Bucky Barnes X Stark!Reader - Guys My Age

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Guys My Age' by the band Hey Violet. Reader is 23 and Tony's daughter in this imagine. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had stumbled into the kitchen this morning with the hangover to end all hangovers. After a couple of drinks with the girls had dissolved into a full on night out, you could barely remember how you got home, and now you were truly suffering for it. And it wasn't the first time it had happened either. 

Ever since you had broken up with your ex, or as your dad had taken to calling him 'he-who-must-not-be-named', you'd gone a little wild. Not that anyone minded. It was clear that your little drift into living life in the fast lane wouldn't last, but it would get you out of your own head. You'd spent so long attempting to cultivate a healthy relationship, taking your boyfriend from a spotty immature teenager into a spotty immature adult. But you were free now, and you weren't about to let yourself fall into the arms of another puerile boy. You would get the excitement of being a single adult out of your system and eventually you would settle down with someone who fit your ambitious, over achieving personality a little better.

You, on the other hand, had other plans. There was no rush to end up with some tedious pen-pusher that your father would approve of. You wanted wild. You wanted grown up. You wanted something you could gossip with your friends about. God, you were so tired of being the quiet one in your group. For once in your life you craved fun, and you were free enough to go for it.

A small chuckle knocked you out of your chaotic mess of a mind, bringing you back into the kitchen as you rubbed sleep out of your eyes. 

"Good night?" Bucky was attempting to hold back another peel of laughter as you stared at him wordlessly. You nodded, holding back a yawn and wincing when he scraped his chair backwards across the kitchen floor. "There's painkillers in the top of the cupboard," he informed you, moving past you and tugging open one of the cabinets to pull out a packet. "In case I'm not here to help in future."

"Thank you," you uttered, your voice still thick with sleep as you took the meds from him. 

Bucky smiled, giving a short nod. "No worries." You both stood that way for a moment, closer than you'd ever been before and almost reluctant to leave one another's vicinity. And then Bucky's smile had fallen. "I think you should go back to bed. Sounds like you could be getting sick," he murmured, shifting backwards and putting some space between you.

"No, I'm-"

"You getting sick, Kiddo?" You jumped slightly, the motion causing your stomach to turn over. You took a deep breath, curbing the nausea that rose in your throat, and turned to face your dad with a weak smile. "You do look a little off." 

A snort of laughter escaped you as you shook your head, moving past Bucky and getting yourself a glass of water. "I need a couple of minutes to wake up and I'll be totally fine."

"I think the old man had a point. It wouldn't be the end of the world if you took the day off; had a little duvet day; watched a movie; caught up on some sleep." 

You released a small sigh before popping two of the pills into your mouth and gulping down the water. As your stomach settled, you turned to the two men with a smile, holding up your hands as though revealing something incredible. "Voilà, all better."

"You still look tired, Y/N," Tony uttered, completely unconvinced by your performance. 

Your smile dropped as quickly as it had appeared. "Fine. I guess I could do with a couple of extra hours of sleep." 

*Time Skip*

It was barely even midday and you were bored already. A day of doing nothing sounded incredible in theory, but when you had something you wanted to keep out of your mind, it was hard to enjoy the solitude. Your bad mood was only added to when you had received not one, not two, but three texts from your ex, asking when you were going to consider coming home. Your day of relaxation was quickly becoming a fucking nightmare.

You checked your watch. It was 11:30, which meant your Dad was in the lab, and would be for another couple of hours. Pepper would be busy with paperwork, and Nat would be training. You released a soft sigh, and prayed for a distraction. And then your phone had chimed again. 

You know, you're being a real bitch about this. 

It was as if your mind had gone reeling at the words on the screen. If he thought your were being a bitch now, the prick had another thing coming. You were on your feet and moment later, marching out of your room, still dressed in fluffy pyjamas and storming towards the elevator. 

"Y/N?" You stopped for a moment, glancing over your shoulder at Bucky, who looked a little lost as your scowl fell from your face. "What's going on?"

You shrugged slightly, still moving in the direction of the elevator, but now with him hot on your heels. "Nothing."

"Are you going out?" 

You nodded. "I need some air."

Bucky's brow furrowed as he looked you up and down. "You don't have any shoes on," he told you softly, watching as you jabbed at the button to call the elevator. "What are you doing?"

You swallowed around the lump in your throat as the elevator chimed its arrival and the doors slid open. "I don't know," you uttered, tears finally escaping as you took a small step backwards, glancing up at Bucky with fear in your eyes. "I was just so mad and he was being such an ass-" 

"Who was?" Your shoulders fell at that, and your eyes dropped to the floor, avoiding his gaze. "Oh." Bucky reached out, placing a comforting hand on your elbow and steering you back towards your room. "What'd he do?"

"Nothing," you uttered, sniffling slightly. "He just kept messaging and I didn't respond and he got mad-" You sniffled again, clearing your throat. "He called me a bitch." 

Bucky stayed silent for a moment, nudging you towards your room. "You aren't a bitch," he told you, his voice even and clear as he made eye contact with you, as if willing you to believe him. "And he's got to be the stupidest guy around to think you are." 

A small smile pulled at your lips and suddenly you were wrapping your arms around his middle, your head tucked against his chest. "Thanks Buck." 

He smiled as he relaxed into your touch, pulling you tighter to him. "Any time, sweetheart."

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