Sam Wilson X Reader - Stand By Me

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Stand By Me' by Ben E. King. I hope you all enjoy it.

This had not been in the plan. You had made lists and charts and worked out exactly how your life was going to pan out. You would finish your degree by 23. Completed. Find a job you loved by 25. Done. Get a house by 27. Managed it. Find yourself completely and utterly loved up by 28. You'd met Sam and ticked that off in an instant. You would start having kids when you were 34, if you had them at all. And that was where your plan had fucked up. 

You and Sam had only been together a couple of years, you'd not even turned 30 yet, and here you were, standing in your bathroom, holding back a wave of tears as you stared at the positive pregnancy test on the counter. How had you been so stupid? In this world of endless contraceptive possibilities how had you even managed to get pregnant by accident? 

A sigh escaped you, as you sunk down to sit on the floor of the bathroom, back propped up against the wall. You were always so careful. Shit, not only were you on the pill, but you still made Sam use a condom most times you had sex. This wasn't supposed to happen to you. 

The door opened downstairs, clicking shut and catching your attention as footsteps grew closer, padding up the steps. Sam would be wondering where you'd gotten to soon enough. He'd come looking for you if you didn't find him first. 

You forced yourself back up onto your feet, glancing at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were a little red, but you simply shook your head. No going back now, you'd have to tell him sometime. You quickly grabbed the pregnancy test, shoving it into the pocket of your jeans and unlocking the bathroom door. 


"Yeah, Baby, I'm in here." Your bedroom door opened as you padded over to the closet, pulling it open and glancing inside as you felt Sam's arms come to wrap around you. "How was your day?"

Sam shrugged slightly, causing you to smile. "Same as usual. Got bored and spent most of my time thinking about you." You chuckled slightly, turning in his grip and burrowing against him. "Everything okay, Angel?"

You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I need to tell you something," you murmured against him, pulling away slightly. "I.. I'm pregnant." 

Sam remained silent as he watched you, his tongue darting out to run over his lips. "Pregnant?"

You nodded, pulling the test out of your pocket and holding out for him to take. "Yeah, my period was late and I wanted to make sure," you paused for a moment, watching his unchanging face. 

"What do you want to do?" 

God. Right now, all you could think about was how much you wanted to break down in tears. How much you just wanted Sam to hold you and tell you that it would all be all right. "I don't know." Your voice broke as you spoke, a few tears managing to escape.

Sam was holding you in an instant, pulling you tight against his chest a burying his face into your neck. "I'm right here, Angel. We'll work it out." His voice was so soothing that you felt yourself crumble into him, giving in and allowing yourself to bawl properly, your tears dampening his shirt.  "I've got you."

*Time Skip*

"So, your certain you want a baby?" You had been sitting quietly on the sofa, flicking through the channels with Sam rubbing at your feet, and the question had escaped you before you could properly think.

"Why, are you not certain?"

You shrugged slightly. "I don't know," you told him softly, "I know we've discussed this already, I mean, we've had the conversation so many times now that it's one of the only things I think about, but I'm scared."

"I love you," Sam told you, shifting out from under your legs to kneel over you, his lips finding yours. "And if you are ready, then I am ready." His hand shifted, running over your stomach lightly. You weren't showing yet, and wouldn't be able to feel any kicks for a while yet, but Sam couldn't seem to keep his hands off of you since you'd told him about the baby. "I mean, I assume we would have had kids eventually, either way." 

You felt your lips pull up into a smile, your hand lifting to run your finger along his jaw. "Yeah."  Sam chuckled, leaning down and kissing your again. 

"I know you like your schedule's and your plans, and I know this is scary, but there isn't anyone in the world I would rather do this with." 

Your lips tugged into a small playful smirk. "Not even Beyonce?" you teased, listen to the laughter rumbling through his chest. 

"Not even Beyonce," he told you, wincing slightly as he said the words. 

"It takes a big man to lie to the mother of his child," you chuckled, shoving his shoulder lightly.

"Hey," he started, holding back the laughter, "I may love Beyonce, but she's got nothing on you, Angel." His hand shifted back to your stomach, running over the skin lightly. "You are going to be such a good mum."

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