Sam Wilson X Reader - Memories

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A/N - This imagine is based on the lyrics of the song 'Memories' by Maroon 5. I hope you all enjoy it.

The holiday period was going to be difficult this year. It was supposed to be your first christmas with your husband, but you knew now that Sam wouldn't be there with you. It had been pretty hard to come to terms with Sam being gone, especially so soon after saying your vows, but you had kept your head up as best as you could. 

If it hadn't been for the other Avengers you probably would have gone mad, sitting in an empty apartment and wishing that you would wake up the next morning and realise it had all been some terrible dream. Steve had tried his best to comfort you, but he was so caught up in his own sense of loss that he had struggled. 

Nat, on the other hand, had been great. You had never been all that close with her before, but now, you were bound to one another like sisters. She was the first person you would go to with any problem that would pop into your head, and it seemed she felt the same way. She had moved you into the Avengers Facility pretty quickly, and now, it was common for you to be awoken in the night by a knock on your door. She had bad dreams, you both did, and the best way to curb them seemed to be with human contact. 

You were certain that this christmas would be a complete dud. No one felt like celebrating, and even most of the big corporations hadn't bothered with their holiday advertising. It would have been in poor taste to go about singing about joy to the world when there was so much fresh pain lingering in everyone. There was not a single person on earth who hadn't been effected by the snap, and so you all expected a quiet holiday season.

"My mum wanted me to go home for the holidays," you told Nat softly one evening, both of you curled on the sofa, setting the world to rights, as you so often did. "She's got my brother and his kids going for dinner," you added, shaking your head, "but I don't think I'm going to go."

Nat furrowed her brow slightly, shifting in her seat to face you properly. "Why not?"

You shrugged slightly. "It doesn't feel right." You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "We have this stupid tradition in our family that the newly-weds host christmas the year they get married. Sam and I would've been hosting this year," you trailed off, shaking your head.

"Oh," Nat uttered softly, her face set in a sad little frown. "Well, I'll be here, and Rhodey and Steve'll come too. Who knows? Bruce might even make an appearance."

You offered her a small smile, nodding slightly. "Yeah," you murmured, reaching out and giving her hand a quick squeeze, "weird to think of it being just us though."

*Time Skip*

Christmas Eve was when all of your frustration truly set in. It seemed that you had been wrong. Trying to ignore the holidays had only made you miss Sam more, and now you were miserable at the lack of festivities in the facility. By now, your apartment would have been fully decorated, with strings of lights and tinsel and a perfect tree in the corner of your living room. But this year, there was nothing, and you were beginning to regret having made that decision.

At some point, on the morning of Christmas Eve you had made up your mind, climbing from the cocoon of your bedding and dressing as quickly as you could manage. You had taken off towards Nat's bedroom at high speed, rushing through the halls until your lungs felt fit to burst and you were banging on her door. 

"Jesus, Y/N," she announced, pulling the door open and giving you a look of horror at your red face and panting breaths. "What's going on?"

You released a shaky breath, giving her a pleading look. "I want to do a proper christmas," you told her, attempting to sound as firm as you could, but instead sounding like a whiny child.

Nat sent you a soft smile, and a short nod, disappearing back into her room to grab her coat and bag. "Then we better get shopping," she told you, linking her arm through yours and pulling you along the corridor.

By the time you got back to the facility, your arms laden with bags of decorations and small gifts, you were feeling infinitely better. The festivities were underway, with a tree sent in the middle of the shared living room, waiting to be beautified. Soon enough, you had christmas songs playing through the speakers, and you were both singing along softly as you made the room as holiday filled as you could manage. 

You only stopped singing when you heard a throat clearing in the doorway, turning to find Steve watching the two of you. You sent him a soft smile, your grip on the tinsel in your hand tightening slightly. "Hey," you started, and he gave a short nod as he came further into the room, surveying your work.

"It looks good," he told you, sending you back the smallest hint of a smile as he picked up a string of lights from the sofa. "Where are these going?"

"In the window," you answered, your heart lifting as you watched him move over to where you were pointing, smiling for the first time in ages. 

Rhodey joined you soon after, heading into the kitchen and bringing back mulled wine for each of you. In all honesty, it felt good to all be together again. Life had gotten pretty lonely, and seeing everyone being happy, even if it was only for a set period of time, made you feel so much better. Sam would have loved it, you knew he would.

You all spent that night sitting around the living room together, basking in the glow of the christmas lights and sharing your favourite holiday memories with one another. 

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant