Steve Rogers X Reader - Delicate

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A/N- This is a super short imagine based on the song Delicate by Taylor Swift. I hope you all enjoy it.

Do you want to meet tonight? Your phone lit up, bathing the dark bedroom in bright light and causing you to groan as it cried for you to check the message. You rolled over, pulling the sheets with you as you glanced at the words on your screen, allowing a small smile to come to your lips.

When and where? You quickly typed your message before crawling out of your bed and throwing on the bedroom light, wincing against how bright it was. You grabbed a pair of leggings from the back of the chair at your dressing table and dragged them up your legs and threw a hoodie on over your t-shirt. 

Your phone chimed again. Can I come to yours? You smiled softly as you glanced down at the message. Steve had become one of your favourite people to spend time with in the last few weeks, often texting you in the evening and coming to yours, though sometimes you ventured out into the city together.

Yeah, just text me when you get here and I'll buzz you up. You tucked your phone into the waistband of your leggings and ventured out of your bedroom. Your apartment had been a lucky find, a two bed in Brooklyn at a reasonable rate was rare to find, but you had done just that. You moved into the kitchen, pulling some snacks out of the cupboard and putting them onto a tray with a the bottle of wine your friend had given you for your birthday almost a month ago. You hated to drink alone and had often used Steve as a way of ridding yourself of the bottles that seemed to linger around your kitchen. 

The phone chimed once more and you fumbled it out, glancing at the screen. I'm outside. You smiled and moved towards the door to press the buzzer. "Hey, come straight up," you spoke into the intercom before hurrying back to grab the tray of goodies and place them in the centre of the sofa.  The knock on the door caused you to jump but you were quick to go and pull it open, your smile fading when your eyes met him. "Hey," you spoke softly, moving out of his way and allowing him into the room. He was silent as he sat himself on the sofa, his hands clasped in his lap as you moved to sit beside him, your legs crossed under you, and facing him completely. "Is everything alright?"

Steve's eyes closed momentarily before he turned to look at you, mustering a small smile. "I just," he started, taking a deep breath, "I can't stop thinking about you," he told you softly, and you felt your lips turn upwards slightly. "But," he continued, and the smile slipped, "I can't make any commitment to you, it's not safe for me to be with you."

"What are you talking about?" you asked him, shifting slightly in your seat, growing uncomfortable being so far from him after his confession.

"It's is not safe for you to be in a relationship with me, people will use you to hurt me." Your brow furrowed slightly at his words.

"Steve, I know that it's been difficult recently but I still care about you. I can wait," you told him quietly, reaching across the tray to place your hand on top of his.

"Thank you," he muttered softly, "for being so cool about all of this. I know it must be tough to get these texts at god knows what hour of the night."

"I've never cared about any of that," you answered him, getting to your feet to move the tray from between you and settling back down closer to him.  "I knew from the first time I met you that it would never matter." You took his arm, pulling it around your shoulders and tucking yourself into his side.

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