Steve Rogers X Reader - Pretty Pills

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A/N - This chapter is based on the lyrics from the song 'Pretty Pills For Broken Hearts' by Cloudy June. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had been reminding yourself for decades that it was Steve that had gotten you into this mess. If he had been honest about his life, you wouldn't have been naive enough to fall for the tricks thrown your way. If he had told you about his work, you would have been able to speak some sense into him. You wouldn't have become one of their creatures; a pet to be played with whenever they needed you.

You hadn't always been broken. When you had met Steve you had been blissfully happy, ignorant to the world outside your front door. He'd been this dorky little kid, so sweet and kind, and he had swept you off of your feet. Figuratively, obviously; you were almost certain he would have snapped like a twig if he'd actually attempted to carry you. But you'd fallen for him the way all innocent girls fell in love; fast. And he had done the same, so enamoured with you that he would have done anything to keep you as happy as you were the day you had met. 

Unfortunately, he hadn't exactly been successful in that. You'd been pretty mad when he'd signed up to the army, and even more so when he told you that he was going to be injected with some serum that would make him into the perfect soldier. It had stung. To you, he'd always been perfect, and now he wanted to change everything about himself to prove some point he refused to explain. 

In all honesty, it was probably your reaction that had caused him to start keeping secrets. He hadn't told you quite how much danger he would be throwing himself into, allowing you to keep on believing that he was just a front man to make the government money whilst he threw himself head first into battle. 

You hadn't even known he was missing until a week after he had disappeared. 

"We know this is a hard to come to terms with," the woman had started. She'd introduced herself as Agent Carter, and you'd recognised the pained look on her face when you had explained that you hadn't even known that Steve was out of the country. Steve had been one of the most honourable men either of you had ever met, and to find out that he was lying had knocked the air out of you. "I'm happy to explain what it is he was doing in Europe," she added, forcing a small smile as she took your hand in a comforting gesture. "But there is only so much I can tell you without breaching safety protocol."

You shook your head, clearing your throat. "No, I don't want to know," you murmured. It would be all the more painful to realise just how much he was hiding, and you would much rather live in ignorance. 

"I understand that you also knew Sergeant Barnes," she started again, watching as your brow furrowed in confusion. 


She nodded slightly, pulling her hand back into her lap. "He was killed in action-"

"He was with Steve and neither of them told me," you bit out. "Neither of them thought to let me know that they were going into an active war zone." 

"There was only so much they could tell you without-"

You glanced up at her, watching as she fell silent. "They told me nothing, and now they're dead and I have nothing." You held her gaze for a moment longer before allowing your eyes to drop to the table between you. "I think you should leave."

"We'll make sure that you're taken care of. Steve had you as his next of kin and there's a large sum that we can offer-"

"I don't want your money. I want my fiancé." 

*Time Skip*

It was a week later that another agent had turned up at your door, finding you completely broken. 

"I was sent to collect you," the man had started, watching as your brow furrowed at his comment. 

"For what?"

He hesitated for a moment. "For the funeral." 

Your mind span as you attempted to make sense of his comment. "The funeral isn't until Friday," you started softly, shaking your head slightly. 

"It is Friday, Miss." 

God, you felt sick to your stomach. How had you lost three days without even noticing? It didn't seem possible. 

"Agent Carter will be meeting you at the Funeral Parlour. She has your clothes ready for you." 

You nodded, grabbing your purse from the hook beside the door and following him out into the hallway. It wasn't until you had reached the car that something began to niggle in the back of your mind, some wrong feeling that just continued to grow. By the time you recognised the danger you were in, the man had piled you into the back seat, shoving a bag over your head and holding you down as he injected you with something to make you sleep. 

*Time Skip*

"Captain America has been spotted in New York." It was barely a whisper, a muttering between two of the doctors as they worked away behind you, but you had perked up the moment the words had been uttered. 

"Does he scare you?" you had murmured, attempting to turn your head to look in their direction, despite the restraints holding you to the table. The two doctors fell silent, the sound of their feet shuffling causing a smile to pull at your lips. "He should," you added softly.

"Shut up," one of the doctors spat, as a shock of electricity ran through you, a choked sound slipping from your lips.

As soon as the pain had stopped, a small broken chuckle fell from your lips. "You won't even need to look for him. He'll come here to find you." 

"Shut up."

"He'll hunt you down-"

"Shut your goddamn mouth."

"-And he'll tear you limb from limb for what you've done to me." You fell silent after that, your body shaking as the electricity coursed through you. When it finally stopped, your eyes pressed closed and you sucked in a deep breath. "You forget how famous you made me. S.H.I.E.L.D. have files all about me, and as soon as he sees the pictures he'll come for me." 

In that moment, you had completely forgotten the anger you'd held for your Fiancé. He was alive, and he would come for you the moment he got word of your capture. You knew he would. 

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