Steve Rogers X Reader - Perm

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Perm' by Bruno Mars. I literally only chose this song because of the lyric "You got a booty like whoa," because this is America's ass I'm writing about. I hope you all enjoy it.

"You look really pretty," you started softly, a sharp giggle escaping you when Steve's brow knitted together, watching you in confusion. "I mean handsome," you clarified, smiling sweetly up at him. "You look real handsome."

Steve chuckled slightly. "You are so drunk," he answered, causing you to pout.

"You were handsome before I was drunk, though," you exclaimed, taking his hand in yours as he smiled down at you, allowing you to pull him into a gentle kiss. "And you'll be handsome when I'm sober tomorrow morning."

"Yeah?" he asked, attempting to hold his laughter back when you sent him a toothy grin.

"Yeah, you're always handsome." You paused for a moment, staring up at his face in pure awe. And then, out of nowhere, it was like someone switched something on inside of you. "We should dance."

Steve wrinkled his nose at you, "I don't dance, Angel." 

You were pouting again now, but swaying slightly to the music playing through the speakers. "Please," you started softly, looking as though you were on the verge of tears, "I'll teach you."

"Baby," Steve started, ready to turn you down again.

"Pleeeaaaase," you exclaimed, linking your fingers through his, "I really, really want to dance, Steve."

He released a deep sigh, before shifting forward and standing up. "Fine," he told you softly, watching as your smile reappeared, "you've got me for one song, and one song only."

You squealed as you pulled him over to the dance floor, pulling him close to you and swaying against him as the music picked up speed. You paused for a moment, when you noticed that Steve was standing completely still behind you, looking so uncomfortable that it made you a little sad. "Come on, baby, you've gotta move," you told him, bringing his hands up to rest on your hips. "Relax and let the music move you," you added, twisting around to face him properly. 

"I don't know how," he muttered, watching as you chuckled at him.

"Loosen up your shoulders and just move side to side for a second," you started, moving your shoulders in the way you were trying to explain and watching as he copied you, slightly wooden in his movements. "And then you've just got to move your arms a little," you added, doing so as you spoke, and watching as he did the same with a frown.

"Am I doing it right?"

You shrugged slightly, leaning close to him. "There is no wrong way to dance, baby."

"It doesn't feel right," he stated suddenly, going still again and looking down at you with a frown. 

"Well," you told him softly, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, "I thought you looked amazing."

Steve chuckled at that, allowing you to spin under his arm, using him more as a prop than a dance partner. "You look so effortless when you dance."

"It's all about activating your sexy," you chuckled, "you've got to get into it and not be scared of what people think about you." You were still moving, twisting in time to the music and grinning up at him. And now, Steve couldn't help but laugh along with you as you helped him to shift in time with the song. "See, it's not that hard."

Steve shook his head as the song changed. "You aren't going to come and sit down with me are you?"

"Nope," you told him, continuing to dance, "don't be stingy Stevie, give me one more song." Steve sighed and nodded, pulling you closer to him as the new song started, slow and sweet. 

"This I can dance to," he muttered softly, allowing you to burrow into him slightly. 

Your arms snaked around his middle, landing on his lower back until you looked up at him with a cheeky grin, your hands slipping down to grab at his butt. Steve jumped slightly at the contact, reaching back to take your hands in his, lifting them up to his shoulders. 

You pouted up at him. "You have such a good butt, Stevie, a girl has needs," you grumbled, causing his shocked expression to fade into a small smile.

"You are so grabby when you're drunk."

"I'm always grabby when your butt's around," you stated simply, giving him a small shrug, "I just have less self-control when I drink."

Steve let out a soft chuckle, leaning down to kiss you. "Come on, let's get you to bed before you say something you'll regret tomorrow."

"Do I get to touch the booty if I say yes?"

You watched as Steve's cheeks tinged red slightly, leaving you chuckling. "If you're good then I might say yes." 

"Then we really should get going, shouldn't we?"

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