Wanda Maximoff X Fem!Reader - Experiment On Me

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Experiment on Me' by Halsey, from the Birds of Prey soundtrack. I absolutely adore this song. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had known nothing for three years but the inside of a cell and the treatment table in the middle of a laboratory. To most it would have been torture. Electric shock therapy used to force powers into your body. It had been painful, sure, but it had saved you. Before the experiments you were no one. And now, you were more powerful than any of your experimenters could ever dream of. 

Turning your back on them was easy. You had always known they were the 'bad guys' and that you were never going to be capable of unnecessary killing. But taking them down would bring you a joy you had never known before.

The only thing holding you back was the twins. Pietro had been a good friend during the experiments, his stupid little jokes had helped to keep you on track. He had stopped you from losing hope. Wanda was another story. At first, you had assumed she was a little too tight laced to ever be your friend, and to some extent you had been right. She wasn't just your friend, she was much more. Sure, you liked Pietro, but you were hopelessly in love with his sister. 

Leaving them behind had been hard. Joining forces with the Avengers was one of the easiest things you had ever done. You'd been with them for almost two years when you came into contact with the twins again. 

A battlefield wasn't the best place for a reunion, and you had been knocked off of your feet by Pietro before you'd even known he was there. "Y/N?" he murmured, his face contorting in confusion as he stared down at you. "What are you doing here?"

You took a deep breath, pushing yourself back up and swiping his legs out from underneath him. "My job. Stay out of my way."

With that you were moving away from him, headed towards the Hydra base. Pietro was in front of you again a moment later, moving backwards as you continued on your journey. "You work for the Avengers now?" You attempted to ignore him, taking down a Hydra soldier with a blast of your powers. "You changed sides quickly," he added, causing you to stop rather suddenly.

"I was never on Hydra's side," you spat back, watching as a smirk pulled at his lips.

"It certainly seemed like you were when they helped make you."

You scowled at him, running your tongue over your teeth as you considered your next words. "Don't push me," you uttered, reaching up to touch your ear piece. "We have two enhanced in the field. Keep your eyes open." You lowered your hand, giving Pietro a small smile. "See you later, Speedy." 

It wasn't until you reached the far wall of the facility that you came into contact with Wanda. She simply stared at you as you caught sight of one another, her mouth opening and closing. "You've come back to help," she started softly, moving towards you until you took a step back. 

"Stay there," you uttered, holding a hand out in her direction. 

Her face fell as realisation bloomed on her features. "You're with them. With Stark?" 

"It's not that i'm with him specifically. More that I'm just anti-terrorist groups," you murmured, still holding a hand out in case she moved too suddenly. "Hydra are killing people. I can't let them do that."

"But you'll kill me?" she uttered, tilting her head to the side, attempting to force her way into your mind. "I don't think you can," she added, "even if it means blowing the mission for your team."

Your breath caught in your throat as you forced yourself to continue watching her. If you let your guard down she would be gone and then the team would be in danger. "If it meant saving millions of innocent people, I would kill you a thousand times over," you told her, attempting to keep your voice firm.

"I'm not sure I believe you."

You shrugged slightly, a small smile pulling at your lips. "You don't know me nearly as well as you think you do."

"I know everything about you. I know more than even you do," she started, taking another step in your direction. "I know that your biggest strength is your versatility. You can do just about anything you set your mind to. And your biggest weakness is that you a far more sentimental than you would ever let on. I know exactly what makes you tick. And I know that you would never hurt me."

A snort escaped you. "Wow," you started softly, shaking your head. "You are right about the weakness. I do have a soft spot for sentimentality and I am far more emotionally driven than I would lead the rest of the team to believe." You paused, placing a hand on your hip as you released a deep breath. "And I wouldn't dream of ever laying a hand on you," you continued, a small, half smile pulling at your lips. 

"I know everything about-" she started again, but you held up a finger to stop her.

"No," you told her, shaking your head slightly. "You got one thing wrong." 

A frown pulled at her lips, a flicker of pure frustration before it was replaced by a small smile. "And what would that be?"

"My biggest strength was never my versatility," you murmured, letting out a light chuckle. "It was my ability to distract people without them ever suspecting a thing."

Wanda's eyes widened, her head turning quickly to look around her as Steve appeared from the bushes behind her, gripping her wrist and forcing it into one of the pairs of power-obstructing hand cuffs. Your smile faded as you saw the fear in her eyes, her arm pulling away from Steve like a frightened child. 

"Let me take her," you started, causing Steve's eyes to land on you. 

"I don't think that's-"

"Please," you interrupted. "Look at her, she's terrified. Just let me walk her back to the jet. You can keep the keys for the hand cuffs."

Steve swallowed, considering your proposition. "Fine. Be careful," he held Wanda's cuffed hands out towards you, watching as you carefully took them from him. "I'll see you back at the jet."

The two of you walked through the woods together in silence for a while, listening to your own heavy breathing as you headed up hill. "Why did you send him away?"

You didn't answer for a moment, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, until Wanda stopped suddenly, pulling you to a halt. "You looked so scared," you started, swallowing around a lump in your throat. "I thought you might be more comfortable if it was me that told you about their intentions."


You sighed slightly. "They want to train you, bring you in as one of the new generation of Avenger; like me." 

"With Stark?" 

You paused for a moment. "He's not really involved in the training; that's Captain Rogers' job. But he would be working with you, yes." You held your breath as you turned to look at Wanda's scowling face. "It's this or prison. If they think you're going to run back to Hydra then they can't set you free. Just trust me that this will work out."

"What about Pietro?" A small smile pulled at your lips as you shrugged.

"I figured he would go wherever you did. He won't take nearly as much convincing as you."

Wanda took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Fine," she uttered, opening her eyes to find you beaming back at her. 

"I'm glad we'll be working together again," you told her, your voice softer than she had ever heard it before. "I've missed you."

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