Bucky Barnes X Reader - Undisclosed Desires

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song Undisclosed Desires by Muse. They are one of my favourite bands and in my head, this song fits Bucky so well. I hope you enjoy it.

You tilted your head to the side, smiling at the man in front of you. You had been determined to make Bucky your friend from the first moment he had stepped into Stark Tower at Steve's side. Tony, as always, was being a bit of a dick, ignoring Bucky's presence as though the man hadn't existed, and you had seen how it had hurt him. Of course, you understood Tony's anger, what Bucky had done as the Winter soldier was as close to unforgivable as you could imagine. But he had been under mind control, under Hydra no-less, and you of all people knew how difficult that could be. You had been one of Hydra's lackeys for years, kept imprisoned until you were needed, and then sent to commit heinous crimes under their control. When Stark had found you he had been able to forgive your criminal acts, mostly because of their distance from his own life, and he had helped you to heal yourself. But now, when the violence had been more personal, he was not quite as forgiving, and Bucky was receiving the brunt of his anger. 

"Tell me," you started softly, tapping a pen against your lip, "what happened with the arm?" Bucky looked up at you in shock, his eyes meeting yours as you lifted a single brow in question. You sighed when he shook his head, "come on, Barnes, you've been here months and the most I know about you is your name."

"And your first port of call is my arm?" 

You shrugged, sitting up a little straighter to smile at him. "It's interesting," you told him, watching as a deep laugh escaped him. 

"Fair point," he uttered, shifting on the spot for a moment. "Lost it falling off of a moving train during the war. Hydra replaced it with this thing," he finally answered, all trace of laughter gone from his voice.

You nodded, "you've had a pretty rough time of it." The answer was stupid, and you knew as much as soon as the words had left your mouth, but he laughed at it.

"Yeah-" he started softly, giving you a small smile, "-I guess you could call it that." You both sat quietly for a moment, your eyes fixed on him as he continued to stare at the floor. "What about you?"

"What about me?" you responded quickly, tilting your head to the side and furrowing your brow.

"What was it that put you here?"

You scrunched up your nose as you considered your answer. "Where do you want me to start?" you asked him softly, biting down on your bottom lip for a moment as you shifted to cross your legs, resting more comfortably on the sofa. "I was doing some pretty bad shit before Stark found me, but he put me back on the right path." You shrugged, smiling softly over at him. "But hey, beating myself up over all that won't change the past, will it?"

"No-" he paused for a moment, his eyes finally meeting yours, "-it won't."

"You should be nicer to yourself." The words had escaped you before you could catch them but you forced your smile to remain fixed on your face as he frowned at you. "You can't change what happened, but you are trying really hard to be better. Just quit being so hard on yourself."

He nodded, unanswering as you watched him, and then he was on his feet. "I've got work to do," he told you softly, and you smiled your understanding as he made his way out of the room, leaving you sitting alone on the sofa.

*Time Skip*

"Steve?" You knocked lightly on his door, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot as you waited for an answer.

The door slid open, replaced by Steve, who smiled softly at you. "Hey, what's up?"

You paused for a moment, "can I come inside? I just wanted to talk to you for a minute." His shaking head cut you off and your brow furrowed.

Avengers Imagines (Part One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें