Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader - Hurt

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Hurt' by Christina Aguilera. It's a brilliant song and I absolutely adore it. This chapter is going to be all about grief and mourning, so if that is something that is likely to effect you negatively, please do not read. I hope you all enjoy the new chapter.

You were certain that Thanos had won. After everything you had been through, after everything you had done to save everyone. He had won. You weren't far away when he lifted his arm in the air, ready to snap and end it all. Peter had taken a pretty hard hit, and you were kneeling by his side, attempting to keep him from getting back up. 

And then your father had gotten involved, launching himself forward in an attempt to take the Infinity Stones. 

"Pete, stay down," you barked, pushing off of the ground and dropping into a run, attempting to reach the two before any harm could come to your dad. 

You had almost made it too, but just before you reached the hulking purple mass, he had thrown your dad to the ground and lifted his arm once more. The snap came quicker this time, but as you stood there, head turning too and throw as you attempted to see what was going to happen, nothing came. No dust. No voices crying out for one another. No pain.

Your eyes found your father in an instant, watching in horror as he raised his own hand into the air, revealing the Infinity Stones to you. 

"Dad," you started softly, taking a shaking step forward.

"I am Ironman." The words were so normal, something you'd heard him say a thousand times, and now they meant something completely different. 

Snap. The power surged out of him like white light, and once your eyes managed to adjust you saw him, crumpled on the ground, as the monsters around you faded into dust.

"Dad?" you started, taking a tentative step towards him, until you saw him shift slightly. You were at his side in an instant, attempting to prop his head up against your leg. "You're okay," you told him softly, "you did it."

Your dad smiled up at you, a small grimace tainting his usually kind face. "You were doing great, pumpkin." Your brows furrowed slightly as he took your hand in his. "You always do so good."

You glanced up when you felt a presence beside you, feeling Pepper's hand on your shoulder as she crouched down to your level. You leant into her, unaware of the tears littering your cheeks. "Hey," she started slowly, using her free hand to draw your father's gaze to her, "Tony, we're going to be okay." She paused for a moment, a small smile coming to her lips. "You can rest now."

It was those words that caused the sob to burst out of you, and as the light went out on his suit, you pulled away from Pepper and got to your feet to pace away from your father's dead body. 

Peter was there now, his own tears running freely down his face as he glanced at you for a moment. He wiped away the tears, watching as you did the same. Both of you, just standing there, lost and scared and unable to say a single thing to comfort each other.

You flinched when you felt a hand on your shoulder, jolting away from the touch. Steve had been a pretty steady figure in your life, when you were a kid. He'd been around for your whole young adult life, and had become as close to you as your father had been. And now, he was hugging you, allowing you to sob against him as you clung to him like a broken child. 

You weren't quite sure how long you had stood there like that, clutching at America's golden boy like he was a life raft and you were lost in a turbulent sea. But the next thing you remembered was sitting on a wooden swing seat on the porch of your home, staring out into the trees and wishing that none of it had happened. 

Sure, you had saved lives, millions of innocent lives, and you'd brought families back together, reunited parents with children. But without your dad around, it all seemed a little worthless. There was no celebration for saving the world, instead just uncomfortable silence, hanging around the cabin, with only a few whispered voices willing to break it. 

"Hey, Kiddo." You couldn't bring yourself to look up at the voice, though it wasn't like you needed to. You would have recognised Happy's voice anywhere. "Do you need anything?" 

You shook your head slightly, eyes still fixed on the trees. "No, I'm good."

Happy sighed slightly, coming to sit beside you on the swinging bench you had always been so fond of. "You warm enough?"

You nodded, finally glancing sideways at him. "I'm fine, I promise." You let out a small laugh when he held out a pinky for you to take. Happy had been your unofficial babysitter for so long that he knew you inside and out, and even now, as an adult, you were both so often stuck doing little things you had done as a child. You linked your finger with his, leaning into his slightly. "I swear." 

"Good." Happy paused for a moment, his hand resting in yours, pinkies still linked. "You should come inside," he told you softly, "they're worried about you."

"How's Morgan doing?" Your attempt to change the subject didn't go unnoticed, and Happy snorted slightly.

"She's fine." He shook his head slightly, "I mean, she's upset, but she'll be fine." He pulled his hand from yours, patting your leg lightly. "I'm more worried about you."

"We weren't on great terms," you told him, "You know? All that stuff with him and Steve..." 

Happy nodded, "but he still loved you."

"I know that," you answered softly, "that's not what I was worried about." You paused shaking your head and taking a deep breath. "We kept fighting all the time and I was being real mean. What if he didn't know that I loved him?"

You were welling up again, your eyes swimming with unshed tears as you took a shaky breath. "Of course he knew you loved him," he told you, reaching out to put his arm around your shoulders, "according to Peter you were the first one there, before Pepper, before anyone. You were there." 

"How's he doing?" 

Happy snorted slightly, attempting to hold back a smile. "Don't worry about him. He's a strong kid, and your dad had stuff set out for him. He'll be just fine."


"Yeah, Tony knew what he was doing." You both sat silently for a moment, looking out into the trees. "You gonna come in?"

"In a little while," you told him softly, "I just need a little longer."

Happy nodded and got to his feet. "I'll see you in a minute, Kiddo." He started towards the door, pausing when he reached it.

"Thanks, Hap." The smile  you gave him, though slightly toned down from your usually beaming one, was beautiful, and lifted Happy's heart. He gave a small nod and went inside.

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