 

And then he was back, as quickly as he had disappeared. Your eyes were wide as you stared at him. "This old guy gave me this suit and now I'm a superhero."

"You're mental," you murmured, shaking your head slightly.

Scott looked a little hurt as he came to sit on the sofa beside you. "I thought so too. And then I got broken out of a police station by ants."

"What were you doing in jail?" 

There was a moment of silence and you continued to stare at your best friend. "I stole the suit from the guy. But he's fine with it now."

You shook your head slightly. "I thought you were done with breaking the law? Think about Cassie. She can't grow up thinking her dad is some criminal."

"It was one last job."

"It was stupid," you spat at him, shifting on the sofa slightly and releasing a deep sigh. 

Scott looked a little taken aback by your comment, his mouth opening and closing as he stared at you. "I know that now. I promise you it won't happen again."

He was holding your hand a second later, your heart racing as he pulled you into a hug. "I can't believe you're a superhero now," you murmured against his shoulder. You released a small gasp, pulling away from him. "Does this mean I get to meet Captain America?"

"Absolutely not," Scott uttered, a small frown on his lips as he watched you. "Firstly, I don't know him. And secondly, he is way too old for you."

A soft chuckle escaped you as you slumped back into the sofa cushions. "Spoil sport," you murmured, glancing up at him to find him smiling down at you.

"Besides. You don't need some old super soldier in your life when you have a superhero," he added, causing another chuckle to escape you. He loved the way you laughed; he always had. Your forehead would get all pinched, and your eyes would squint and you always looked so damn beautiful. "God, I love you," he uttered, the words escaping him before he could catch them.

Your laugh halted for just a second, before returning. You reached out, patting his shoulder lightly, with a sweet smile. "Yeah, I love you too bud."

Scott took a deep breath, and shook his head. "No," he murmured softly, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "I'm in love with you."

Your smile faded slightly, your eyes going wide like a frightened baby deer's. "Scott-"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything-"

"Shut up and let me talk," you uttered, watching as he nodded at you. "I've been in love with you since I was seventeen."

A small smile spread across Scott's face as he watched you. The anxiety that had been sitting in his stomach moments before was gone, and now, he was just sitting in perfect comfort with his favourite person. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" he murmured, leaning forward slightly to place his hand on your shoulder.

"I'd be upset if you didn't." 

A moment later, his lips were on yours, and your hand was resting on his cheek. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss. You had waited so long for this moment, and now it was happening.

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