Steve Rogers X Politician!Reader - Savage Remix

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Savage Remix' by Megan Thee Stallion and Beyonce. I hope you all enjoy it.

Steve had never wanted to admit it, but modern life had been difficult for him to understand. Or more specifically, modern women had become baffling to him. Of course, he had always known strong women, even back in the 40s women had been empowering themselves, but it just seemed so different now. Women were taking over the world, and he had to admit that he didn't really mind it.  

It had taken time, but he had eventually spent enough time around Natasha that Steve thought he had acclimatised to modern feminism. He thought he understood how powerful women were. He thought he had met the strongest woman alive. And then he had stumbled into you. 

He had been sitting at the bar with Nat at one of Tony's soirees when you had entered the room, quickly making your way over to the host with a wide smile on your lips. You'd shaken hands and exchanged pleasantries effortlessly, looking completely in control as you politely laughed at some stupid joke. He had seen Nat perk up the second she had seen you, her eyes following you carefully.

"A friend of yours?" She chuckled, shaking her head and glancing back at him with a smile.

"God, I wish." Steve's brow furrowed and Nat twisted in her seat to face him fully. "Y/N Y/L/N is possibly one of the best politicians of our generation. She's cool and down to earth and she actually stands for something. Not to mention the fact that she doesn't take any shit from those old assholes in Washington. She is possibly the most badass woman alive." 

Steve nodded, clearing his throat as he glanced over at you. You really did hold yourself like you knew everything; like you were five steps ahead of everyone else in the room. "Get Tony to introduce you."

"No," she murmured. "He'll get all weird and it'll be embarrassing-" She paused for a moment, her face twisting with concentration as she considered something. "I could introduce you, though. I'm sure she would love to meet America's golden boy."

Steve released a small sigh. "Nat-"

"Come on, it'll be five minutes and I'll owe you a massive favour down the line." 

There was a moment of silence as Steve weighed the pros and cons of Nat's suggestion. "Fine."

They were on their feet a moment later, headed in your direction. As they approached you sent them a small smile, still deep in conversation with a young man that seemed to be draining all of your energy. 

"Ms Y/L/N," Nat started, offering up her most breathtaking smile. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to introduce myself. Natasha Romanoff." 

Your whole demeanour shifted as you allowed Nat to take over your attention. "Black Widow? I'm a big fan. Your work is legendary." 

For the first time in his life, Steve was certain that Nat was speechless  as she attempted to find something to say.

"She feels the same way about you, Ma'am," he finally started, drawing your eyes up to him, a polite smile plastered onto your lips as you nodded. "Steve Rogers," he uttered, holding out his hand for you to shake. 

"Oh wow," you murmured. "I wasn't aware that the entire super-community would be in attendance." You took his hand, giving him a once over before turning your attention back to Nat. "I would love to discuss some sort of endorsement with you," you started again, reaching into your pocket and pulling out your card. "Don't tell Tony that I gave you this tonight; he hates when I talk politics at his parties," you added with a small chuckle. 

"Of course," Nat muttered, the words falling out of her as quickly as they had come to her mind. "We'll give you a call."

Your face tensed slightly as you glanced over to Steve for a moment. "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I don't think our ideologies line up," you started, giving a small shrug as you searched for the words to express yourself. "I'm not exactly pro-military, and you are Captain America. You were practically the face of the United States Army for decades. It's not the sort of endorsement that my supporters would care for."


"It's nothing against you," you interrupted, offering him a sheepish smile. "Your generation of soldiers did a lot for international freedom and you sacrificed a lot to do it; I have so much respect for you. But in my lifetime every war that we've been involved in could have been avoided."

Steve nodded, clearing his throat slightly. "I understand."

"I mean, Vietnam, Korea,  Iraq, Afghanistan-"

"You don't have to explain," he uttered, silencing you as he smiled. "I actually agree with you. When I signed up it was to stop a dictatorship that was threatening the world, not to escalate conflicts that didn't have anything to do with the US." 


"Yeah," he murmured, giving a small shrug. "We aren't all war-loving head-cases." You nodded, your cheeks tinting pink as you looked at your feet, attempting to think of anything to say. "But I'd still like your card. We should discuss the glorification of war over dinner some time."

You almost choked on your own breath as you looked up at him in shock. Tony had always told you that he was surprisingly timid for a super soldier, but it seemed he had been wrong. "Sure," you started, fishing another card out of your pocket. "I look forward to it."

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