Loki Laufeyson X Reader - Crazy Girls

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Crazy Girls' by Abigail Barlow. I hope you all enjoy it.

"We've had sightings of a wanted enhanced being in Stuttgart, Germany," Stark had started, standing at the front of the room. "There was an international warrant for his arrest put out after he infiltrated a testing facility, causing multiple casualties and taking a very dangerous item from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s possession." 

You wanted to release the sigh that was sitting on your chest, but stifled the instinct. Tony had a habit of rattling on, and you just knew that he would latch onto your boredom as soon as he heard you. "Why haven't they just arrested him?" you uttered, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms over your chest. 

"They've tried, but it turns out he's a little harder to catch than they anticipated," he started, tapping a button on his wrist that pulled up a string of pictures onto the wall behind him. "His name is Loki, and he's made it very clear that he's a God." 

You weren't quite quick enough to catch the gasp that slipped out of you as your eyes found the pictures. Suddenly, Tony was smirking as he watched you, silent as he waited for some explanation. "Sorry," you murmured, clearing your throat and sitting up a little straighter in your seat. 

"That was an interesting noise you made there, Y/N," he told you, raising an eyebrow at you. "Care to explain?"

For a moment, you considered telling him to mind his own business. But if Loki was back on Earth, something big was coming, and the team would need all the help they could get. You finally released the sigh that you had been holding in. "I know him," you answered, pausing for a moment before shaking your head. "Well, I knew him," you corrected. 

It felt as though every eye in the room had moved to you, and your stomach sank as you realised that you would have to lay the entirety of your relationship out for them. "How'd you know him?"

You glanced over at Nat, raising your eyebrows at her question. "How do you think I knew him?" You waited for a moment, holding her gaze before returning your attention to the photo in front of you. "We met when he first came to earth, dated for a couple of months, and then he decided he had to get off of our little planet for a while. By the looks of it he changed his mind about that."

"So, you and reindeer games dated for a bit," Tony confirmed, nodding along. "Why was he here in the first place?" 

You shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine," you uttered, shaking your head slightly. "He never told me that sort of stuff; kept it all hidden away." 

"Let me get this right," Steve interjected. "You dated this guy, knowing he wasn't from this planet, and you didn't tell anyone?" 

There was a second of complete silence, and then you were shaking your head again. "He told me not to tell anyone. Said it was dangerous for people to know he was here." You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I know it doesn't make sense, but there was just something about him that made you want to do whatever he said. I was completely in love with him, and he -" your words fell off, a small chuckle falling from your lips. "-he was in love with himself too. A total narcissist. Needs everyone to think the same way he does, do what he says, praise him at every turn. He needed to be loved, and then when he'd gotten his fill he was happy to just take off and leave me behind." 

The room was quiet for a moment, none of them daring to say a word as you glared up at the picture. "I think-"

"You need to lock him up quick, or people will be in danger," you uttered, interrupting Steve before he could say anything else. "And you need to keep him as far from me as you can get him."

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