Steve Rogers X Reader - Fighter

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A/N- This imagine was inspired by 'fighter' by Christina Aguilera. It's got some 'bad bitch' energy that I wanted to abstract and slam into my writing. I hope you all enjoy it.

The mission had been going to plan. Everything was running to time; the hydra agents were falling into every trap you had set out for them; even the weather had played its role, growing overcast as you got closer to the base. You had even begun to allow yourself to think about what you would do when you returned home. A bubble bath, a glass of wine, and a good book. God, it would have been incredible. 

You continued creeping through the halls of the facility, going room to room, making sure they had been cleared. And then everything had gone to shit. As you had gone into the next room a figure in the corner had caught your attention. You lifted your finger to your ear, pressing the contact button and speaking clearly for your teammates. "We've still got people in the building."

The figure shook as he laughed, a laugh you would have recognised anywhere, and it cut into you, leaving you breathless for a moment. "My my, long time no see, Angel." The man turned to look at you, his eyes lingering on the scar on your cheek. The scar he had given you when you were still his 'pet'. "And as beautiful as ever."

He crossed the room so smoothly that you almost didn't think to react, only shifting away when he lifted his hand to touch your face. "Get your hands away from me," you growled, shoving him back a few steps, with your gun pressed into his chest. You could hear your earpiece crying for attention, sending messages into your head that remained unanswered.

"But Angel," he started softly, ducking his head slightly to look you in the eyes, "you always loved the way I touched you."

You felt your lip shake for a moment, but you shook your head. "Don't call me that."

"Don't call you what?" He paused for a moment, a small smirk gracing his lips. "Angel?" He reached his hand up again, taking a small step to close the gap between the two of you as his fingertips finally made contact with the skin of your cheek. "But you've always been such a good girl."

"No." The word burst from you so suddenly that it sent him staggering back a few steps, his cocky smile falling from his lips for just a moment.

"Don't go losing your temper now, Angel. There's no need to be so upset." He took another step forward and you quickly brought the barrel of the gun up to point it in his face.

"Don't fucking touch me," you spat at him through gritted teeth. You could hear footsteps running down the hall towards you, and you knew who it was in an instant. 

You kept your eyes fixed on your new target as the door clattered open. "Y/N, what's going on?"

You glanced over at Steve for a moment, taking a deep breath before refocusing on the target. "I've wanted to forget about everything he did to me for so long, but I just can't." You took another deep breath, surging forward slightly to press the muzzle of the gun into the man's forehead. "I don't even know his real fucking name, but I can remember every last thing he did to me," you spat through your gritted teeth.

"Listen to me, Y/N." Steve's voice made your shoulders relax, just a little. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do."

"No," he continued, "you don't. We have everything we need for him to go to prison for the rest of his life. You don't have to do this to yourself."

You nodded slightly, taking a step back and lowering the gun. "The get him out of my fucking sight." 

Steve crossed the room, forcing the man to his knees, before taking his arms and pulling them behind his back, securing them firmly with a set of handcuffs.

"Wait." Steve glanced up at you, quirking an eyebrow at you in question. You moved back to the man, lifting his chin to look up at you. "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I am today," you paused for a moment, smirking down at him. "If it wasn't for you I  wouldn't know just how capable I am." You glanced up at Steve again, finally smiling. "And if it wasn't for you, I never would have met the love of my life. So, thank you." 

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