Peter Parker X Reader - God Only Knows: Requested

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A/N - This chapter was requested by user: CaptainSwanEriel. I ended up basing it on the song 'God Only Knows' by The Beach Boys, because it is just very sweet. I hope you all enjoy it.

Being sick absolutely sucked. I mean, of course, that was a given, no one enjoyed being completely full of cold and unable to do much more than stare at the TV for hours on end with little interest for what was actually happening on the screen. The only thing that had made your illness endurable was the duvet wrapped tightly around you like a witches cape. And who could forget Peter? 

Peter Parker was a doting boyfriend even when you were feeling good, but when you felt as shitty as you did at the moment he was incredible. Whatever you needed, he was there with it a few minutes later. It seemed his powers were good for more than just saving the world; his trips to the store were now done by web rather than foot to speed them up.

"They were all out of the tea you like, so I got a different brand," Peter huffed as he came padding into the room, still dressed from the neck down in his spiderman costume. A small smile pulled at his lips as he set eyes on you, buried under the duvet looking like a grumpy child. "Do you want a cup?"

You nodded, forcing a smile for him. "Please," you uttered softly. Before he could go about his new task, he moved towards you, leaning across the bed to press his lips to your forehead in a gentle kiss. 

"I'll make this," he told you, hand coming up to rub your cheek lightly. "And then I'll be back for cuddles, yeah?"

The way you smiled at him then left his heart happy. He hated seeing you so worn out and sick, but whenever you gave him that smile he came to realise that perhaps it wasn't so bad. You would get better soon and be back to your old, bubbly self. He was out of the door before he heard you calling after him. "Hurry up." 

A few minutes later, he was crawling onto the bed beside you and placing your tea on the bedside table. "What'cha watching?" he murmured, pulling some of the duvet away from you to cover his legs. 

"Nothin'" you mumbled back, leaning into him until he wrapped his arm around you, his hand resting on your hip. "Can't concentrate on anything," you added, burying your face into his chest with a deep sigh. 

"Stomach still hurting?" You nodded against him. "You want some tummy rubs?"

You glanced up at him for a second, face scrunching up as you considered his question. Of course, you would love him to rub the pain away, but you felt so bloated and gross already without his hands all over you. 

"Come on, I promise it'll help," he continued, shifting slightly to place his free hand on your stomach. With that, you gave in, nodding as he lifted your shirt to place his palm to your skin. You practically purred as he began to move, his fingers running gently over your cool tummy. 

"Your hands are so warm," you murmured, taking his free hand in yours to place it on your cheek. "You literally just came in from the freezing cold, I don't get it," you added, brows furrowing as you contemplated his warmth.

Peter shrugged slightly, smiling down at you. "I've always run hot," he uttered, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Or at least, I have since I became spiderman."

"Hot hands are a spider power?" 

He snorted slightly, his fingers pausing their work for a moment. "I'm as surprised as you are," he chuckled. 

You remained quiet for a moment, his fingers beginning to move again until the ache in your stomach began to fade. "I don't know how I survived before I met you," you uttered softly into the room, shifting to look over at him properly. "You're so good to me."

"I'm not just going to let you suffer alone, am I?" Peter paused for a moment, shaking his head. "I love you, and if me being here looking after you means that you feel better quicker, then I'm all for it."

A small smile pulled at your lips as you burrowed back into him, resting against his chest like he was the most comfortable pillow in existence. "Thank you."

Peter's free hand came up to run through your hair,  smoothing it out slightly. "You're welcome, Sweetheart."

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Avengers Imagines (Part One)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora