Steve Rogers X Witch!Reader - Hex Girl

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A/N - I recently discovered that the song 'Hex Girl' from the film Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost is on Spotify. For anyone who doesn't already know, I absolutely adored this film as a kid (and still do as an adult) and Thorn (the lead singer of the Hex Girls) was one of my first ever TV/movie crushes. So guess who got it stuck in their head and started using in for writing inspiration. All Latin in this has been translated using google, so could be incorrect. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had always been good with playing with people's minds. Even when you were a child you'd hear people muttering about your manipulative nature. And then you'd gotten into witchcraft. It was fun, seeing the way you could completely intrude a person's brain with a simple spell or potion, and you'd taken to it like a duck to water. 

As you got older, it only seemed to become easier. It was like men wanted you to control them. The more powerful the man, the more fun you could have with them. The weaker minded ones were less enjoyable, they caved the second you attempted to push them even slightly. There was no resistance at all. But the stronger ones at least attempted to hold you off as you gained their true devotion. 

You had never intended to fall into a life of crime, however. You had wanted to live a normal life and use your magic for fun. But the longer you lived alongside men, watching as they got away with every little thing they did, you had grown restless. At first, you had wanted to teach them a lesson. You wanted to show men what it was like to lose control over their own bodies. But then, you had grown more and more frustrated with what you would see inside their minds. The sick thoughts about the women they knew. The horrific ways they had pictured you. It was then that something snapped and you'd gone down a different route.

"Sit," you uttered, watching as the man in front of you immediately did as he was told. He had been a lot easier to twist than you had expected. For god sake, he was the mayor. The man was supposed to have a backbone, but he'd given himself over to you without you ever having to add any pressure. You paused for a moment, pursing your lips as you looked down at him. "Actually," you started, a small smirk pulling at your lips. "Kneel." He was on his knees at your feet a moment later, remaining completely expressionless as you released a scoff. "When is your next public speaking event?"

The man's eyes glanced up at you, clouded and glassy. "Wednesday," he told you, his voice monotone as it filled the room.

Perfect. You only had to keep the spell up for a couple of days and then you would have him out of office before anyone would know the difference. "We've rewritten your speech for you, do you understand?"

"I understand."

You hummed slightly. "Good," you murmured, placing an envelope. "You will read this and only this. And then, you will exit the stands before anyone can ask any questions."

"Yes, ma'am."

A smile pulled at your lips at his words, curling them up perfectly. It really was fun to be able to alter people's entire lives so effortlessly.  "Wonderful," you uttered, kneeling down and running a finger over his cheek. "You truly are a pathetic little creature, aren't you?" The nod he gave you sent a chill down your spine, and then you were on your feet again, marching towards the door. "I'll see you on Wednesday," you murmured, clicking your fingers as you stepped out of his office and into the hallway.

You knew you only had a few moments after he had come back around from being under your spell before he regained his own mind, and you would have to be out of the building to avoid anyone putting any of the pieces of the puzzle together before your plan could be complete.

*Time Skip*

The crowd was thick as the mayor took to the podium, a small smile gracing his lips as he cleared his throat, looking out across the faces of his people. This was it, the moment you had been waiting all week for. He was going to tear his own career down around himself and the women, whose lives he had helped to destroy, were going to get their justice.

Your own smile pulled at your lips, only fading slightly as a tall, broad man bumped into your shoulder, knocking you forwards slightly. If you weren't so focused on the job in hand, you might have recognised him. He would have been a good addition to your collection of affectionate followers. 

"Excuse me, Ma'am," he uttered, his hand coming to grip your elbow as you whipped around to stare at him. Captain fucking America. Of course, he would get involved. Mr goody two shoes was always going to put a politicians safety before that of his people.

"Get your hands off of me," you growled, lips pulling back as you practically snarled at him. 

"You're going to have to come with me."

Suddenly, the snarl was gone from your lips as your eyes roamed over his face. He really would be a good man to have on your side. "Inclina ad me," (Bow to me) you uttered, your lips curling up as you watched his brow furrow slightly at your words. "Da mihi tenebris devotione sumere valeant." (Give me your dark devotion.)

Captain Rogers seemed to go slack, his shoulders slumping slightly as his eyes clouded over. He had been a lot easier to turn than you would have thought. Turns out even super soldiers have a weak spot for pretty girls.

"Who else is here?" you started, pulling your arm out of his grip and lifting your hand to cup his cheek, drawing his unseeing gaze to your own. "Are you alone?"

"No." Fuck. You would have a little bit more trouble getting out of here than you had imagined. "Sam's on the roof of county hall. Nat's at the back of the crowd."

You were biting on your bottom lip now, considering a plan of attack. "Handcuff me. Take me through the crowd. Get me to safety."

"Yes." With that, he was doing as you had told him; metal cuffs clicking around your wrists and holding you in place. 

Steve led you through the crowd, a hand gripping your cuffed arms as he moved you forward, seemingly unnoticed by the other people around you. It was better that way; you couldn't risk one of his friends noticing your little spell, and then best way to avoid that was to keep yourself from drawing attention.

"I've been committing tax fraud since before I was in office. I have knowingly used my seat to destroy the lives of thousands of people on low incomes. I've been manipulating my female staff into sleeping with me by threatening their jobs. I'm stepping down from my duties."

A smile pulled at your lips as you heard the people in the crowd begin to mutter at the mayor's announcement. Of course, the plan had gone a little awry in the middle there, but it had worked out in the long run.

Soon enough, Captain Rogers was moving you into a hidden away alleyway, his hands undoing the cuffs the moment you were out of sight. You turned to him, a hand coming up to graze his jaw as you licked your lips. "You are going to be a wonderful help to me, Stevie," you murmured, shaking your head. "Who would have known Captain America was so eager to submit to a strong woman?"

With that, you pulled away from him, pulling your phone out of your pocket to check the time. Perfect timing. You'd be out of here before anyone else could figure out your involvement. You gave Steve one last glance before heading out of the alleyway and into the crowd, clicking your fingers once you were out of sight.

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora