Peter Parker x Reader - One Week

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A/N- This is an AU where Peter Parker is in his 20's when the Avengers meet him for the first time. Based on the song One Week by the Barenaked Ladies. It's a little short but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

"I'm angry at you, you idiot," you yelped out, watching as Peter stiffened slightly, his arms awkwardly coming to fold in front of his chest and his eyebrows knitting together as he attempted to look serious.

"What did I do?" he asked, looking like a puppy that had just been kicked. All of a sudden you felt guilty for being mad, though you were still certain that you were right to be.

You shrugged, running your tongue over your teeth as you considered how to go about the confrontation. "You lied to me." He still looked confused as you continued to stare at him. "You said you were done with all the spiderman stuff, and then I see him on the news swinging around Manhattan saving people." You placed your hands on your hips, wishing you had a more authoritative nature to you, but instead you just looked like an angry toddler. You scowled when Peter chuckled slightly. "You aren't taking me seriously."

"How can I help it when you look so adorable when you're mad?" he exclaimed, waving his hands around in your direction as you let out a soft sigh.

"Peter, what you are doing is illegal," you told him, and his joking smile finally fell from his lips. "It's admirable that you want to help people, and I love that you care so much, but if you get caught we'll lose everything we've worked so hard for."

"I won't get caught," he started, and you shook your head.

"But what if you do?" You paused for a moment, watching as he remained completely still his eyes on the floor. "I can't afford to lose everything because you can't keep yourself from breaking the law, Peter."

"Mr Stark wouldn't let that happen," he told you and you shook your head.

"Do you really think Tony will be able to help if you get arrested?" You sighed when he shrugged in response, "the most he could do is pay your bail and get you a lawyer, that won't keep you out of prison if there is any evidence against you."

Peter sighed as he slumped onto your sofa, crossing his arms over his chest as he closed his eyes to think. You moved to stand in front of him, clearing your throat when he didn't look at you. 

"Peter?" you started again, "I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I think Spiderman needs to go into hiding for a while."

"It's not that easy, it's a part of me." His eyes were still squeezed tightly shut, and you sighed as you moved to sit in his lap, taking his face in your hands and causing his eyes to fly open.

"I know it is going to be difficult but that is why I am here to help you," you told him, pressing your lips against his lightly and causing him to smile. "Promise me that you won't keep things from me anymore," you whispered as you pulled away from him, avoiding his lips as he attempted to kiss you again.

He shifted so that you had to grip onto him to stop yourself from falling to the floor. "I promise," he groaned, finally pulling you down to kiss you again.

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