Tony Stark X Shapeshifter!Reader - Feeling Good

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Feeling Good' by Sofi Tukker. The reader is a shapeshifter who becomes a cat when she changes. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

You were practically purring as you tucked yourself into Tony's side, sapping up the warmth that seemed to radiate from him and burying your face into his chest. His hand shifted, running down your spine ever so lightly and causing the skin to tingle. God, you'd been craving this for hours, and now that you had coerced him into your little cuddle bubble, you didn't intend on letting him retreat any time soon. 

A small chuckle left Tony's mouth as you rubbed your face against the material of his sweater, letting out a content sigh. "So needy," he uttered, his other hand coming up to run over your cheek. You couldn't help the smile that came to your lips then. In the past, the people around you had been annoyed by the way you would cling. You needed physical connection with the people you loved and some of those people hadn't be able to understand that. But Tony relished in the way you wrapped yourself around him. Your touch was comforting and he longed for it whenever you had to be apart.  You hummed, nodding your agreement as you let your eyes drift closed. "And sleepy too," he added, craning his neck to press a kiss to the top of your head. 

"Long day," you murmured, your fingers drifting across his stomach as you listened to the thudding of his heart. Even in the dark you could feel the way he shifted at your comment, tensing slightly.

"What happened?" 

You shrugged slightly. "Nothing," you started softly, your hand turning into a fist as it gripped his sweatshirt. "It's stupid." 

Tony's hand stopped it's movements, shifting to poke you in the side. "I promise I won't laugh." 

A soft sigh escaped you. "Had to change for some training and one of the interns clearly didn't know it was me. She grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and carried me out of the building." There was a moment of silence as you shifted closer to Tony. "Told you it was dumb," you grumbled.

"Oh Princess," he uttered, turning onto his side to wrap his arms around you properly. 

"Should of seen the look on her face when I changed back. She was terrified." You paused for a moment. "Probably didn't help that I'm the boss' wife, huh?" 

A small snort of laughter escaped Tony at that comment. "I'll be sure to make it clear that cat belongs in the building," he told you, leaning down and capturing your lips with his. 

As you pulled away, you shook your head. "Might have to start wearing a collar. Make myself look like a real house cat."

"Could get you a pretty little jewel incrusted thing. Put my number on it incase anyone finds you." Finally, a bubble of laughter escaped you. "We could even get you a matching one to wear when you're in human form."

"Wow," you chuckled, shaking your head at him. "You're such an idiot," you added, leaning in to press your face against his shoulder. 

"Mhmm," he agreed. "So it's a no on the whole matching collar thing, then?" 

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